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Here is my respawn story:


I start everything with good intentions, I have an idea, it's not unrealistic but it's never easy. I make a plan and then I fall off. and then the shame and guilt sets in and I want to hide under a rock to avoid dealing with the people I so proudly told my goals and now I have to tell them I fell off the wagon.


Now this time I made a huge goal and told people, and now I am super embarrassed, (if you have been following my challenges then you'll know this already) I want to join the Royal Canadian Mountain Police. Whoot! but I need to get in shape, because well it's difficult to be a cop and be overweight...


So here's what happened:


My husband has been working nights, and my roommate is super sabotaging, so besides the wonderful people here, I am doing this alone.


I really don't want to eat by myself anymore, it gets lonely. I am really really lonely. So I start to emotional eat because I miss my husband and my friends are not very supportive.


I just have been finding any excuse to crawl under the blankets and watch Gillmore Girls.


I also has injured myself 2 weeks ago and did minimal workouts as I could not do anything more than that, but then when it came time to get back into it, I just didn't do it.



So.. repawning in 3..2...1


I need to get my rear in gear because I hate my job and all the drama bullshit that comes with it. I want to be that lady that goes to the opera and attends fancy wine tastings ( I love that crap) but I also want to be the lady who kicks bad guy butt and arrests them!


I noticed my weight loss in a physical way earlier this week and it was jaw dropping (I may have gained it all back this week, or at least some of it) I knew I had lost the lbs, but I couldn't SEE the difference, until this past Monday. I couldn't believe how good I felt and I let that feeling go. I need to get back on the train and stop eating out and go back to the gym, I always felt amazing. My problems are emotional, not physical. So I need to deal with the emotions, instead of bottling it up and then binge eating a tub of ice cream while I cry.


I started my respawn by finally sharing my dream with my family and was overjoyed that they took it quite well, and have been thus far, very encouraging.

I also have made plans to meet up with friends (no negative friends and no fitness brought into it so that they can't say boo), I think this will help alleviate how lonely I feel.

I also need to start being active again when I do see hubby twice a week so that it doesn't start the trend of not doing anything all week too, back to the dog park and I will just have to bundle up against the cold.

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Half Orc Ranger Lvl 3

[ STR7.5 DEX2 STA6 CON7.5 WIS6.5 CHA5 ]


Achieve target weight: 175lbs

Starting weight: 238

Current Weight: 225



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You need to live closer. Then we could kick each other's butts in gear when needed. :) Also to keep each other company. Due to the holiday season, my husband has been working a ton. Today marks his 8th day in a row of working, and it doesn't look like he'll have a day off until Friday. Sure I have a kiddo to keep me company, but she also drives me crazy. lol.


Anywho, you have an awesome attitude towards the whole thing, so I can totally see you respawning and just pwning everything in sight. ;)

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Halfling | Rebel

[Level: 1]

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