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I think this is fitting for my first post.


This is my first post, but not my first respawn. I've been struggling to lose weight for years. Even though I'm down 15 lbs from the point when I decided enough was enough, I seem to keep hitting a brick wall.


Every six months or so I'll say "OK! Let's do this!" and get back on the horse and really make a concerted effort for 6 weeks to two months, at the end of which I'll look at the scale and see zero progress. I'm realistic. I don't expect to lose 20 lbs in that time period. Not even 10 lbs. I would be satisfied with 3 lbs/month or as long as I can see *some* kind of progression. Seeing none is completely demoralizing,  I've logged a whopping six workouts in the past ten weeks since I last fell off the wagon.


But National Respawn Day got me back on the treadmill (right before I came to post this), and I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

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It's so easy to just throw your hands up when you don't see any progress on that scale.  Maybe the workouts were making some of the fat you want to get rid of into muscle and that's why you didn't see much of a change?  How is your diet doing?  Those Nerd Fitness articles always talk about not being able to outrun your fork.  So even if you're working hard in they gym you might be sabotaging your efforts with food?  What's the plan for your respawn?  And have you thought about signing up for one of the six week challenges on these forums?  The accountability is great!



1 Tim 4:7-8 "...train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value,

godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."


Current Challenge: ... this feature is still loading ...

Previous Challenges: Commiting to CommitUnashamedCoping through HopingChillaxes


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