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N: Kristy

A: 30

S: Female

L: Denver, CO

H: 6'

I'm from the DC metro area and moved out to Denver about 3 years ago looking to expand my world a bit. This move was the biggest step in self discovery I could have ever dreamed of and so glad it happened. It opened my heart/mind and gave me an opportunity to really get to know me and what i'm capable of.

I have been battling with my weight for the last 8 or so years. I was up to 304lbs in my mid 20s and was successful at dropping the first 70 but struggle to maintain the 230s and/or reach my goal of 175.

I am currently working with a trainer (started on Wednesday) and told him to "biggest loser" me. I am constantly surprised and amazed at just how far I can push myself physically but know my diet needs some serious attention. I know how to do it, I just lack the motivation and discipline. That’s where you lovelies come in! my hope is to record my food and workouts on loseit.com and keep a blog/thread of how I’m doing with my expectations and achievements. This will keep me accountable and help me remain focused and disciplined.

current goal: 10 pushups (currently at 7)

If you have any helpful tips, recipes, advice, stories, or want to sign up for a 5k with me – lets do this sh*t!!!

x's and o's


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Hi Kristy, and welcome! :D I lived in Boulder for a year a few years back. The Denver/Boulder area is so awesome. I'll be turning 30 soon and have also struggled with my weight for years, so we've got that in common as well, hehe.

Congratulations on the already totally impressive weight loss. I definitely recommend keeping a workout log here on NF. It keeps you accountable and serves as a useful way to track your exercise and/or eating.


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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Hey there from a fellow newbie!

First of all, major kudos to you, for a number of reasons. One, moving across the country is a really big change, and I'm really glad it has been working out for you! How has it opened up your heart and mind and made you open to new possibilities? Did you move with/to anyone else, or just for you and because Denver was calling?

Second, man, WELL done on the first 70! That's a huge accomplishment, and thumbs up to you for wanting to continue.

Where will you be blogging about your meals? Are you going Paleo, or following any particular eating parameters? I'd totally be up for reading and commenting. I'm just about to start five weeks without sugar or processed grains, so having a buddy also looking into recipes and keeping track of choices would be great.


Jamie's Challenge!

"If you are reasonably polite and reasonably intelligent and work very hard, you should win in the end. I am told that this is not the normal message of fantasy, which usually seems to involve being preternaturally chosen or the seventh son of a seventh son or of royal/divine/fairy blood. As I am none of these things, but I am reasonably polite and hard-working, I prefer my version, because hell, if it's NOT enough to be those things, then what's the point?"

- Ursula V.

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thank you so much for the warm welcome!

this week has been crazy (to say the least) at work but the good news is i kept up with my workout and foods and lost a total of 8lbs!!! I have incorporated the workout into my daily routine and cant even imagine what i would do why my time after work if i didnt go to the gym.

see you on the boards!


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Hi Kristy, welcome to NF! Sounds like you're doing a great job so far.

I am constantly surprised and amazed at just how far I can push myself physically but know my diet needs some serious attention.

I second this! I've really come to enjoy the time I spend running and working out, but my diet is my biggest hurdle. I love cooking, food, and going out with friends, and it's tough to eat healthy when you just want to have a good time. Stay strong, though, you can do it!

If you don't have anything going on for New Year's Eve, the Resolution 5K Denver sounds like a great way to start a new year. I'm planning on running it as part of my challenge, so I stay motivated during the holidays. It sounds like a good time!

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First, a pat on the back… I lost an lb over Thanksgiving weekend and I am jumping for JOY! I can't wait to get back into my workout routine after a weekend of reading, playing Tetris/Dr. Mario and coloring... (side note: at what age are we supposed to be "done" with coloring? Because, I busted out my crayons and Spiderman coloring book that I have on reserve for when my friends' kids come over and I went to town! Quite proud of my work too to be honest... )

This weekend was a turning point for me. For the first time in a long time I wasn’t concerned with "when can I eat again". I just ate when I was hungry - which wasn't every 5 minutes *gasp* Since I’ve been working out for a solid month now and making that part of my daily life I feel a shift internally. I’m not feeling guilt or desperation. Things just seem to be flowing naturally and I’m not pushing. I am not just sitting on my butt and letting the weight melt off of me while I build a sweat playing Tetris or coloring of course.... Thursday I made a point to do my 600 in the morning and after dinner I went for a hike. It also helped that I didn’t have a bunch of leftovers to munch on all weekend long.

The even flow is a direct result of working hard from my heart and giving my brain a rest.

When I workout I try to go hard enough so that the only thing on my mind is the actual exercise I'm doing right then and there. When my brain gets to clouded with doubt and stress I know that I am not working out hard enough and my heart isn’t in it. When I recognize this I have a choice... I can stop what I’m doing and call it a day, keep going and feel miserable watching the clock tick by slowly or I crank it harder - and when I do I am far more successful and satisfied.

Tonight, it’s time to crank it!!!

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Wow, that is great to hear! Not stuffing my face is something I have struggled with for years, so I know how you feel. Congratulations on making so much progress. :)

What's the 60o you mentioned doing in the morning? I must have missed that in your previous posts.

I can't wait to hear how training for that 5K goes!


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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100 pushups

100 squats

100 presses with 10lbs (i need to *level*up this methinks)

100 crunches

100 rows with 15lbs

100 lunges

the 600 is my go-to workout when I don’t want to do cardio... which is more often than not. does anyone else get sick of cardio? or just running? I could do the ski and row machine for hours but running has just annoyed and bored me lately. I was up to running 6 miles in less than an hour but then when I tried to run 6 miles outside I thought I was going to die and got killer shin splints. I think this totally discouraged me from running on the treadmill. has anyone else had a similar experience? any advice on how to push through?

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Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Must be exhausting. O_o

I can probably count on both hands the number of times I've run on treadmills, but from my experience and from what I've read, running on treadmills is easier than running the same speed/distance outside. You get more feedback from the ground, you have to turn, avoid obstacles (even small ones like cracks in the pavement), go up and down hill, etc. so it's a lot more for your body to handle.

That said, why not try shorter distances or slower runs outside to let yourself get accustomed to it? That is, if you want to run outside.

Or, if you want to keep running on the treadmill but are bored with it... Maybe run a half mile, jump off and do some other exercise (say, 20 pushups), get back on for another half mile, jump off and do another, etc.? Could be fun. :)


Human-Dryad Ranger


Shelter Sketches

If you want to live an interesting life, you're going to spend half of it being terrified.

-Mary Hollinshead

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