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18 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Big news! Bob Mould is having a solo acoustic show at a small club! I just bought a couple of tickets. I'm so excited I feel sick.* Which makes it obvious I'm a 80's Minneapolis boy.


*My expression is still a stoney facade.


You're excited on the INSIDE!! Wahoo!!!!!!


Having to rule a food out is heartbreaking. All week my stomach has been off and yesterday I realized why - the new, luxury, delicious mozzarella cheese sticks I bought fro Trader Joe's. I need to be more vigilant of cheese. It makes me morose. :( I'm sorry for your sugar loss.

Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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22 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Eating is still on point. The month is over.  My system is working totally normally right now. For the month my cheats amounted to two beers, one dry cider, a box of rice crispies and a piece of fried chicken. Not too bad. I lost 5 or 6 pounds.  That wasn't the goal, but I'll take it. 


I'm going to keep up the probiotics and ferments and add gluten back in. My suspicion is that it won't make a difference.  After that I go off the probiotics, I don't think that'll make a difference either.  What I think matters is that I've been super strict about dairy, sweets, and fried foods.  The other night I had some fake milk that had sugar in it (I'm still not a label reader) and I got bloaty and blah feeling. Sugar is a bigger trigger than I thought. I'm sad that I have to maintain a special-snowflake diet. 


Really good job figuring some shit out, even if it wasn't all good new. Also good plan for adding some things back in.


For the dairy, maybe there will be some workarounds (depending on what you are missing). I think there are people who can tolerate cheeses from animals other than cows (goat and sheep cheese).


Is the fried food mostly an issue when eating out? It is depressing to try to avoid it sometimes. Lightly breaded and roasted works pretty well for most things at home (says the girl who totally grew up on Shake 'n Bake)

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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On February 3, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Marauder said:


Just wow.  I wonder what in her past has created this.  


Wild guess, half-starved dogs, hungry for both food and affection are going to mob the human when they see him.  He beat them back often enough and hard enough to keep them from bothering him. Sofia is bouncing back quickly and well.  She is another one that is going to be a great dog for someone.  It is amazing how resilient dogs are. 


On February 3, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Marauder said:

This sounds like sugar malabsorption to me rather than intolerance.  Maybe try introducing sugars other than fructose to see if you have a reaction.  Especially since you're relatively clean right now.



Hmmm, I've never heard of that before. A cursory internet diagnosis suggests sucrose malabsorption due to a lack of sucrase enzyme or cancer. I've been eating a lot of fruit lately without an issue. I'm worried about racing season, because of all the gels and Gatorade I consume. 


On February 3, 2017 at 11:06 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

Fabulous that you got some sleep in. And all the training that is working out and food on point. Sugar is a big problem. I see my Oldest is now also getting tummy problems if he eats or drinks certain things, like fudge and apple juice. When it happened the second time a couple of weeks ago, he totally swore off both those things, and he hasn't had any since. He is better than me.


Aargh, the page lost my previous quotes about the geese and little Sofia.

Never turn your back on geese, there is a reason why some people keep them as guard geese, and it is not for their amazing ability to get rid of snails and slugs.

That's awesome news. I wonder what the guy did to threaten her when feeding? That is just heart breaking, but I pray she'll improve even more.



He's better than me too.  


On February 3, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, I hope you find a way forward that is both sustainable and enjoyable.


Thanks.  Anything is sustainable if the will is strong enough. 


On February 3, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Fonzico said:

This is the best gif in the world.


I too am coming to terms with breaking up with certain foods on a long term basis. It kind of sucks. I keep telling myself that the alternative (eating whatever I want and just embracing the Jabba body) sucks more. I believe it more some days than others.


Don't embrace the Jabba body unless you're choking it with your chains. 

There's an even better Sloth stomach gif that explains their digestive process, but my google-fu is weak. 

Here's another sloth fact:




On February 3, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Elastigirl said:

My blindfold will do the same thing. I'll have these weird dreams about a snake wrapping around my neck and wake up and see my blindfold has slipped.:lol:


My niece has been having stomach issues, and after testing her Naturopath said it was yeast overgrowth and told her to dump the sugar and take probiotics. Seems like after  several months of that you should be able to add in some sugar.


