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what makes you a nerd?

Guest Snake McClain

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I know, right? Actually, now I'm thinking about it, it's a lot more.

Since with one hand, I can easily hold five keys at once, in a range of 18 keys. That gives us 12615 positions per hand ( (18 ncr 5)+(18 ncr 4)+(18 ncr 3)+(18 ncr 2)+(18 ncr 1), if you were wondering :P). In total, that makes 12615*12615=159138225 positions for both hands.

For some positions, it's possible to hold two keys with one finger, so it's actually more than that.

Not saying they all sound good, though. :P The overwhelming majority (talking 159000000+ here) sound like crap. :P

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Jesus thanks for the combinatorics flashback. I'm going to go sulk in a corner now while visions of the 5hr exams run their course.

If there are 5642 types of cheese and a planet has 13 moons made out of cheese, how many possible cheese moon systems that you would eat are there?

That wasn't on there but it should have been. Also, Cheese Factorial is my new band name. Stylized as Cheese! of course. Probably no one outside the math set (oh man see what I did there) will get it.

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
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Guest Snake McClain

I know, right? Actually, now I'm thinking about it, it's a lot more.

Since with one hand, I can easily hold five keys at once, in a range of 18 keys. That gives us 12615 positions per hand ( (18 ncr 5)+(18 ncr 4)+(18 ncr 3)+(18 ncr 2)+(18 ncr 1), if you were wondering :P). In total, that makes 12615*12615=159138225 positions for both hands.

For some positions, it's possible to hold two keys with one finger, so it's actually more than that.

Not saying they all sound good, though. :P The overwhelming majority (talking 159000000+ here) sound like crap. :P

You're right. most of those WOULD sound like crap. lol

Double post. Oh internets, how do you work.

I'm going to go start a new thread that is about how i know I must not be a nerd, and point number one will be "i have no idea what anyone is talking about in the "what makes you a nerd" thread".

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Guest Snake McClain

@Bruce - oh me oh my. So who's your favorite hero?

This is a pretty tough question to answer. I might have to go with Hawkeye from the Avengers. Or Captain America if I'm going with a mainstream title. Daredevil is up there as well. I love DC characters but I just can't relate to a guy like Superman or Batman or Green Lantern.

If i had to pick one hands down it would probably be either Swamp Thing or Hellboy. Just the idea of being isolated one of a kind in a world you don't quite understand and a part of you has to remain hidden. Really speaks to me.

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Jesus thanks for the combinatorics flashback. I'm going to go sulk in a corner now while visions of the 5hr exams run their course.

If there are 5642 types of cheese and a planet has 13 moons made out of cheese, how many possible cheese moon systems that you would eat are there?

Haha, sorry about that. :P

My answer would be: none, I don't eat cheese. Even though I eat cheese, but it's the easy way out. :P

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Haha, sorry about that. :P

My answer would be: none, I don't eat cheese. Even though I eat cheese, but it's the easy way out. :P

You know I thought about that later haha. "0, by lactose intolerance/paleo principle. QED. Where's my damn degree already."

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
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Looking for a strength program? Check out The Danger Method and remember to do your damn abs

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This is a pretty tough question to answer. I might have to go with Hawkeye from the Avengers. Or Captain America if I'm going with a mainstream title. Daredevil is up there as well. I love DC characters but I just can't relate to a guy like Superman or Batman or Green Lantern.

If i had to pick one hands down it would probably be either Swamp Thing or Hellboy. Just the idea of being isolated one of a kind in a world you don't quite understand and a part of you has to remain hidden. Really speaks to me.

hawkeye huh??

Posted Image

i'll go ahead and say my favorites... doctor strange, cap of course, deadpool, the wasp! jan in my icon <3 and a few more, i just love the marvel universe haha. i liked batman for a while but no other dc series really....

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Guest Snake McClain

hawkeye huh??

Posted Image

i'll go ahead and say my favorites... doctor strange, cap of course, deadpool, the wasp! jan in my icon <3 and a few more, i just love the marvel universe haha. i liked batman for a while but no other dc series really....

oh yeah. Make Mine Marvel for sure. I did like the Green Lantern run for a while there as it was getting to be AMAZING. But i'm over it now.

btw i knew Jan was your avatar there. lol.

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I know, right? Actually, now I'm thinking about it, it's a lot more.

Since with one hand, I can easily hold five keys at once, in a range of 18 keys. That gives us 12615 positions per hand ( (18 ncr 5)+(18 ncr 4)+(18 ncr 3)+(18 ncr 2)+(18 ncr 1), if you were wondering :P). In total, that makes 12615*12615=159138225 positions for both hands.

