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My name is Amy. I am 24 years old and making my way through college, slowly but surely. I have recently fallen out of shape. I have been looking at the NF website for a while now. My boyfriend currently joined and has had nothing but great things to say. So, he thought since I have been trying to get back into shape that I should definitely try this out.

I currently weigh 126 pounds and I am 5'5", which isn't bad but body fat wise I am not happy. About two years ago I was a pretty active runner and it has currently come to a halt. Back in August I was finally getting up to 4 miles without any problem again but then school started up and I have been focusing a lot of my time on it. Although, I am very pleased with my grades and the effort that I have been putting forth. I am not as happy as I would like to be and I know a big problem is that I HATE that I am not in shape anymore and HATE the fact that I have become insecure about the way I look. And this all has had a big impact on my attitude.

I am not a big weight lifter and I never really have been... I just enjoy running long distances.

sooooooo, here are some of my goals as of right now,

- Still make A's and B's while getting back into shape

- Run a 5k come thanksgiving

- Be up to five miles with no problem by AT LEAST January

- Going back to eating healthy

- Actually keeping a log of my runs and my improvements

- Staying more positive

and that's just the start of my goals...

if you have any suggestions on great ways of getting back into running shape or anything at all.. please feel free to reply :)

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welcome to the site! i'm sure that tracking your running stats will help you see the smaller improvements and motivate you to keep going. weight lifting is great to improve body fat and muscle tone so, even if it's just a few push ups and squats during commercial breaks, you should totally make time for it. also, i'm a student as well (don't worry, i'm 26 and just now about to finish my bachelors) so i know the schedule can be hectic and make it difficult to get a good workout rhythm going. it's something i'm still struggling with as well but the thing to keep in mind is that something is better than nothing. can't find an hour to go run? hop on the eliptical and read a chapter for class for 15 minutes. 10 minutes here and there adds up to big things. also, as mom always said, get plenty of rest and eat your veggies and fruits! good luck!

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hi Amy! congrats on joining and on setting up some great goals! when i first started running back in the day, I used Runner's World's training calculator - it sets up a whole schedule for you based on amount of time you have to train, your pace, what you're aiming for, etc. It's SO helpful - it does the training schedule for you, and I highly recommend it at least for reference.


hope it helps a bit, good luck!

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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you know i just went back and looked at it, and you might want to create a SmartCoach account (there's a basic, free version). That'll give you a calendar of when to do easy runs, long runs, rest days, etc.


...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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