Scary dream. 



21 hours ago, LadyShello said:

Good to hear your slothbelly experiment is going well, even if it has some sad conclusions.  I'm guessing that if you can maintain clean eating long term that you might be able to handle small portions of trigger foods infrequently.  I'm also guessing that you might get so used to not feeling like crap that you might get to a place where it's not worth it, mostly.  Clearly tater tots will always be worth it.  




15 hours ago, maegs said:



Me watching that:



4 hours ago, shaar said:


You're excited on the INSIDE!! Wahoo!!!!!!


Having to rule a food out is heartbreaking. All week my stomach has been off and yesterday I realized why - the new, luxury, delicious mozzarella cheese sticks I bought fro Trader Joe's. I need to be more vigilant of cheese. It makes me morose. I'm sorry for your sugar loss.



No one should have to give up cheese. 


2 hours ago, Xena said:


Really good job figuring some shit out, even if it wasn't all good new. Also good plan for adding some things back in.


For the dairy, maybe there will be some workarounds (depending on what you are missing). I think there are people who can tolerate cheeses from animals other than cows (goat and sheep cheese).


Is the fried food mostly an issue when eating out? It is depressing to try to avoid it sometimes. Lightly breaded and roasted works pretty well for most things at home (says the girl who totally grew up on Shake 'n Bake)


Thanks.  Yes, sheep and goat cheese don't bother me. I like fried foods.  Sometimes the whole point of going out is to get fried food. Mrs. Sloth is our chef, she is really good about making stuff that works with my special-snowflake diet. 

Shake and bake :)

  • Like 6

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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2/3/17 Friday


It was a good day. We had a code yellow at school because they wanted to locate a lost student. I swept in a really weird kindergartener who swore he built a time machine. Makes sense, I've felt like I've been in the wrong part of a time travel movie for a while now. No telling how much trouble a five year old with a time machine could cause.


It was nerd night, but I was the only one to show up because everyone else was either sick or had sick kids. The hosts and I played Suburbia. It was our first time and took a while to get rolling on the game. I lost badly because I was paying attention to the wrong things.


Training: DDP Red Hot Core + 30 minutes on the trainer.


Eating: on point. I haven't reintroduced gluten yet. The guys had pizza rolls while we played, but I successfully ignored the best food ever. I drank two dry ciders.

  • Like 9

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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33 minutes ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

2/3/17 Friday


It was a good day. We had a code yellow at school because they wanted to locate a lost student. I swept in a really weird kindergartener who swore he built a time machine. Makes sense, I've felt like I've been in the wrong part of a time travel movie for a while now. No telling how much trouble a five year old with a time machine could cause.


I've seen enough movies to know this kid is definitely telling the truth and none of the adults will believe him until they are forced to because of all the hijinx and mild peril that will follow. 

  • Like 9

If it's not siesta or fiesta, I'm not interested. 

Profile picture credit : NF's resident super artist - NinjaKitten

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6 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

Was his name Calvin?




Oh my God, that is him!  He's a total nut, running around all crazy and stuff.  Kindergarten is on the other side of the building and one floor down.  No one has any reason to be anywhere near my room* unless they are coming to see me. 


*one of the best things about my room besides how large it is and the huge windows from which you can see my house. 


6 hours ago, deftona said:


I've seen enough movies to know this kid is definitely telling the truth and none of the adults will believe him until they are forced to because of all the hijinx and mild peril that will follow. 


Could be.  I tried to talk to him about it and he quickly changed the subject. My fear is that someone already righted the timeline and we're stuck in the alternate universe. If everyone starts growing a goatee I'm building my own time machine. 



  • Like 9

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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2/4/17 Saturday


It was a good day.  A very chill day. I spent far too much of it staring at screens and I took a nap.  Remember when I said contractors are faster.  I was wrong. He has been very pockey after the first day. He was working today to catch up.  


We were going to go to a party tonight, but Slothgirl felt sick (I think she's just chronically overtired, she sleeps about as well as I do), so I stayed home with her and everyone else went.  Mrs. Sloth had already brought me Korean BBQ to pre-eat.  I call that a win. 


