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Here's my dilemma; I have possible access to a gym to help me progress on my strength building, but it will most likely populated by some guys from my school (its the school gym) that I would prefer not to see me in said gym...

still following?

Basically, they have been going to the gym nearly every day for the past year and a bit (dedication), have spent hundreds on protein and creatine, and would make me feel and look kinda wimpy (which I am) even before I would be made fun of for being in the gym (some people believe it should be reserved for the rugby players etc, and as I am not one of them, I shouldn't be there)...

So, my question is:

1) do I take the abuse and go to the gym at the same time as the others,

2) go at a different time (if there is one, they go a lot, and if they aren't there It's likely that others will be),

3) wait, continue doing bodyweight exercises at home (even though I'm lacking a pull-up bar), and go when I'm more confidant being seen in the gym?

I have a feeling that many of you will go with the "stop being such a *insert comment about manning up and not being an expletive* and just go, don't care what others think and be yourself" option, but I would just like a different view on things.


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Currently being one of the smallest at my gym, even though I'm not in school, I just set-up an exercise program for me to go through put my ipod in and go to town on what I go there to do. When they see your determination at what you're doing you will get your respect you are looking for.

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“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.â€

Edgar Allan Poe

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Guest Carjack

Go in whenever you want and ignore them because they'll probably be curling in the squat rack anyway.

Put the Duke Nukem theme on your MP3 player and carry a large iron bucket of chicken wings as post workout protein, then set up in the squat rack for at least half your workout.

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GO TO THE GYM!! When I first started I was soooo little, and I went to a college gym and literally everyone was huge, and i used that as inspiration. Now that I am a lot bigger I only consider a few of them "huge" now, and they aren't even that huge actually (well some are). Just remember, you have to start somewhere, if you need some motivation check out my 1 year progress in the woot thing, I barely could lift any weights when I first started, I was so weak.

I lift things up and put them down!

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Just go. That feeling, it never really goes away. I'm almost 30 (eek) and there are times that I feel like the skinny guy around all the massive gym goers. But I'm not skinny compared to others, so it's a sliding scale.

And it's a true statement that you are there for you, and only you, so go bust your hump and even if they don't say anything, deep down many of them will be impressed with your dedication. So be dedicated. :)


200lbs is always 200lbs.




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Go to the gym! As a woman (read: old, injured broad), I've dealt with stuff you can't believe from meatheads in the weight room, so I feel your pain. It helped me to cultivate a completely egotistical mental attitude when I walk in the door, and a funny little voice in my head who silently mocks their crappy form, spindly legs and endless time wasting. YOU know what you're doing. YOU are there for the right reasons. THEY are in YOUR way, not the other way around. Jam those iPod earbuds in your head, put on some (insert whatever you kids listen to these days...I go Motorhead and Humble Pie, myself) and woe betide whoever gets in your way.

Also...when I worked out at the college gym, I went a lot on Friday and Saturday nights and early Saturday and Sunday mornings. Almost no college kids are in there at those times, and I got a lot of work done without lunkheads being in my way.

Good luck and go get 'em!

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Just go! Who cares what the other guys look like or if they snicker... Download a ton of music that gets you focused and in the butt kicking mode and give the workout you all every time... It wont take you long at all to get bigger and stronger. Hell maybe make it a goal to out preform them :)

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Why would they not want you there? What gives you this impression? Because you aren't as strong as them? Because they are going to want to use the same equipment you will be using?

You should go. First of all, they most likely won't say a word to you. They may snicker to each other initially. But, you will most likely gain respect quickly if you keep going the gym, focus on your workout and get stronger. As other people have stated, focus on you, not them.

If they say something to you, embrace your role as the weakling/new guy and kick butt at the gym. Committment and determination will gain you respect very quickly. I understand that this a school gym so these are people you know, which makes it harder, but just keep getting better.

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I'll buck the trend and say you can always train at home for a while. I did this with body weight routines for about 2 months before I started going to a gym. It gave me a lot of self confidence because I went in knowing I had decent form and that I was doing things correctly, even if it wasn't with heavy weights. I am a naturally shy person so it helped to have a little bit of conditioning and knowledge prior to going. Helped keep the little voice in my head from screaming at me to flee whenever I walked into the free weight section.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I won't say man up. I'm not qualified to. I am not a man. ;)

I will say that I feel the same way when I go to work out in the gym too. Last Saturday I was the only girl in the weight room with a bunch of muscly guys who could bench more than I weigh. It is nerve wracking, and awkward. I feel like everyone is watching me and waiting for me to quit and leave when I am only squatting 75 lbs next to the guy squatting 150.

