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my friends say I need a girlfriend.

Guest Snake McClain

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Guest Snake McClain

Because apparently i'm working out and reading too much and they don't like it. Lol.

anyone else having this problem where their desire to improve is taking over their thoughts and actions all day every day?

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one of the reasons why i signed up for NF in the first place was to get all of my thoughts about fitness out so my friends wouldnt have to hear about it.

just like i have my 'music friends', 'college friends', 'the girls', etc... now that i've been in it a bit longer, i now also have my 'fitness friends'.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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yeah, i feel bad for my boyfriend at times when i tell him about the changes i'm making. just because if someone talked to me about their diet/exercise all the time i'd probably get annoyed. but i have the best intentions (trying to make myself accountable to others as well as myself).

the only thing i can say though (and i have no idea if this applies to you or not) is don't put your life on hold until you hit some kind of fitness goal. yes, you need to take care of your health first and foremost and you can't take care of someone else and be good to someone else until you're taking care of yourself and good to yourself. BUT don't hold off waiting for some milestone. i say this because i had a friend who lost about 80 lbs over the course of a year or two. it's been great for him but he put off dating during that whole time because he was waiting to look "good enough" for someone to want to be with him. we all have our own paths to walk and such but i think he used his fitness goals as a bit of a crutch of getting out of his comfort zone.

just something to think about.

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I kind of have the opposite problem. My increased interest and devotion to health and fitness definitely contributed to me breaking up with my boyfriend, or at least brought out a lot of traits in both of us that ended the relationship.

I work long hours and travel quite often for work as well so fitting in time for exercise can be difficult, but it's a high priority for me. The ex-boyfriend didn't quite understand why I didn't want to lay on the couch with him and eat chocolates, cookies and ice cream while watching movies. Or why I wanted to workout at night rather than sit on Skype or on the phone and chat all night. Clinginess ensued, I got aggressive and belligerent, it was horrible.

So yeah it seems significant others really only work when you have compatible interests or at least a mutual respect for each other's interests. I think your friends are hoping a girlfriend will make you lay off the fitness stuff, but hopefully you'll find a girl with similar interests in fitness instead. Then everyone wins!

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"Moving on and Moving up" Challenge

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Guest Snake McClain

Spezzy: Yeah i definitely have a few different friends for different topics. Well sort of just come together on other things we all love. I really only hang out with a few people honestly. This site is definitely helping me answer questions and vent about stuff. Like my friends play WoW ALL. THE. TIME. and i listen. i don't know what they're talking about most of the time but i can understand it i guess. Seems a bit unfair they want me to stop talking about how i'm changing my diet. but they understand WHY I AM so they are TOTALLY supportive. They just tell me I need to get a girlfirend so I'll talk about something other than wrestling, comics, and working out. lol

Ebm: I'm not putting my life on hold with all this fitness stuff. It is actually making my life BETTER. And i've only been at it a month or so. My mind is better when I exercise. My confidence levels are off the charts. Not in a dbagger way of course but I just feel good about anything i try to do. regarding your friend who lost 80 lbs and didn't want to date...I know this idea. I've never been more than maybe 5 - 10 pounds over weight but where i live everyone is rich and full of this "ripped" look and..well i don't date because i have this weird misconception (that has been dissolving lately) that women only want money. So his perspective probably said "women only want a fit good looking guy" or whatever. We are both wrong obviously but perception is reality and all that. Personally I would love to have someone around that is with me as i struggle to achieve my life goals and not just coming in at the end. It's very easy to celebrate a victory when you didn't fight the war.

Scarlet (everytime i see that name i think of Snake Eyes saying "Sccccarrrelllettttt" from G.I. Joe"): I think you're absolutely right. Mutual respect for eachother's interests if not mutual interest is a must. I've played that game and it doesn't work. It's really sad you had to lose someone because you wanted to get your health to a new level and he couldn't understand that. Totally lame.

I definitely won't be dating anytime soon. And certainly not to someone who doesn't have fitness as some sort of priority. Or at least not someone who can't understand and just let me ramble (as I am want to do) about my interests. It takes about 30 seconds for me to find out if I'm compatible in the least with someone and these days i'm not finding those people and I really am not even looking. i have too much on my plate.

My friends (and honesty me too) are just weird.

