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70% there, 30% to go

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I wanted to create a thread introducing myself and where I can update, ask questions and hopefully get answers as I take this journey.

70% there...


So my weight loss journey started in summer 2001, having tried every combo of diet and exercise on the planet, I had enough and decided to look at weight loss surgery.

The program at Wake Forest (Hospital/Medical School) is amazing, one of the best in the area, great support for the WLS patients before and AFTER surgery. What impressed me was the 60-70% figure for gastric bypass, as in, that is the average percentage of excess fat loss they see on a whole AFTER an extended period of time. The rate of success for this surgery is also VERY high (70/80% or more), again measured by weight loss after say five years, how much kept off, etc.

My surgery was Sept 2011, I started the journey at 355 pounds, 5'9", 52 pants, 3-4XL shirts. (I will eventually figure out how to post up here my before/after pics in this thread.) The rough numbers is approx 180-200 pounds of excess weight, so 110-130 pounds of fat loss is their goal. 355-110 to 130 gets me down to 245 to 225! 

I met and beat their goal and started setting LIFE goals, it started with a simple 5k. I did the Couch to 5k program, LOVED it, finished my first one in July 2012 (10 months after surgery, 225ish pounds.)  I did a Mud run that year and a second 5k that fall, running up to 4 miles or so max.

Started CrossFit in winter 2012/2013, and after a couple months I decided to go run and see how I was doing without any training except Crossfit.  I ended up at 5+ miles, my longest run ever and decided in April 2013 I wanted to run a marathon as a BUCKET LIST life goal Signed up for a 26.2 mile race in Oct 2013 and my endurance training began.  (Quit Crossfit, focused on running 3-4 times per week instead.) 

As a Gastric bypass patient, I am already skewed towards protein first, then complex carbs as I can (veggies etc) but have minimum protein numbers to hit first. I consulted with my nutritionist about my endurance training, and I added more carbs to FUEL those runs. (Paleo was briefly mentioned and then ignored at my CF box earlier that year...shame really, wish I had made the switch then.)

I had settled at 210-215 or so and saw that creep down to 195 as I started running/training, up to 30ish miles per week, maybe a few weeks with long run weekends at 40 miles for the whole week.

The race was Oct 2013 and it was "ok."  I used the Run-Walk-Run method, legs held out the first 18 or 19 miles before the cramping hit so bad I had to stop and work them out after every 2 minute run segment. Finally it became apparent that a fast walk was more productive for the last 6ish miles. I completed the 26.2 mile full marathon at 6:30ish and checked that off my list. (Got a sweet tattoo, also a first...) but I don't plan on repeating the marathon in my future.

Then I backed off, "resting"..ie running less and less until I had not run in months, weight creeping back to the 215 and as much as 220. My diet is 70/30 maybe 60/40 good, where I would eat my proteins first, but I was also downing White Chocolate Mocha like a fiend.  That started when I was running 30+ miles a week and "fueling"/carbg up!

So started December at 220 again, but I really don't want to "run" my weight back down, it was ok, and I even sorta enjoy it, especially when I am not worried about a 12 minute mile vs a 13-14 minute mile and just enjoying the scene around me.

What I DO love is hiking! Especially if my dog is with me... but that could never get you fit, right? (Course then you look at pictures of before/after App Trail thru hikers and yeah...if you do a LOT...) 

SO now for the 30%...


With knowledge and information comes power...and can also be intimidating. So thousands and thousands of gastric bypass patients..and historically the experts have seen time and time again that they cannot LOSE that remaining 30% (on average). No real good reason why, body just does not want to play anymore, whatever. I hit 80% when running but slowly but surely, I am back to just 70%.

I really want to lose that 30%.


That is why I am here and the reason for the rest of this journey/article. I REALLY hope that the primal(paleo) formula will work for me. Maybe I am forever stuck here with 33% body fat and BMI of 31 but man I really hope not!?

This stuff will work for me too right...despite the "thousands" of other patients of data telling me no?!!

So for my 30% journey I am back to looking around, had done nearly 20 days on Whole30 before my marathon training days, decided to check out Paleo stuff again, I wanted a Whole Life plan instead of just a diet and W30 mentions that their 30 day deal was temporary.

Bought and read both the Robb Wolf book and Primal Blueprint and decided I liked Mark's approach better. Especially the walk long distances stuff!!! (Hey, hiking and getting fit, sweet!)

Here I am about half way through week 5. Wanted to get some time under my belt, but listening to a ton of Paleo podcasts, even COOKED for the first time in years and getting excited about it!

208.x this morning, was down 3-4-5ish the first week and 2-3ish the second week, so seeing some good results. No issues with "low carb flu."

Walking more every day, doing my best to get in 10k steps if I can, walking at lunch time and 5 sessions of LHT so far. I need to get that up to twice per week, all body weight stuff per Primal Fitness guide at the moment.

Completed my third SPRINT session last week, combined it with some light jogging too, about 1.5 miles all told and 8-10 sprints.

Oh yeah..the diet is going well, I was mostly paleo anyway, just cut out ALL junk (durn cookies..and mocha) I am eating dairy, and sugar free creme in my coffee. Food journal'd the first 10 days or so to make sure, getting 50-65 carbs per day, 100+ protein, and lots of fat calories, percentage wise. Calorie total was a few days right at 1200, some were 1600-1700ish. 

Would LOVE to hear from a gastric bypass PALEO success story (or not...struggles, etc.) and if they / you were able to lose a big part of that 30%!!!?


NERD CRED... well I am a bean counter that was also an IT major and so my career has been about the ability to speak Accounting and Computer.  Currently working on my Doctorate, dissertation in the area of Accounting/Finance.  Been playing RPG since Red box D&D, computer and console gamer as well, and don't get me started on Board Games!!


Was nice to see this site is growing, I had checked out his videos a few years ago when I was working on a push up challenge, and I am signed up for the 1/5/15 Six Week challenge!

Sam (JeepN3rd)


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Finished first six challenge for 2015, granting +1 to CON.  Otherwise all 0 stats at this point.

My Introduction post, tells my weight loss journey up to the point I joined NF!


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Keep up the good work! Sounds like you are on the right track! It is amazing the difference nutrition makes. I did my research after trying to figure out a cholesterol issue with my wife. I have never had weight or major health issues, thankfully, but i will tell you what! Vanessa and I have never felt better after a year of paleo! I like to call it the real food diet, just the thought of processed food makes me cringe now. Cutting back on the carbs even rectified a hypoglycemic issue with me that I never talk thought was a big deal (just had to be sure to eat every couple hours), but could have been later in life. I truly think this is going to work for you and look forward to hearing about your progress in this upcoming challenge (will be my first)!

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