And after a few minutes you realize how wrapped up you are in your workout, and how the other people around you are too. Most people are probably wrapped up in their training.

Who knows, working out might build a camaraderie with the athletic people in your school and let you see each other in a new light.

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I'm going to go against what most members are recommending and say stick with working out at home for a while. I used to have such a hard time being consistent about going to the gym because gyms are not the ideal set up for me: they're inconvenient (whether the hours of operation, being too busy when I want to lift, being full of judgmental meatheads, playing terrible music on the PA, and the fact that in the winter the last thing I want to do is trudge outside and drive to the gym). When I was lifting at the gym, I tried to use those guys who had been lifting for years as motivation -- and I would load up more weight than I should have been doing, and would end up either too sore to lift for a week or hurting myself and setting myself back. It's totally demoralizing to want to workout, but actually be moving away from your fitness goals.

You can hear all the "don't give a @#$! about what others think" / "just man up and do it" and the related have some self confidence advice, but what it boils down to is this: if you're putting yourself into a situation where you will be less likely to maintain your workout routine, especially when starting out, don't do it. Figure out what works for you.

What's worked for me? I dished out the money for a used squat rack and olympic barbell set off craigslist (for less then the cost of a 1 year gym membership), and have been lifting at home. I haven't skipped a workout in 12 weeks, and couldn't be happier about the decision.

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"Eat a ton of protein. Squat heavy. Push heavy objects. Have sex. Love life." -Jim Wendler


Warrior Challenge Vanity Goal: 4k pushups in 6 weeks



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I'm with the non-gym-goers. In my opinion, in general the time people spend travelling to the gym could be much better used. Sprint like a crazy person up and down your street. Lift really heavy stuff in your garden, garage, bedroom, wherever. Do as many pullups as you can on a tree in your street or garden. Use your gym membership fees on buying more heavy things (I realise this may not apply to you as it's a school gym).

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I know I said go originally. But just keep in mind there are plenty of alternatives to going to the gym. I don't have a pull up bar or any gym equipment at all. But you know what? I'm doing convict conditioning and I'm so far off needing a pull up bar it's not funny. So I have plenty of time to worry about that later.

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I think this is a personal choice. I would look at myself and say who do I want to be? Do I want to be the person who allows others to dictate what I want to or should do? Do I want to face up to inappropriate behavior or avoid it? Which course will get me better results? All these can be weighed against your set of personal values.

If it were me, and you are not me, I would see this as an opportunity to prove to myself that I am not weak inside. That I have motivation to reach my goals, the inner strength to grit through adversity and the tools to make it happen. Whether they see it or not is irrelevant. If they kept me from reaching my goals, this would irritate me and motivate me more. I would be disappointed in myself if a bunch of people who don't care about me made me change what I wanted to do to accomplish my goals.

Again, you are not me, but ask yourself what is important to you. In high school acceptance was very important to me. I realized later that it is difficult for others to accept you when you do not accept yourself, love youself and display that, preferably sincerely.

Good luck, and I am sure that in the end you will make the right decision.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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I'd say go to the gym. The only way you'll get comfortable there is if you actually get up and do it. If going solo isn't your style (or seems daunting), bring a friend, even if it's only for the first couple times you go. Someone there with you can make the transition to going much easier and more bearable.

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Hmm, I think I'm going to put off the Gym for a couple of months, at least until I feel more confidant in what I can do.

No, do not do this, get to the gym now! Who cares what other people think? If they make fun of you that should inspire you to get better and be stronger than them, put in more effort and research than them! Be inspired by their doubt! You seriously won't regret going to the gym when you see yourself in 6 months.

I lift things up and put them down!

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Ahh great.... now I don't know what to choose... livid...

I've gotta say the whole argument that ETFnerd made about it being so much more about how I see myself rather than how I feel others see me is something I completely skipped over when thinking it through, and its true, I want to better myself, they can do what they want.

But I'm still hesitant, then again, I've only got till next june/july, then I doubt i'll see the majority of the people at school again so what does it matter? yet till then I will see them more or less everyday :/

Man this is a toughie...

Anyone else feel like weighing in on this?

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Have you tried just going to the gym? The impression I get is that you haven't given it a shot yet. Is there a particular exercise you're confident with? For me I was getting over similar apprehension about the gym (though I must admit it was with strangers which is not the same as classmates). I am far more comfortable with running than I am lifting so the first few days I just showed up and ran on a treadmill to get myself used to the atmosphere. Just being around so many people working out made me more comfortable and motivated and made feel that moving to the weights area was the next step and not a big deal.

Even if you just go and do something for 15-20 minutes it will both help to get you used to the environment and maybe it'll get the guys you don't care to interact with used to seeing you there.

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