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So I suppose the best place to start (aside from basic details... name's Stewart, 25 years old, from Scotland) would be with my background. In high school I was a normal/average weight, thanks to a healthy diet and regular exercise in the forms of playing badminton, football and swimming. Then I went off to university and that all went straight out the window. Gradually over 4 years I piled on probably somewhere between 15kg and 20kg. I don't know to be exact, I never really weighed myself before but I'd guess I was about 70kg-ish towards the end of high school. Upon finishing university in May 2012 I was at my heaviest, 88kg, and I decided I needed to do something about it. I'd said to myself countless of times before that I would fix my diet and join the gym but it never came to fruition. This time was different though. And it was! Well, for about a week or so before I fell back into my old routine. This went on for months and I didn't really get anywhere or make any progress.


Then in late September 2012 something just happened. I can't really put my finger on what my trigger moment was, but in the three months that followed I fixed my diet and hit the gym and by Christmas 2012 I was down to 75kg. That's what I'd aimed to reach by the end of the year and I was ecstatic when I finally achieved it. One of the best things about it as well was the amount of people who would comment/ask questions/congratulate me about the weight loss. Still happens to this day as well, especially people I haven't seen much of since my uni days.


The good thing is I've managed to maintain the weight loss. The bad thing is I've learned I can eat junk food and run it off. My diet is nowhere near as bad as it was pre-weight loss, but I have days (sometimes weeks) where I can totally return to my fat self and pig out. And I just run it off. I've been quite happy to do this for the last year or so but I still have a section of fat around my middle section (belly fat and love handles) that I am desperate to get rid of, which brings me to where I am today. I wouldn't say I'm as unhappy with my body today as I was when I was at my heaviest, but I am so keen to move on and improve. I have a 3 step plan.


- Obviously my diet needs fixing again. Should be pretty easy, I know what to do. My core diet, in terms of what I eat for breakfast. lunch and dinner, is already pretty healthy. It's just a case of cutting out the snacks and junk food again.


- Running. When I started at the gym I stuck to the cardio machines, mixing them up each time I visited and that was pretty much my routine for a year or so. Then I started running outdoors in March of this year and I discovered a new addiction/love. It was completely different to running on a treadmill, and I signed up for a 10K race in May earlier this year. I had only been used to running distances of 3km-5km on a treadmill so I only had two months to get ready for it. My target was to do it in under an hour... and I ended up running the race in a time of 52 minutes. I'm signed up for the same race in May next year and I really would love to do it in a time of under 45 minutes.


- Strength training. I'm really keen to start lifting weights and using them to help me get into an even better shape. I've only stuck to the cardio machines when I've been in the gym, and I'm yet to pick up any weights. I wouldn't say I'm completely clueless, I have plenty of beginner workout routines to hand and I have a rough idea... I guess I'm just a bit apprehensive about stepping into the weights section of the gym and trying some of them out. Which I know is a stupid way to feel. It's the same feeling I had when I first started going to the gym when I was overweight and I'd only go at the quieter times, feeling like a fish out of water.


So that's the progress I've made and where I plan to go. Signed up to get some extra motivation, talk about how my progress goes and join in with the rest of the forum. :)

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Hi Stewart of Scotland!


Major props to you for your success in 2012, and even more for maintaining it. You've got a solid plan for your next step, so make sure to stick to it. As far as I'm aware, your apprehension to weightlifting is pretty common around here. Don't let that stop you though, it might become your newest passion!


We're glad to have you as a member to our community. Make sure to start up a battle log so we can keep up with your progress!



~          Dark_Lady_Link's Awakening          ~


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Hey! Strength training = awesome. Get in the weights room beserker style and read up on lifting (Rippetoe is meant to be good) If I had a gym nearby I would be lifting, but my nearest one is five miles (I'm in rural Wales) and it's only got machines and I can't drive. So I do bodyweight training, and I love that too but weights are probably the most efficient/easily tracked way to get stronger. Make a battle log and let us know how you get on :)

| STR 15 | DEX 14 | STA 14 | CON 10.5 | WIS 11 | CHA 7 | Level 5

Ocelot's Dossier - Battle Log | Springing into my Sixth Challenge!


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Thanks! I've got a workout plan all sorted, ready to start back at the gym next week. Would have started this week but I hurt my knee a few days ago on a run so I'm taking it easy for the rest of the week until it's better. Will definitely start up a battle log to track my progress.


That berserker mode challenge sounds familiar! Didn't even realise there was a name for it. When I first started trying to lose weight there were times when I would head out to the gym and then turn back home, just through to a lack of motivation or apprehension. I quickly just told myself to man up, just go into the gym, forget everyone and everything else and make it to the treadmill. And I did. At first I'd only be able to run for a few minutes or so before getting out of breath and having to slow down. At the time I felt so self conscious. Being overweight, trying to run, sweating all over the place. I once made the mistake of running on a treadmill in front of a mirror and all I saw was fat jiggling all over the place, and I felt like such an embarrassment. I'd end up wearing as baggy clothes as possible to the gym. It felt like such an uphill battle at the time, barely being able to run for 1km at the same pace. And now I do several 10km runs a week all over town. Of course in hindsight the feelings of shame and embarrassment are totally stupid, but's just how I felt at the time.

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