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Respawn in another country

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Hello Everyone,


                      This is my first ever post on the nerd fitness forums. It may be a long one. I am from England and have just returned to the UK after having lived in Japan for 6 and a half years. At the start of this year in January, I had some problems with drinking. I was told by the doctor that I had to stop drinking for good as I had done some damage to my liver. I managed to stop and I also then managed to stop smoking in June, its been 6 months now and no cigarettes. I am pretty proud of myself! I then decided to move back to the UK after we discovered an illness in the immediate family. Back in around June/July I started following the nerd fitness website and was eating a 80/20 Paleo diet, doing the strength training exercises from the website about 3 times a week and working full time teaching small children which involved a lot of running around, jumping etc. I also rode my bike to work. Then a couple of months ago stress started to kick in, moving back to the UK required a lot of time packing, going to city offices to sort out taxes, pensions etc. Trying to get a job sorted back in the UK and starting my application to do my teacher training. I am now back, working part time only twice a week and the rest of the time I am preparing for interviews for university. I am not exercising and not doing all the running around with the children I used to be. I am gaining weight rapidly and am finding it so hard to get back on track. Having lived for so long out of the UK I keep treating myself to things ive not been able to eat for years like certain chololate bars I really like or potato chips. I really want to respawn and get back on track like I was but I am finding it so hard right now. 



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Moving back after six years, finding a new job, getting into a new routine... no wonder you've been under some stress!  How about just picking one thing to work on for a few weeks?  Kill that chip and chocolate habit.  Honestly, when you are really motivated to make some changes you'll find a way to make it happen.  Checking out the boards is a great way to get motivated, too!


Happy Respawning!!

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1 Tim 4:7-8 "...train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value,

godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."


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Previous Challenges: Commiting to CommitUnashamedCoping through HopingChillaxes


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