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Hey, I'm new here, but I really want to tell you how I died.


I've been struggling with my weight for what seems like ages now, and when I stumbled upon NerdFitness I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, after trying to exercise more and eat better for a few weeks I saw only tiny results.


Or maybe that's my problem, nothing seems to be good enough for me, perhaps I had expectations that were way too high.


Anyway, this is how it all went down. I was there wondering if all the effort I was putting into this had really paid out, and a friend of mine whom I had't seen in a really long time called me and invited over. What we do when we're together is this: we buy lots of chips, we order pizza and ice cream, we drink coke, and we watch hours upon hours of our favorite tv shows on netflix.


It sounded like heaven. But, alas, it was a trap. (duh)


So yeah, I was feeling down and I came over. We had the pig out. It was like our tradition, and I couldn't say no. 


I died in an avalanche of sugar and fat and carbohydrates, closing my heavy eyelids, the opening theme of Downton Abbey slowly fading away...


After I died things have been going downhill.


Today I want to respawn, I really do, but I just can't find the energy or something. I know I should just get up and work out and eat better, but I can't. I feel terrible that I succumbed to such an obvious death, ashamed that I fell back into those habits fully knowing what was going to happen to me. I feel like I've betrayed myself and I don't know just how to get back on the right track.


If anyone here has any tips that could help me I would be forever grateful. I don't want to give up, but I can't seem to get shake this.



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I know how you feel.  Sometimes you have to just get back up.  You don't have to set the world on fire.  Maybe its a small win.  One meal in week that's good.  Maybe it's half a workout.  Heck maybe only do the warmup routine.  But start.  Even small changes.  An avalanche, either of failure or success starts with small shifts.

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You meet your goals the same way you miss your goals, one decision at a time.  The key then is ...Make Better Decisions.

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This is my story too. It all started when my grandma brought over homemade candies before thanksgiving and it's a personal offense to not eat grandma's cooking. Since then it's been extreme bad eating. My plan is to not buy any more candy for my house, which is my biggest weakness. I'm starting a Whole30 challenge in January and the plan is to not buy candy and to go easy on myself until then. Maybe not the best plan or helpful, but it's what I'm comfortable doing right now. Like robhortn said, any small change will hopefully make you feel better and inspire more small changes in yourself.

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For your respawn try focusing on adding in one positive thing instead of restricting the negatives.

For me personally if I said, "That's it, no more cookie dough for me!" my inner toddler would grab all of the cookie dough, hide in her room and wouldn't come out until it was gone.

So, instead of saying, "that's it, no more ice cream for me" decide to make or buy a nice fruit salad this one time.

You can't undo your pig-out but you can make small, healthy choices.

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Viking Warrior

LEVEL 2 | STR 4 | DEX 1 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 4 | CHA 1


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My favorite quote regarding exercise -


"Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint."


I have to constantly remind myself this when I feel like I haven't come far enough, or that I'm not seeing the results I want to see NOWNOWNOW.  (Because we all totally want that instant gratification!!)  It takes a long time for your body to adjust and build muscle and burn all of that fat it's been hanging onto.  It sure ain't easy, but it's definitely worth it. :)


As far as tips, I'd recommend starting a battle log now and joining the next 6 week challenge.  I used to fall off the fitness wagon repeatedly, but I find the accountability and motivation I get from participating with others and having fellow rebels chime in on my threads is HUGE and pretty much integral for my motivation and achieving my goals.


Good luck, you can do it!!!

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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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What everyone else is saying. Almost EVERYONE should (or could) eat healthier, shouldn't have that drink, shouldn't touch those chips, shouldn't do SOMETHING. 


Change  your behaviors. You can start cutting down on the pig outs with your friend. Spend the time with them, and start with buying pizza still, but the next time instead of chips try carrots, so you slowly replace the foods to develop healthier snacking preferences.


Sorry for this bit it's gonna be a little tough love. At the end of the day though you have to want it. You can change one thing at a time and work towards a healthier life style. Or you can sit there and THINK you should. If you want it bad enough you have to start somewhere. It gets easier over time because your tastes change, but that in and of itself takes time and commitment. If you can't commit you won't get anywhere, so sit down, think about the person want to be a year from now and make a plan on how you can change one thing to work towards the person you want to be in a month. After that month, see what stuck and reevaluate what you need to do to become the person you want 11 months from then. 


Remember that you want to change for you. So make it happen, no one else will!

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I was in a similar boat until I came to my senses this summer, I was on my way to having some real health issues.  The biggest help for me was finding a Crossfit gym with an awesome community.  Going to class and having people be supportive and helpful, yet still challenging and competitive is huge for me.  Having that accountability and drive to do better made a huge difference for me.

Because sometimes you just gotta push press Megatron.

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