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100 pounds gone

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So let's cut to the chase. I just passed the 100 pound lost mark. I've lost a total of 11 inches around my waist and 13 around my hips. It's taken me about 16 months to do it.

That's the good news. The bad news is that this is only the half way point.

However, I wanted to use this milestone as a chance to stop and say thank you to everyone that has joined me in this journey. It's definitely not over...there's still a long way to go.

I came to this website unlike (I think) most of you.

There are two things in life I'm really passionate about. First is photography. Running a close second is live music. For the past five years I've spent part of January on this cruise called The Rock Boat. You may have heard Steve mention it, the company he works for (Sixthman) puts it on every year. The Rock Boat that took place in January 2009 was the first ring in my wake up call. I'd been ignoring the fact I'd gotten ridiculously huge for way too long. There's nothing like trying to run around different levels of a cruise ship, stand/dance through 6 concerts in one night and then walk around in port the next day to really bring out just how out of shape you are.

I came home with that nagging feeling that I needed to do something. A few days after being back I had a shoot with a family and I found myself not being able to get up and down to get the shots I wanted without one hell of a struggle.

I weighed 375.4 pounds. No wonder I was having issues.

I had a goal. I wanted to be under 300 in time for the next Rock Boat. They had announced that we'd be going to Cozumel where I'd found the perfect excursion: The Amazing Cozumel Race. Modeled after the TV show, it involves running around the city, doing tasks and collecting clues.

Running. Hah. No way I could do it in my shape.

I started losing weight but just like many people do, I hit a plateau and was getting frustrated.

That's when Andy, owner of Sixthman, made a blog post calling anyone interested in joining a 10 pound challenge. I immediately signed up. I hadn't told any of my friends about trying to lose weight...I was too worried I'd fail. However, knowing that I was accountable to other people helped me keep focus whenever I hit a rough patch.

That challenge came to an end and I continued working on getting healthier. At one point I went back through our group to see if anyone was still active. It didn't look like it but Steve had posted a link to his blog. That's when I ended up here.

Steve was kind enough to share advice and give me some tips that have definitely helped me throughout this journey. While I may not be as active as I'd like on here, reading everyone's struggles and triumphs has helped me as I've plowed through my own.

I didn't hit the 300 pound mark for The Rock Boat, but I did compete with friends in The Amazing Cozumel Race. We won. There's no way I would have even been able to finish in the state I was last year.

This morning I weighed in at 274.8. I'd like to be under 230 for the next Rock Boat. I have about 29 weeks to lost 45 pounds. Totally doable. I've started training for a 5k. Today I ran for 28 minutes straight. Not fast, but consistent. I'd like to complete in a 5k this fall in under 45 minutes. Next summer, I want to compete in a triathlon.

The fact that I just wrote those words and wasn't being sarcastic...it wouldn't even have occurred to me last year. I've come a long way. I just know I still have a long way to go.

Thanks again to Steve and everyone else for their support. Steve, if you're read this far, could you pass along my thanks to Andy. He probably doesn't remember me but his call to action came at the right time and definitely helped me make this more than just a passing fad (as it had been too many times in the past).

And since I do love photos...


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Self Portrait

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Self Portrait

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After winning The Amazing Cozumel Race on TRBX (although I've lost over 20 pounds since then)

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Hey Brenda!

Honestly, congrats :) It was great to meet you on this last Rock Boat, and I want to do everything I can to help you reach your next goal for the next Rock Boat. I went ahead and passed along your story to Andy too, I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it!

Momentum = use it. Keep going strong, and keep doing what you're doing, because it's working.


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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