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[Pathfinder] has Respawned

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I... dropped out of the challenge. And regained the weight I lost in the last challenge. And slid back a level on the NF Academy dieting scale. So... what went wrong?


I would say my anxiety flared up, but honestly it's been constant. It's just that the situation allowed for more logical anxiety - being in the field at work, traveling for the holidays, getting back into the dating game, relapsing with my sinus infection, and all that jazz. I also constructed a challenge this last time that wasn't even vaguely appealing to me.


So I failed, hard.



(Maybe... Maybe... Nope, you're dead)


When suddenly... RESPAWN!



(Ok, maybe my respawn wasn't quite that hard-core. But you get the idea.)


So... what am I doing differently?


First, I'm keeping my anti-gritty reboot. No antihero here - no boozing, smoking, maladaptive coping mechanisms, death wish, or emotional unavailability. Hell, I don't even want it. I used to want to be like my antihero heroes (oxymoron?) because they were cool, but being out here in the real world, I realize how fast things go wrong when you apply fiction too strictly to reality.



(Besides, as a chick I don't pull off the "scruff and eye patch" look well.)


Second, I'm taking those "selfish weeks" our fearless leader talked about in his respawn article. Until 12/19, I'm going to JUST focus on securing as many of my needs as I can without completely becoming a recluse. I'm talking eight hours of sleep per night, two liters of water and three square meals a day, and three thirty-minute periods of activity a week. I'm talking getting up and going to bed early, taking down time, and cooking my own meals. I'm talking luxury, guys.



(Momentous occasion: This may be the first time the "Treat Yo Self" gif and the "Crawling Out of Your Own Grave" gif have been used in the same post)


Third, I've developed my "Level 50" summary, and I'm going to keep updating it. It should be up on NF soon. Right now it's kind of a draft. I've also detailed where I want to be by 11/29/15, and I have steps to get there. As soon as the challenge dates are released for 2015, I'll be all over breaking it down for the challenges!


Congrats on your respawns, fellow respawners! Give 'em hell!

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"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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D'aww thanks!



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"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Pathfinder takes two steps from the respawn point before suffering fatal fitness injuries. Namely, drinking alcohol and  coffee with creamer, and not getting enough sleep. Also, I might have freaked out over the weight I'm gaining.





Once more, with feeling, dammit.


The change I'm making this time is... just trying again, I guess. My mood has improved significantly since the last time I respawned (no idea why, it just did) so maybe I'll have a leg up this time. Also, I now have my reusable water bottle back, so drinking 2L a day will be less annoying.

"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Sounds like your on a good track(avoiding the obvious "path" pun).

If I could add anything, don't stress about the water amount so much. Drink when you're thirsty and after a heavy workout. If you find yourself getting hungry, try some water first as it may just be your body misinforming you.

If you really want a water standard, it should come out as clear as it goes in...that's as delicately as I can out it. I keep my nalgene pretty full throughout the day and some days I do better than others, but I drink enough so I'm in no danger of rabdo.

Keep it up!

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Because sometimes you just gotta push press Megatron.

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Alright, so this rez has been more productive.


I'm getting close to eight hours a night, and making a point of it. I'm eating fairly regularly - today I had three squares, anyways. I'm fairly steady on my medications.


I tried to hard-reset my caffeine tolerance, but I almost fell asleep today at work so I had to call that quits. It's too early in my rez anyways - I should focus on getting where I exercise and eat well before I work on my caffeine problem.


This week, I'd like to post here every day. The goals are: 8.25 hours of "being in bed" per night, three meals a day, all of my meds every day, and stretching every day.

"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Sounds like your on a good track(avoiding the obvious "path" pun).

If I could add anything, don't stress about the water amount so much. Drink when you're thirsty and after a heavy workout. If you find yourself getting hungry, try some water first as it may just be your body misinforming you.

If you really want a water standard, it should come out as clear as it goes in...that's as delicately as I can out it. I keep my nalgene pretty full throughout the day and some days I do better than others, but I drink enough so I'm in no danger of rabdo.

Keep it up!


Thanks for the advice!


I went with 2L because measuring gives me a goal, and 3L made me feel too full. I've discovered, though, that if I keep my water bottle full, I tend to drink a ton of water anyways (2L/day easy).

"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Erm... *Peeks out from under a rock*


Uh... I'm back. Again.


This time, I really developed a pooch. And a sinus infection. And my muscle tone is probably in the negatives. I'm not sure what went wrong because, honestly, I barely remember my last respawn. It's been a minute. But honestly it was lack of willpower, whatever the minor reasons were. And that's still the problem.


I thought I might as well announce I'm still alive, and make an attempt at a proper respawn.


Honestly, I feel like giving this respawn a theme is akin to naming a goldfish - it'll just go belly-up in a week or so, so why get attached? But I decided to do it anyways. Maybe if I get attached I'll actually keep it up. *shrug*


Since I recently figured out I'm 97% Viking (thank you to a somewhat confusing genetics testing package) and I'm a big fan of "soft apocalypses," we're going with a pretty true-to-life telling skewed just a little bit darker than reality. Subsequent posts will be less dramatic, I'm just settin' the mood.






"Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."


