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Peanut butter and jelly sandwich mouth-watering thread

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Everybody loves the classic PB&J sandwich. However it's not at all paleo, nor is it low-carb or sugar-free or low-cal or 'clean' or vegan. /sigh


BUT it actually IS the most delicious thing ever. (and my 'cheat' treat every week :D)

Here I've got some examples of both the classic PB&J, as well as some delish variations.
WARNING: Not for weaklings who can't resist!


1. Literally the first image I got when i typed pb&j into google images




2. Why not add some banana to that?



Balance out with some carrots people!!!


3. Or grill it!




mmmmhh... ooey gooey greatness.






Admit it, that's pretty awesome.


5. French toast PB&J ?





Sweet lord, this one even has cornflakes on it!


6. Ran out of bread? Why not try a donut!




The insulin spike already scares the hell out of me...


7. Ran out of donuts too? What about pancakes!!




I'm having so much fun posting this!!


8. Want to make your cheat treat worthwhile? Deepfry it! (please don't)




It's starting to get gross now....


9. Get rid of the jelly, throw in some Nutella...and....bacon? OH EM GEE




You're in for a surprise, mate!



If you're still not up for a pb&j sandwich, get out! Or give better alternatives, always welcome :D

Post your PB&J sandiwches here and i've you've got more of this all-time favourite indulgences, post them below!!



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PS: this is the one I had today! (Yes, Friday is my PB&J cheat treat day! :D )





I know I know - I just couldn't resist taking a bite before taking a picture  :nevreness:  It was DIVINE though!!


See you next week, heavenly creation.


PS: In fact it wasn't THAT BAD as I always always a-l-w-a-y-s use sugar-free jam (no artificial sweeteners either, just semi-mashed fruit) and peanut butter without salt added (and without sugar, just basically peanuts and a little bit of healthy oils) and I always use spelt bread (no wheat, my stomach can't stand that stuff). ^^


Or that's just a lame excuse for having it anyway

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Favorite sweet treat cheat - homemade chocolate chip cookies stuck together with peanut butter (and some apple butter, if you need "jelly") to make a PBJ cookie sandwich!

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Favorite sweet treat cheat - homemade chocolate chip cookies stuck together with peanut butter (and some apple butter, if you need "jelly") to make a PBJ cookie sandwich!

oooooooooooooooooooooh mg. Take a picture next time!! ;) and of course, post it!

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Being British I've never even tried peanut butter and jam (sorry guys but jelly is a wibbly-wobbly desert that children eat at birthday parties, it's called jam!) and have absolutely no intention of doing so. It just sounds so wrong! However, Philadelphia and jam on a digestive biscuit.... Now we're talking. :P

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Not all of us are paleo..but for those that still are, you may have broken their will with this post! :D

Also, I prefer peanut butter and honey..let the sandwich sit for a bit til the honey starts to crystallize..DAMN..so good. :)


Being British I've never even tried peanut butter and jam (sorry guys but jelly is a wibbly-wobbly desert that children eat at birthday parties, it's called jam!) and have absolutely no intention of doing so. It just sounds so wrong! However, Philadelphia and jam on a digestive biscuit.... Now we're talking. :tongue:

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You non-MURICA-folk are weird..we do use the word "jam" here btw, but only to describe real/true preserves..

Also, you should totally just take the plunge..its like peanut butter and chocolate..or really just PB and anything..because it's magical..

And now that I think about it..it may be able to make up a paleo version of this..making homemade PB is fairly easy, you can make homemade jam (notice I didn't say jelly) fairly easy and still keep it paleo..it's just the bread substitution you need to work out honestly.

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Weird folks. I just used the term jelly as that's what I hear the most, even though I always use jam (by definition :P)

Anyway the message is: peanut butter man, it goes with everything!!! And it also goes without everything (nothing like eating from the jar)

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Thats what i had yesterday..... Emotional eating truly is a bitch :P my mum came home last week with a 1kg (!!!) Jar of peanut butter. "Hey andrea look what i got, i saw it at the supermarket and thought you'd love it"

I dont know whether to love or hate her now haha

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Umm, I'm going to go with "love her". I don't think she intends for you to kill yourself with it. :P

I had a lull in my PB eating for a couple years when I found a rat bone in a jar of my favorite brand.

Ew D: well at least you know its "organic" now :P

Nah she did it to make me happy during my exams (when all happiness has ceased to exist, kidding i love just hanging on my couch pretending to study)

So it's all good :D

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Never tried pb as a hiccup cure, but since you brought it up, I also have a "Guaranteed Hiccup Cure"

(This is a two man job btw)

Get someone to apply pressure to both the pulse points in your wrists, then take a really deep breath in and very slowly breathe completely out.

Ta da! Hiccups cured! ;)

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In a blender: banana, carrots, spinach, kale, and berries of your choice (I prefer strawberry) (any or all can be frozen), ~2tbsp almond butter, just enough water (or milk, if you prefer) to keep the blender running smoothly.   Blend to desired consistency and enjoy your PB&J smoothie.  You can even add protein powder or a hard boiled egg or two without changing the taste.

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In a blender: banana, carrots, spinach, kale, and berries of your choice (I prefer strawberry) (any or all can be frozen), ~2tbsp almond butter, just enough water (or milk, if you prefer) to keep the blender running smoothly.   Blend to desired consistency and enjoy your PB&J smoothie.  You can even add protein powder or a hard boiled egg or two without changing the taste.

Oh wow! that sounds like a de-lish smoothie! Maybe a breakfast try-out for a workout morning without feeling too heavy? Love it!

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