Training: 55 minutes on the trainer. 


Eating: On point.  I introduced gluten today; I ate peasant bread. 

  • Like 8

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 3.2.2017 at 5:56 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:


Eating is still on point. The month is over.  My system is working totally normally right now. For the month my cheats amounted to two beers, one dry cider, a box of rice crispies and a piece of fried chicken. Not too bad. I lost 5 or 6 pounds.  That wasn't the goal, but I'll take it. 




Whenever I noticed me gaining a bit of weight back in the army days, I'd just make sure to ban cookies from every meeting i was hosting, and I'd skip the Feierabendbier.*  These two alone would get me down ~3-5kg within a few weeks and without much effort.




I'm going to keep up the probiotics and ferments and add gluten back in. My suspicion is that it won't make a difference.  After that I go off the probiotics, I don't think that'll make a difference either.  What I think matters is that I've been super strict about dairy, sweets, and fried foods.  The other night I had some fake milk that had sugar in it (I'm still not a label reader) and I got bloaty and blah feeling. Sugar is a bigger trigger than I thought. I'm sad that I have to maintain a special-snowflake diet. 





On 3.2.2017 at 6:04 PM, Marauder said:

This sounds like sugar malabsorption to me rather than intolerance.  Maybe try introducing sugars other than fructose to see if you have a reaction.  Especially since you're relatively clean right now.


Time to quote old Paracelsus again. "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison ."

The overwhelming majority of people of middle-eastern, sub-mediterranean or european ancestry are not gluten-intolerant. Nor are they lactose intolerant (the farther to the north, the less probable is lactose intolerance). And even far less people are fructose-intolerant, as fruits have been part of the human diet since before humans could be called humans.... The classic test for fructose intolerance is to administer the patient 50g of fructose and then measure the hydrogen content of the gas he exhales - if he cannot digest fructose, it will ferment and hydrogen will be set free. To take up 50g of fructose via natural food, however, you would have to eat nearly one kilogram of cherries. At once. It is totally doable to eat a kilogram of cherries, but you'd probably need an entire day for that. You would never take in 50g of fructose at once with a diet of whole foods. That is only possible with refined sugar. Refined sugar is one half glucose, the other half fructose. 100g of refined sugar will bomb you with the fructose equivalent of one kilogram of cherries. HFCS can be even worse. And sugar hides everywhere in processed food. (I've even seen syrup been added to dark, sour breads... WTF?!?)
It is very probable that you can tolerate sugar (whatever kind of sugar), but that you were just overdoing it. Two snickers bars a day alone would be 100g of sugar... Now eat some baked stuff, have a salad with a store-bought salad dressing, or have some ketchup with a meal, drink one glass of soda and one glass of juice, and you have just taken up fructose equivalent of several kilos of fruit and berries. 

I'd not be surprised if we have similar story here with gluten. Gluten has been in the human diet since the invention of agriculture. Probability is high almost anybody in the western world does tolerate gluten. But wheat and rye have only been a part of a grain-based diet - don't forget oats, for example. Then there is millet. And pseudo-grains like buckwheat. But since the industrialisation, wheat has replaced most of these in the western diet, meaning we probably eat a lot more wheat then our ancestors did. And on top of that, a lot of baked goods have extra gluten added to them. If a bread is extremely "fluffy" or soft, it probably has some extra gluten in it. (Sometimes disguised as "wheat glue", "wheat protein" or similar in the fine print.) Eating gluten is probably all right, just not in the ridiculous amounts most of us do nowadays.

* I have no idea how to translate this. Basically, it is a german tradition to pop a beer after work, be it either with your coworkers (or comrades, if in the miltary), or when arriving at home. Anyways, it is custom law that you open a beer when you are done with your day's work. Except in Bavaria, where it is totally fine to drink the first beer during lunch break.

  • Like 5

Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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11 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

2/4/17 Saturday


It was a good day.  A very chill day. I spent far too much of it staring at screens and I took a nap.  Remember when I said contractors are faster.  I was wrong. He has been very pockey after the first day. He was working today to catch up.  


