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So today's article came at a good time for me.  I've been struggling with the viewpoint of having failed again, so the perspective shift to viewing it as a respawn should be helpful.


Last major effective respawns were in 95-96 (lost 60+ pounds/was skating 10-12 miles 4 times a week) and then again in 2012 (lost 60+ pounds/was doing strength training 3-4 times a week).  Since my last respawn I switched jobs - which removed some stress but added different stress, unlimited free candy, and about 40 pounds of regained weight.  I've tried a few times to start working out again, or start eating better again, or whatever.  I allowed my last attempt to respawn to get derailed by a combination of dropping my motorcycle (injured my elbow trying to catch it), stress/diet while my wife went through the ordeal of her 4th kidney stone and I had to take care of her on top of everything else, and now a sore lower back from doing something wrong while working on the house.


I remember feeling absolutely awesome back in 2012. I had cut out diet soda, I was doing intermittent fasting, and was keeping mostly paleo although I wasn't hardcore about it.  I remember that it was rough starting down that path, but my focus and productivity went way up, I had a lot more energy, and just felt more alive.


I've reached out to my IRL friends, but don't really have anyone who will commit to being an accountabilibuddy.  Most of them are "supportive" but only to the point of not sabotaging, not to the point of checking in with me regularly enough to help me stay on track.


I go back and forth on the small change at a time vs a more major change.  Sometimes the small change isn't drastic enough to stick for me.


My current goal is to get back to walking over lunch, preferably in a fasted state.  it's getting cold here so that should help to intensify the workout a little. I will start strength training again (primarily bodyweight type activities), although I may wait to do anything heavy until I get my still seriously sore elbow looked at by the doctor (it has been almost 4 weeks since I originally injured it).  


Cut out diet soda and candy, and cut back on wheat.


And I will start practicing the bass again.  I'm playing in a group on a more regular basis and I really want to improve my comfort level on different parts of the neck, chord shapes, and line construction.



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I was thinking about picking up the bass again when Fly by Night came on my shuffle yesterday, I was never good enough to play through a full Rush song but maybe I can get back into it. I dropped my Nighthawk on my car a few months back and had to replace the clutch lever. That sucked. 

More to the point, cutting out soda and going hard on paleo sound like good changes! If you did it before, I'm sure you'll be able to get back to the same level this respawn. We're all here for you!

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Tom Sawyer was one of the tracks that inspired and challenged me early on in my bass endeavors. I never made it all the way through but even getting a few sections down felt like an accomplishment.  I'm always impressed by how Geddy could sing and play bass at the same time, since they're often following different rhythms.


If you feel like picking it back up again - do it! Music is one of those outlets that every time I let it drop out of my life and then rediscover it I kick myself for letting it fall away...

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Since re-spawning I've only missed one day (Sunday) for IF.  


I picked up a cheap fretless bass to noodle around on and encourage me to play more as I work on my intonation.  I signed up for a coursera course as well (doesn't start until next month but figured I'd commit now).


I saw the Dr about my back & elbow - put me on a higher level anti-inflammatory, a brace for my elbow, and he approved exercise as long as I listen to what my body is saying and don't overstress it.


The rest of the eating changes aren't going as well.

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