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Phoenixian Paladin Needs a Respawn Badly!

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I couldn't help but grin when Steve said "the mythical phoenix is one of the coolest animals ever."....after all, I had a dragon and phoenix themed wedding not 3 months ago, and I have often referred to myself as a "Phoenixian Paladin" due to both my obsession with paladins and fire, and my tendency to fall off of wagons.


It's time to get back up. I've been ash and ember for too long. The reasons are many and I know I must face them. Petty they may be, but I still struggle with them and I still need to overcome them.


  • I eat without really thinking about the consequences, basically whatever I crave whenever I crave it.
  • I refuse to find time to work out.
  • And most troublingly, when I fall off a wagon for a day I give up for weeks.

I'm already getting irritated at this post. I hate falling off wagons, I hate acknowledging I've fallen. But I must get back up. That's the whole purpose of respawning, right? Getting back up is for fighting again, not running away. The best way to win a fight is to lose a few times and figure out what went wrong.

So we've identified my flaws...How best to fix them?


I've got a few plans I'd like to put in place.

  • Execute a 2 day fast over the next week. Drink more water this time.
  • Have at least one meditation/refocusing session per week
  • Eliminate snacking and heavily limit soda intake. Prefer water, tea and milk.
  • Beginner Body Weight Circuit, 2-3 rounds, 3 days a week.

If anyone has ideas on how to eat more mindfully, and how to beat the pessimisim monster...that'd be appreciated.

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Going to start this by saying congrats on the marriage :) and don't beat yourself up for stumbling. It's part of the journey. Now it's time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, keep going and don't look back.


As far as eating more mindfully, the way I do it is to keep a little notebook or a notepad in my phone. Every time I'm about to eat or drink ANYTHING, I write it down BEFORE I eat it. It gives me a chance to think twice before eating, and it's kept me away from sodas. As for the pessimism, I'm personally still struggling to believe that I can actually turn my life around. Reading threads and seeing other people accomplish their goals has helped a bit, but at the moment I'm only doing a lot of things (running, eating better, etc) just so I can say I did it. Getting little goals like that done each day is helping me feel like I'll eventually be able to conquer bigger tasks. I'm new to this walk, but as long as I keep moving foward, I'll at least be a bit further than I was when I started.


Good luck! And keep up your battle log so we can all see your progress :) you can do it!


~          Dark_Lady_Link's Awakening          ~


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