For some positions, it's possible to hold two keys with one finger, so it's actually more than that.

Not saying they all sound good, though. :P The overwhelming majority (talking 159000000+ here) sound like crap. :P

That comment alone qualifies you to be here =)

On that note (pun intended), what if you only had a two-octave synthesizer? And would you count each built-in sound as a different combination...? (I think my brain just exploded. This is why I was an English major)


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That comment alone qualifies you to be here =)

On that note (pun intended), what if you only had a two-octave synthesizer? And would you count each built-in sound as a different combination...? (I think my brain just exploded. This is why I was an English major)

If it were a two-octave synthesizer, I would be able to span the entire thing with two hands. There are 26 keys on those. Since I've got ten fingers, we get (26 ncr 10)+...+(26 ncr 1)=10970271 positions.

I just checked, and my piano/keyboard-thingamajig has 360 synthesized sounds (along with 139 recorded sounds, but most of those are in the synthesized sounds), so that makes 10970271*360 = 3949297560 different positions for two octaves.

Sorry guys, I can't help it. :P

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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If it were a two-octave synthesizer, I would be able to span the entire thing with two hands. There are 26 keys on those. Since I've got ten fingers, we get (26 ncr 10)+...+(26 ncr 1)=10970271 positions.

I just checked, and my piano/keyboard-thingamajig has 360 synthesized sounds (along with 139 recorded sounds, but most of those are in the synthesized sounds), so that makes 10970271*360 = 3949297560 different positions for two octaves.

Sorry guys, I can't help it. :P

I just have this feeling that before long the final tally's going to be 161,803,398,874,989 :)


Scout Commander (ret.)

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Doctor Who, Risk, D&D, Munchkin, Reading (is apparently nerdy...O.o whatever), my love of dragons, Starwars, Dystopian Literature, Portal, Halo, ITS employee (least nerdy of all), past band geek, Firefly, Serenity, Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog, I tend to date nerds (I can't describe how much I love the nerd references and the uber-cute nerd guys. ADORABLE!), my interest in languages, my desire to go to Comicon, cosplay as Chell and a MOTHA EFFIN' DRAGON, Big Bang Theory, being Agnostic/Skeptic (sorry if this offends anyone), Sci-fi and Fantasy.

There has to be more but that is all I can come up with atm. :)

Nhiyoka the Fierce

Elf Assassin

STR: 1| DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON:3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 4


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I just have this feeling that before long the final tally's going to be 161,803,398,874,989 :)

But a trombone is longer than a synthesizer when it is fully extended. Isn't size what matters...now if were talking girth, the tuba would crush you...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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i'll go ahead and say my favorites... deadpool

Deadpool is quite literally the best thing to come to comic books since a plot.

And have you read the screenplay? Because it's hilarious. I'm pretty pissed that Ryan Reynolds gave into the DC Universe, because he was who should be cast as deadpool... again.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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I'm pretty sure this also qualifies me as a nerd:

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90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


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Zelda, Star Trek are my two major ones. The Majora's mask tattoo I have is probably a dead giveaway.

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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I've covered most aspects of nerdiness at some point or other. Tons of books, video games, anime, table-top gaming, LARPing. When I was 8, I read Great Expectations just to prove I could. When I was 17, I was the only person who got into the highschool's Advanced Robotics and Programming class, but they didn't adjust the budget, so I built an ARMY of sumo-bots, then acted as a TA for the normal R&P class. In college, having never actually watched much TV, I was elected president of the sci-fi and fantasy society, introduced to Star Trek, and have been an enormous trekkie ever since.

Now I'm a bouncy little geek girl with wacky hair, and I work admin at a software house while teaching myself Python and setting up my SafeCall project.

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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Guess I better sign in for roll call on this one

Unpopular as hell (not that i think that's a major pre req)

Used to help the librarians in the school library, of my own free will over lunch and recess

Warhammer, all varients, chaos and skaven (extra points for still remembering I think :) )

loved the origional star wars trilogy (the rest didn't happen!!!!)

D&D, AD&D and the Vampires and werewolves games both rp and larp

OCD about random details, including researching anything that interests me.

4 am runs to McD's/Burger King or a 24/7 that were rpg induced

Comics, (x-men) but they're cool now so it doesn't count right?

A strong love of norse and greek mythology

Read all the origional Dragon lance novels (Hickman/weiss)

Can read more books in a fortnight than most people do in a year

Didn't go to either of my school balls since i couldn't get a date

Am known by name to many people in the Evony world, even though I don't play anymore

Guess that'll do for a start..........

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