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No Accidents in the Universe

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I don't think it's accidental that I found this group.  Yes, I am quite knowledgeable in the areas of marketing and not gullible enough to think that every social media marketing ad I come across is "meant to be".  However there are times when the Universe uses marketing to help us along.


At first, I must admit, I was a bit intimidated, as it appears that most everyone here is pretty young, and here I am at 53, with 4 sons who are beginning to hit their 30s, which is what I figure the target market is for this program.  But hey, I play video games, I read graphic novels, I'm a total gadget hound, and am one of the techie-go-to persons (i.e. nerds) where I work, including to people who are 10+ years younger than me, and not just with how to use technology, but what is hot, and what is about to hit.


I'm a business analyst (sales, inventory, production, supply chain) for a publicly traded corporation, and also a professional astrologer of 30+ years.  I live on the beaches of sunny South Florida and have a very wide range of interests (if you can't tell by my two vocations). I'm also a certified life coach and NLP practitioner, among other things... (this year I plan to become certified in hynosis) because I love to study the brain and psychology.


Oh, and I nearly forgot to mentions: I'm autistic.  What they formally called an "Aspie" before Asperger's disappeared, swallowed into what is now called "autistic spectrum".  I always felt autistic was the accurate term, and that "aspies" just wanted to distance themselves from the autism diagnosis, in a form of what I perceive to be self-loathing of their condition.  We are what we are.  No point bemoaning it, best to leverage it and use it to our advantage.  Autism, btw, is a genetic disorder which I believe to be evolutionary in origin, not due to any outside influence (such as toxins).


My year fitness goals are pretty simple - lose 52lbs or at least 1lb per week.  I could probably lose more, but I am a cancer survivor, 16 years in remission, which is virtually unheard of with kidney cancer. In the past 16 years I've gained a lot of weight due to what I have recently discovered is a subconscious link in my brain that losing weight = dying.  A good friend went on a diet recently and lost 50 lbs and all the while, I was panicking for her. When I asked myself why, I figured out why every time I lose 50lbs, "something happens" and I go off the diet and exercise program I was being successful at.  My second fitness goal for the year: to reassure myself and reprogram my subconscious that losing weight = becoming healthy, not a sign of illness.

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Hi Trish and welcome!


While a bunch of us are in our mid thirties or younger, we have a fair number of rebels that are around your age as well (there was even a thread on it awhile back). Not that it matters a whole lot--we're all united in nerdiness anyway, but I know it's nice to have folks you can relate to. :)


You have an amazing story and I'm impressed that you've figured out the weight loss panic=sick or dying connection. That must've taken some really focused introspection.


Poke around the forum and no need to be intimidated! We're a pretty friendly bunch, really. :)

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Welcome, Trish! I'm 43 -- you are not alone! I look forward to reading your progress. Any idea which guild you'll go for yet?

"Magic?" the old man replied, his raspy voice curling around the pipe like smoke,

"There's no such thing as that; not the way they mean...

There's sight, there's wisdom, and there's motion.

The rest is just...seeing what happens."

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Hi Munin & Silph!  At this point I'm pretty sure I'll end up joining the Druids, because I'm quite introspective and given to meditation and alternate states of consciousness.  I was a two-time tae kwon do national champion "back in the day", so who knows where I'll end up when I resuscitate my inner warrior, but seeing as how that part of me is buried under 100 lbs, it may take me a while to find her.

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