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For me personally, all this life changing "hey mom and dad I'm joining the military" and "hey I'm gonna go run at 7am instead of sleep till 2 pm" came from a guy breaking up with me. Since I was 17 I've had this terrible habit of when I get in a relationship I let myself get "too" involved and I put everything I wanna do on the back burner for the guy, so after this last one I decided...you know what f*** this, I'm going to do what I want for a change and a relationship and all that will just fall into place at the right time. I'm going to work on me and control what I can control and not worry about what I can't. I've been sooo much happier these past couple of months than I've ever been. I'm by no means where I want to be and nothing much has changed physically but mentally I've been walking around with that attitude like I'm the baddest bitch that ever came into the world-without actually being a bitch to everyone lol. Confidence has definitely changed me. Just keep working on you and go after what you want in life, everything else will just work itself out.

<-- Behold the Guardian of the Royal Throne, enter if you dare.....

"What lies behind us and what lies before us is nothing compared to what lies within us"~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I've had to fight like hell, and fighting like hell has made me what I am"~ John Arbuthnot Fisher

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"-~Braveheart

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Guest Snake McClain

I agree with you completely VOL. That's where I am now. Just doing what I want for me. If my friends don't understand it completely then that's on them. I'm not gonna stop. This is my time.

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the only thing i can say though (and i have no idea if this applies to you or not) is don't put your life on hold until you hit some kind of fitness goal. yes, you need to take care of your health first and foremost and you can't take care of someone else and be good to someone else until you're taking care of yourself and good to yourself. BUT don't hold off waiting for some milestone.

I've been guilty of this myself, not just in fitness but with other "milestone" goals. Really trying to break this habit. Unfortunately, I've discovered that there are a lot of women out there who are only looking for guys who "have their $h*t together" and aren't really interested in investing the time up front with a guy who's not 100% positive where he's going in life, but actively interested in self improvement in general while he figures it out.

Part of my 6 week challenge (my "FAIL" goal) is to try to put myself out there and date more, or, at the very least, ask people on dates more. No more using self improvement time as an excuse to not meet people!

1st Challenge | Current Challenge



"Eat a ton of protein. Squat heavy. Push heavy objects. Have sex. Love life." -Jim Wendler


Warrior Challenge Vanity Goal: 4k pushups in 6 weeks



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Guest Snake McClain

I've been guilty of this myself, not just in fitness but with other "milestone" goals. Really trying to break this habit. Unfortunately, I've discovered that there are a lot of women out there who are only looking for guys who "have their $h*t together" and aren't really interested in investing the time up front with a guy who's not 100% positive where he's going in life, but actively interested in self improvement in general while he figures it out.

Part of my 6 week challenge (my "FAIL" goal) is to try to put myself out there and date more, or, at the very least, ask people on dates more. No more using self improvement time as an excuse to not meet people!

I think it's a great idea to get out and date more for you if you want that. It's always great to be social and see what can develop. and you know about asking women out...if you don't do it in the first like...5 seconds of the meet or making contact or whatever you probably won't. Don't over think it. You weren't going out with her this saturday ten minutes ago so if she says no then you've lost NOTHING.

I wasn't starting this thread as a "i need to date" thing. i was just saying my friends think I'm nuts and they think i just need a girlfriend because they think i'm doing this out of boredom. But maybe I should date. I dunno. I don't really care. I've got my mind in other places.

I think i'm just rambling now.

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Guest Snake McClain

If I died today, would I be happy that I spent a whole hour in the gym yesterday?

... heck yes!

Exactly. Exactly that. I happy going to the gym because I'm "bored". I'm happy knowing that TV is boring so I'll do fifteen pushups every fifteen minutes from dinner to bedtime until i can't do any more. To me that is fun. My friends don't get it. Like I said they sort of think I'm nuts.

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Exactly. Exactly that. I happy going to the gym because I'm "bored". I'm happy knowing that TV is boring so I'll do fifteen pushups every fifteen minutes from dinner to bedtime until i can't do any more. To me that is fun. My friends don't get it. Like I said they sort of think I'm nuts.

Hit the nail right on the head!

Cats- You are excatly right!! I'm going down as a Rebel!!

"We do not rise to the occasion, we fall to our level of training"


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To be completely fair, a girlfriend or any other willing girl (not while you HAVE a girlfriend) is a perfectly acceptable source of aerobic workouts ;)

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Guest Snake McClain

To be completely fair, a girlfriend or any other willing girl (not while you HAVE a girlfriend) is a perfectly acceptable source of aerobic workouts ;)

INDEED! lol. dude i actually lol'd at this.

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