We were going to go to a party tonight, but Slothgirl felt sick (I think she's just chronically overtired, she sleeps about as well as I do), so I stayed home with her and everyone else went.  Mrs. Sloth had already brought me Korean BBQ to pre-eat.  I call that a win. 


Training: 55 minutes on the trainer. 


Eating: On point.  I introduced gluten today; I ate peasant bread. 

Korean BBQ and skipping a party, and the reason you're skipping the party is to be a good parent? Triple win.

  • Like 3

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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On 2/4/2017 at 1:00 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

It was nerd night, but I was the only one to show up because everyone else was either sick or had sick kids. The hosts and I played Suburbia. It was our first time and took a while to get rolling on the game. I lost badly because I was paying attention to the wrong things.

Having met your Nerd Night hosts, I can't imagine them teaching Suburbia. It's an impossible game to win that first time if you're playing with experienced folks. It's one that really only works if everyone at the table has about the same level of experience but it can be fun.

  • Like 1

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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On February 4, 2017 at 9:34 PM, Marauder said:

Kudos for pizza roll resistance. The force is strong in you. 


Thanks :)


On February 5, 2017 at 5:36 AM, turboseize said:


Whenever I noticed me gaining a bit of weight back in the army days, I'd just make sure to ban cookies from every meeting i was hosting, and I'd skip the Feierabendbier.*  These two alone would get me down ~3-5kg within a few weeks and without much effort.




Time to quote old Paracelsus again. "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison ."

The overwhelming majority of people of middle-eastern, sub-mediterranean or european ancestry are not gluten-intolerant. Nor are they lactose intolerant (the farther from the north, the less probable is lactose intolerance). And even far less people are fructose-intolerant, as fruits have been part of the human diet since before humans could be called humans.... The classic test for fructose intolerance is to administer the patient 50g of fructose and then measure the hydrogen content of the gas he exhales - if he cannot digest fructose, it will ferment and hydrogen will be set free. To take up 50g of fructose via natural food, however, you would have to eat nearly one kilogram of cherries. At once. It is totally doable to eat a kilogram of cherries, but you'd probably need an entire day for that. You would never take in 50g of fructose at once with a diet of whole foods. That is only possible with refined sugar. Refined sugar is one half glucose, the other half fructose. 100g of refined sugar will bomb you with the fructose equivalent of one kilogram of cherries. HFCS can be even worse. And sugar hides everywhere in processed food. (I've even seen syrup been added to dark, sour breads... WTF?!?)
It is very probable that you can tolerate sugar (whatever kind of sugar), but that you were just overdoing it. Two snickers bars a day alone would be 100g of sugar... Now eat some baked stuff, have a salad with a store-bought salad dressing, or have some ketchup with a meal, drink one glass of soda and one glass of juice, and you have just taken up fructose equivalent of several kilos of fruit and berries. 

I'd not be surprised if we have similar story here with gluten. Gluten has been in the human diet since the invention of agriculture. Probability is high almost anybody in the western world does tolerate gluten. But wheat and rye have only been a part of a grain-based diet - don't forget oats, for example. Then there is millet. And pseudo-grains like buckwheat. But since the industrialisation, wheat has replaced most of these in the western diet, meaning we probably eat a lot more wheat then our ancestors did. And on top of that, a lot of baked goods have extra gluten added to them. If a bread is extremely "fluffy" or soft, it probably has some extra gluten in it. (Sometimes disguised as "wheat glue", "wheat protein" or similar in the fine print.) Eating gluten is probably all right, just not in the ridiculous amounts most of us do nowadays.

* I have no idea how to translate this. Basically, it is a german tradition to pop a beer after work, be it either with your coworkers (or comrades, if in the miltary), or when arriving at home. Anyways, it is custom law that you open a beer when you are done with your day's work. Except in Bavaria, where it is totally fine to drink the first beer during lunch break.


:) I remember when it was easy to lose weight. Once, when I was broke, I skipped my morning mocha and had a regular coffee.  By the next payday I was five pounds lighter. Than would never happen now. 


I'm half Native American which changes things a bit. I don't know about gluten, but most of us are lactose intolerant. We also eat a lot of cheese leading to many fart jokes. I really not worried about whether I am or am not intolerant to what, just whether a category of foods triggers, or doesn't trigger, my IBS. 


