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New Member of the Rebellion! My Story... Any Advice?

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Hey Everyone! Brand New to the Rebellion!

Here is some info about me:

My name is Chris. I am a male, 25 years old, 5'7" tall (not very tall at all!), and I weigh 252 pounds (disgusting)!

I have been overweight for about 13-14 years now. In my earlier years I was in track, I played every sport you can imagine, I also lived on a farm and worked out hard everyday doing chores, I was thin but strong.

My whole life I felt different though, at the age of 11 I finally figured it out, I was gay. My parents got divorced, we moved to the city, and lost contact with all my friends & family. I went into a deep spiral of depression. My mom started working 2 jobs so she was never home.

I ate and ate and ate and ate...sat around, stopped playing sports, was never outside.

I finally accepted who I was around the age of 15. But my new unhealthy habits didn't change. Fast forward to today.

Adult. I am in love, engaged, bought my first home, have 2 great jobs (nurse and I own an online store). Living the life I have always wanted. Except for the weight.

I will be starting the P90X program again (a did it for a couple weeks a while back and lost a good amount of weight but stopped for some stupid reason) and I will be following the Paleo diet.

Anyone have any advice?

Thanks for reading!


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welcome! and thanks for sharing your story. seems like you're on the right track by setting up a plan and joining the forums. one piece of advice i have is to interact as much as possible on the forum - ask questions, follow a few people, update daily or as regularly as possible. it'll keep you accountable, keep you motivated, provide you with more information you'll know what to do with, and you'll get to know some great people. so, remember - THE FORUM IS YOUR FRIEND! that didn't sound too cult-ish, right? :)

are you joining in on the next six week challenge?

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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welcome to the forum. if you like p90x that's great. i have heard from some folks, though, that it's a bit intense if you're not already in good shape...and sometimes that can be discouraging. i'm not saying don't do it (hell, i've been wanting to try it myself) but perhaps start with something a bit less intense and work up to it? perhaps more body weight workouts and some cardio for a couple weeks to get started. just throwing it out there. i feel the same way about paleo...maybe don't jump in with 2 feet at first. do you currently track what you eat? that can be incredibly insightful to see where the trouble lies.

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Guest Snake McClain

I can say regarding P90x....I tried it...and it was the hardest thing i've done since boot camp (five years ago) and I quite two weeks in because I wasn't motivated. Just be sure that at first you just do what you can. Don't kill yourself to do as many as the video does of each exercise, but DO EACH EXERCISE. just a little of each one if that's all you can do.

I absolutely love seeing peoples stories. I love even more seeing people succeed. So go succeed so you can make me (because i'm clearly most important here :P) and you and your fiance' happy. :D

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