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I am a 27 year old mother of two (owner of 1 cat). I like books, comic books, web comics and I LOVE doing art (crafting, felting, knitting, sewing, cosplay, etc). I am very happy when I can combine these things, especially when I'm able to incorporate a dragon in some way ;)  I work a sit-down day job, I do walk to and from work on most days (usually i only don't walk when there's been a bear reported in the area, or if it is too dark and I don't feel safe) but it's only a few blocks.  Right past a gym.


I have been struggling with weight loss since I was about 18 years old (possibly longer, but until I was 18 i was perfectly happy with my body) Then I got pregnant and uncomfortable with my weight, and it spiraled out of control... and now I would like to reach my goal weight by the time I'm 30 years old.


Oh my gosh i just realized its been almost 10 years I've been struggling with this.


My primary goals are to be able to stretch and run and play with my kids, happiness and being a good role model for my kids.  I also want to try fly yoga, learn to skateboard, maaayyybe try roller derby (I'm afraid of broken bones) and get back into inline skating and hiking.


I have clinical depression, but as long as I remember to take my medication on most days it's negligible. My willpower is low, so I need to figure out how to increase that.  I have a bad temper but i noticed as soon as I got my depression treated it improved, i'm hoping that by picking the Druid class i'll learn some techniques with controlling that.  I'm tired of being mad, stressed, sad, overweight and having poor flexibility.  


So far I have had moderate success over the last 2 years (about a 35lb loss) counting calories with the MyFitnessPal app.  But I know this isn't sustainable (its really, really easy to just not track), and need to learn to change my day to day habits instead.  I have, over the last few months (or maybe even farther back than that I honestly cant remember) cut out all "liquid calories" from my diet, I pretty much only drink water and some coffee, and only have pop or juice a few times a month at most. Along with my poor willpower, my husband can be a bit of an enabler (he's reasonably fit himself so i don't think its quite as much at the forefront of his mind as it is mine) he's getting better about that but I need help being accountable too!  I tend to push the responsibility of accountability off myself onto him, or the MFP app... or the cat. Basically anywhere but myself.  I don't really have any friends (that live even remotely close to me) and the few people in town I do know are either so far above my fitness level I feel discouraged, or don't want to try anything fitness related. I tried the Beginner Body Weight routine a few days ago and can still barely move my legs! (I'm sure after a few times I'll be better at it)


I really, really look forward to being part of this community (if you'll let me!  I tend to lurk on forums more than post though >_< )


(Sorry for the info dump!) 





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Congrats on what you call your "moderate success"! Thanks for that inspiration :D With regards to the Beginner routine, do what feels like a good start for you; try cutting the #'s in half or maybe in fourths; that way you can continue to reach marks of success that lead you forward to the next one along your journey. Oh & I do think a lot of people lurk, but it's no different than myself in person; where there's so much going on that I just listen & listen till I realize, hmm, was I suppose to say something.


When I read about your incorporating dragons, I was wondering what kind/personality & such. Is it a part of your path towards a healthy lifestyle? Good? Bad? Are the kids into playing around? Maybe a family comic book, which depicts you on your quest, i.e. setting a good example while having fun. I don't know; my head completely ran with it & all.


I guess my point is to have fun along the way & enjoy friends/family (maybe there's one of the fitness people you know, who may be willing to share their story of "once upon a time" with you), as well; which, of course, includes your fantastic NF comrades (even if they're lurkers, too).

Wood Elf / (subtle) Adventurer 


not sure if this is the realm for me; however thought I'd sneak out for a peek ... very timid


the forest is my home & comfort; though, at times, it's nice to venture around others

to see what it is that they aspire to achieve ... always looking to be the best me for me




roaming ahead to fulfill each goal set before me; my accomplishment(s) will show that soon

we'll meet again as successes in each of our disciplines ... looking forward to that blessed day



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Never be sorry for things you shouldn't be sorry for! Info dump away :) It's the best way to get to know someone - by sharing you allow us into your personal space, which can be hard if you're not used to that. Welcome to the team here! I've found it very supportive and encouraging, and I'm a newbie too :)


When it comes to beginner routines, I suggest picking something small to start with (I'm terrible for trying to start everything right away!). Since you've already succeeded with the app, try adding in something else - like the beginner body weight workout. At least it gets you started. Try creating specific goals in short time-spans (like the 6-week type challenges) that are achievable but push you too.


And when you need support! We're here!


btw - dragons are awesome!!

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"What do you fear?" "A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire." ~ The Two Towers

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. ~ Earl Nightingale

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