Like many these days, I am infected. Colloquially known as "Zombies," a staggering percentage of the population suffers from deep apathy, unshakable lethargy, and immobilizing anxiety. The culture promotes it - our media is a world of comparisons to exaggerated idols and false ideals. Fortunately, unlike most mythical "zombie viruses," this one is curable. Through action.


So I'm taking a stand, here, with you. Hundreds of years ago, my ancestors left their homeland, forsaking comfort and familiarity, in search of freedom from Danish rule. Today, I do the same to seek freedom from the Dark Side. I am rejoining the Rebellion.


Setting up Camp:



Problem: It's going on a year, now, since I left home to find my place in the world. I was lucky enough to have a job despite the economic climate, and to secure shelter early on. However, my camp is still in shambles. So far as a base of operations goes, the Rebellion would be disappointed. It's hard to do a body weight workout when there's too much stuff on the floor for push-ups.

Solution: Finally reorganize. I am a scavenger, and I'm good at what I do (I got a full-room-sized area rug with minimal wear for free -  'nuff said). But I need to learn to organize my finds and only keep what really fulfills the "need" and "want" categories. If it gets to the "all this does is stub my toes" stage, it's time to make another scavenger's day.






Problem: Contrary to popular apocalyptic theory, what's killing us is that there's too much food - it's just none of it's very good for you. And I've been eating a lot of it.

Solution: I'm going to track what I eat for seven days, putting me back on the path to a more functional diet.






Problem: Sitting at a desk all day is probably taking years off of my life - my posture's in decline, I'm gaining weight, and I'm always tired.

Solution: Do 30 minutes of activity a day. That's two 15 minute walks, stretching twice a day, or almost any physical event that I'd participate in. I just need to get my foot in the door. Or... out the door, as it were.



The Goal, and The Prize



Stereotypically, Vikings are driven by loot. For the sake of me justifying getting myself shiny things, we'll assume the stereotype is accurate.


Should I fulfill my goals for seven days, I will enroll in the next challenge as a Druid (unless I feel more drawn to a different class, but I'm dealing with an injury and anxiety so yoga and meditation sounds up my alley). I'll take my "before" photos and a couple extras in apocalyptic garb. I'll also get myself an NF hoodie, because I've been around here long enough (off and on) and it would remind me to log on once in a while. ;b


I'm also leaving room to go further, should I get attached to this respawn and decide to make it count. Should hit all my goals (if I miss one, this isn't an option any more), the following rewards/levels apply:

Setting Up Camp: Organize the Caravan (which is actually a Jeep) and my rucksack (which is actually a backpack) as well as the camp, and I'll set aside a day to go on an unmapped day trip.

Rations: Cut liquid calories for the week in addition to tracking my foodstuffs, and I'll get myself a canteen (or find one... I think I have one...) and start using it.

Fitness: If I do something that "counts as a workout" - like Zombies, Run!, the BBWW, or an equivalent - three days of the seven, I'll upcycle the badass but over-sized blood donor shirt I have into a running tank. Also, if I attempt meditation every day for at least 20 minutes, I'll let myself play with the LearnMeditationOnline.org meditation class during the next challenge.

"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Day 1: 4/7/2015




Setting up Camp: I finally got a dish rack, and got a step shelf for my spices and a wire shelf for my tea cups. The kitchen already feels much more spacious. About half way through organizing the study - I did what repair I could on my salvaged desk and housed my computer stuff in it, then bagged up four bags of (mostly assorted paper) recycle to go out. Laundered some clothes and the guest sheets.



  • Some water (less than 16 oz)
  • 1 "Blueberry Hazelnut Oatmeal +" by Quaker Oats (270 cal)
  • 1 Reeses Chocolate Egg
  • 3 Mugs of Coffee
  • 1 Navel Orange
  • 1 Handful Chocolate Easter Egg candies
  • 1 Boyardee Beefaroni Cup (500 cal)
  • 1 20-oz Diet Coke
  • 1/2 Bag Swiss Trail Mix (420 cal)
  • 1 Little Debbie Mini Powdered Donut
  • 2 Bratwurst, a side of Spatzle, a side of Squash and Onions, and a buttered roll
  • 1 glass iced tea
  • At least another Liter of water.

Fitness: Walked for what I'm fairly certain was 30 minutes. I did my errands locally by foot instead of in the car. I also meditated for about 20 minutes when I got home from work today (self-guided). I also did a guided meditation before bed that was 30 minutes long. As a random note, I remembered to take my meds. :)

"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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Day 2: 4/8/2015




Setting up Camp:



  • Trail Mix (420 cal)
  • Water (~.5L)
  • 3 Mug Coffee
  • Maple Bacon Donut (RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE)
  • Yakisoba Teriyaki Beef Noodles (500 cal)
  • Trail Mix (420 cal)


"The woods are the only place I can see a clear path."


Pathfinder, Nord (Adventurer)

Measurements: 163 lbs (N 13.625, C 39, W 37.5, H 40, RB 12.75, LB 12.75, RT 20.5, LT 21, RC 13.5, LC 13.25)

BMR: 1562.5 Kcal

Challenge Level/Stats: Level 0 (STR-0) (DEX-0) (STA-0) (CON-0) (WIS-0) (CHA-0)

Rebel Levels: Level 3 (EQ 1)

Academy Levels: Adventurer/Level 1 (Nutrition - 1) (Caffeine - 1) (Sugar - 1)

Challenges: #1

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