My other half is German descent, likely Bavarian, which explains why I always want a bier with lunch. 


Thanks for for all the information Turbo.  It was a good read.  You're probably right, but I'm not good with moderation, if I can eat bread at some point I'm bound to eat a whole loaf in one sitting. 


On February 5, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Tanktimus the Encourager said:

Korean BBQ and skipping a party, and the reason you're skipping the party is to be a good parent? Triple win.




20 hours ago, The Most Loathed said:

Having met your Nerd Night hosts, I can't imagine them teaching Suburbia. It's an impossible game to win that first time if you're playing with experienced folks. It's one that really only works if everyone at the table has about the same level of experience but it can be fun.


That actually made me LOL. BTW you're always welcome back. 


None of us had played the game before. We followed our usual routine for a new game. We set it up according to the rules and started arguing about how to follow the rules, complained about the "if this then that" rules, until someone shouted, "what would Wil Wheaton do?!?"  This sent us all to our phones to check if Tabletop played the game (invariably no), eventually someone found a suitable YouTube tutorial.  We all poured a new drink and retired to the living room to watch. This allowed us to muddle through the first few rounds until we finally felt comfortable playing. 


Seriously, that's our game night every single time someone brings a new game. 

  • Like 9

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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On 2/5/2017 at 6:36 AM, turboseize said:

Nor are they lactose intolerant (the farther from the north, the less probable is lactose intolerance). 


I'm interested in learning a source for this. My understanding is that lactose tolerance for adults is a genetic mutation. Yes, it is more common for adults of European ancestry to have the mutation, but a quick Google tells me that only ~35% of the population has this ability. 

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2/5/17 Sunday


It was a day. I was tired and grumpy. Not much got done. 


Training: nope. 

Eating: mostly on point.  I went to the boy scouts' pancake breakfast. I was worried I wasn't handling the gluten until I googled the ingredients and found out they're full of milk. I should have known that. 

  • Like 2

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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28 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:


I'm interested in learning a source for this. My understanding is that lactose tolerance for adults is a genetic mutation. Yes, it is more common for adults of European ancestry to have the mutation, but a quick Google tells me that only ~35% of the population has this ability. 

 Lactase persistence (the mutation that allows the body to produce lactase in adulthood) is a relatively recent one; evidence (including DNA samples from skeletons) hints that lactase persistence has spread through Europe between 5000 and 8000 years ago.

According to the german wikipedia entry (I know, I know... wikipedia is not a quotable source...) 75% of world population is lactose intolerant, while only 15% of the population in german-speaking reagions are. And in Sweden, it is only 2%... 
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laktoseintoleranz (scroll down, there is a table comparing different populations.)

  • Like 3

Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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6 minutes ago, turboseize said:

 According to the german wikipedia entry (I know, I know... wikipedia is not a quotable source...) 75% of world population is lactose intolerant, while only 15% of the population in german-speaking reagions are. And in Sweden, it is only 2%... 
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laktoseintoleranz (scroll down, there is a table comparing different populations.)


US Wikipedia disagrees with Middle Eastern being included in the lactose tolerance bucket, but the numbers come close to agreeing. I'll accept Wikipedia this time:chuncky:

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15 minutes ago, Sylvaa said:


US Wikipedia disagrees with Middle Eastern being included in the lactose tolerance bucket, but the numbers come close to agreeing. I'll accept Wikipedia this time:chuncky:

I might have expressed myself a bit unprecisely. While middle-eastern was included in the sentence about gluten, and technically carried over to the next one regarding lactose, this was meant to be qualified by "the farther to the north, the less probable is lactose intolerance", which should have  implicated that lactase persistence in the mediterranean is considerably lower than in scandinavia. 

Forgive me, english is not my native language. 

  • Like 2

Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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6 minutes ago, turboseize said:


I don't usually watch ESC, but somehow I still can remember the polish milkmaid!
(Slavic women are hot.)



I bloody love it, I watch it every year!


Ironically, of course.


I am still cool. Don't hate me. 

  • Like 1

If it's not siesta or fiesta, I'm not interested. 

Profile picture credit : NF's resident super artist - NinjaKitten

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