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The Quest of the Bitter Potato

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Hello, I'm FriedPotato. The name comes from my lifelong state of chubby potato-dom and my undying love of all potato-based food. I've been trying to lose weight and improve my appearance for several years, and I was even successful for a little while in 2012. I dropped 50 pounds and people complemented my appearance for the first time in my life. I could find decent clothes in a store, I felt attractive and successful, and I was proud of myself for all my hard work. Of course, I lost this weight by eating a strict 1,200-calories-a-day diet, and so once I began to eat like a normal human being again, I gained all the weight back and then some. All my efforts since then have resulted in utter failure, and my current status is that of a schlumpy potato who can't stand her own body (y'know, like 80% of the world's population. I realize it's a huge club and that my tale is far from extraordinary.)


I know we're supposed to be positive and uplifting and cheerful here, but with two extremely fit parents who exercise for fun and with whom I can't have a regular conversation without them bringing up how I "need to get in shape," with a brother who drops weight despite eating tortilla chips and dip for dinner, and with friends who are either effortlessly very thin or very large, I can't fake any more false positivity. I became interested in NerdFitness because I want to have a place to express how I really feel, where I can complain or just say I'm having trouble without being told to "just keep working on it!" and "you have to motivate yourself!" and "it gets easier!" and "you have to decide it's important enough to be worth the effort!" It's hard to feel encouraged by people who have never even experienced your problems.


So here I am, a bitter potato, entering my labyrinth of fitness once again to maybe actually lose weight this time. I know my problems stem from general inactivity and my inability to stop eating, even when I'm full. My jobs are sedentary, so I'm going to try standing at them for as long as I can and creating a standing desk, as well as going to the gym once a day. As for my food issues, I generally eat quite healthily until after dinner, so any suggestions for how to cut snacking and stop food cravings would be welcome. 


We'll see if I actually manage anything this time. Here's to hoping this fried potato can become a shredded one. :)


P.S. As for my nerdy interests, they range from video games (currently playing Fire Emblem: Awakening) to anime (I'm catching up on Free! and Korra) to books and comics (I'm reading Saga and hoping to start The Dresden Files soon) and movies (I'm so excited for Age of Ultron!). I'd love to talk about them with people!





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Oh, thou foul temptress!  The potato is a serious problem for me, too.  So delicious, and one of my favorite foods, especially this time of year!  Oh heavens, save me!  French fries, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, double stuffed potatoes, potato soup!  Oh, the torture of such an unhealthy love!  I feel ya!

Welcome to Nerd Fitness!

High fives all around!  We got this!  :-)


A year from now, you may wish you had started today.


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