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Getting (and staying) fit on the cheap.

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I'm not going to lie. My main motivation for losing weight is to not have to buy new clothes. "Losing 10 lbs is cheaper than buying new pants!" — is my new motto. My secondary goal is to get fit.

When I was in my teens I was fit and a more-than-casual runner. I loved it. Now that I can hardly run up a flight of stairs without feeling winded, I can no longer ignore the deplorable state of my body. After discovering NerdFitness.com about a month ago, I've cleaned up my diet quite a bit and slowly reacquainted myself with exercise and physical activity.

Armed with Steve's Newbie's Guide To Fitness and How To Build Your Own Workout Routine guides, I crafted a workout schedule that I am comfortable with. I've started out with 3 body weight circuits a week and some light cardio on my "off days". Sure, cardio may not burn as many calories as other workouts but I know that if I don't do anything on my off days, I'll easily fall off the wagon. (Know thyself!)

I've also been keeping a journal to track my meals as well as my exercise. After doing this for 2.5 weeks, the empty calories and days of skipping workouts stick out like ugly blemishes. It's this still lacking motivation that has inspired me to take part in the next 6-Week Challenge. I want to commit to this 100%. What better way to stay on top of my routine than with the whole of the internet* watching!

So here I go! Weapons at my disposal:

  • Pen & paper to track my progress
  • My own body weight and 2 10-lb dumbells to strength train
  • Small gym in my apt complex (treadmill, yo.)
  • Beginner Body Weight Routine
  • My trusty smartphone.

A few things about me:

  • 25, 5' 4", 165 lbs
  • I work 7 days a week: 5 days as a desk jockey and 3 in a kitchen (so much food!)
  • I hate spending money on non-gadgets. Like clothes.

I'm going to keep this updated with my beginning fitness levels/stats as well as my goals for the 6-wk challenge. Wish me luck!

PS: Any breathing tips for runners? Or should I expect it to improve as my level of fitness does?

Funkmaster M Kicks.

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Hi! First concentrate on exhaling. Sounds stupid, but you'll understand later on. Make sure you exhale completely. It will help you avoid getting a stitch, and leaves more room for new oxygen.

When you're running comfortably you can start thinking about your tempo breathing. Try, breathing in for 3 steps, breathing out for 3 steps. Always exhaling fully.

Anyway! Have fun running :D and check out the runners guild and check out the running lore. Hth

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wish you all the luck! I'm trying to rebuild my lungs from the smoking I started after high school :( I use to play soccer and was on track and kills me that I'm barely over an 8 min mile right now but getting better with time and up to 9 miles now :) it can be done!

Orpheus' Toughmudder log || Facebook

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.â€

Edgar Allan Poe

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heya, i totally understand the not wanting to get new clothes. my weight has fluctuated a good bit over the past several years and, wouldn't you know it, i got rid of my "fat clothes" just a few months before i needed them again. *rolls eyes* but way to go on setting goals...and doing it on the cheap! i'll be curious to see how your running goes as its something i struggle with as well but totally want to do. good luck!

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Totally slacked on the 6-week challenge (illness, vacation, etc.) but I'm happy to report that I achieved the goals I had planned for the challenge in 9 weeks! I'm feeling great and sticking to the plan feels easier as I go along. My breathing pretty much found its own rhythm around week 3, which was unexpected.

I'm in the market for new pants now... in a smaller size!

Funkmaster M Kicks.

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