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Got of early from work as our Supervisor needed to work with the new girl, so that let me out 40 minutes early. Yah shopping for food!

Got home early too, put my bathers in the machine and went and done the final workout for week 4 Madcow!


Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching and stuffs.


1x5@30kg warm up set.







By the time I hit the 75's I was doubting the sanity of doing a strength workout in the middle of the first week of "Getting Shredded"














By the time I got to the BOR, I was feeling it. However have decided to throw in a strength training at least once a week. Even if it is swapping out a shredding workout. Can't do 4 shreds and a strength.......ok so let's see how we go with this.

The girls at work were talking about weight training today, I did not involve myself in the conversation, the misconception of "getting bulky" and you "have" to do cardio if you want to get fit, made me smile into my chicken and lettuce! One of them was talking about leg day, with the stationary bike and the incline on the dreadmill. Oh well. :)

Wait! What............?

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Hahahha, someone at work was telling me it was a bad for women to do push ups / core exercises. Their reason? Makes it hard to have children (Something to do with the tightness of your abs complicating pregnancies because your abs are so rock hard, but I've yet to read anything about it) and the only other reason I've ever heard (when I was a girl in primary school, yikes) was that "it could damage your uterus."


I'm sorry, but my ability to produce squirming blobs of resource sucking leeches is not my only source of worth as a human being. xD Anyway, you have to let these people come to the proper conclusion through their own trial and error. xD No point trying to school them; if they are serious they'll figure it out eventually! When you get heaps shredded they'll probably come grovelling to you and you can open their eyes to the wonders of weight training!

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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You know when you get run down because you are eating on the run, not sleeping enough, worrying about everything and just to put that fucking cherry on the top, where your fat rolls hang the skin starts to deteriorate because you are losing a little weight and clothes are beginning to rub the wrong way, especially those fucking comfy nana grundies!

Wait! What............?

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Spent yesterday in Bunbury with the Scouts. They had an amazing race type activity through the city precinct.

I was on a base at the top of a hill at the Marlston look out. We could see every, single, front, coming, in!!!


It was windy, cold and wet! The upside, two wonderful Leaders to hang out with and the Scouts were awesome, working together I their Patrols, laughing and having a great time despite the really crappy weather.

And back to fitness:

Haven't worked out since Wednesday, but did 3 killer workouts, up to then.

Eaten pretty bad since Wednesday, but back to it this morning, no weight gain that isn't just water retention.

Haven't taken the anti- inflammatories like directed, but have been taking blood pressure pills religiously.

Staying home today despite the fact I should be at the rubbish tip cleaning up for a fundraiser, the kids are asleep, I am knackered and my house and family need my attention more than the Scouts do, but have planned to treat myself to a home hair cut and leg wax, before housework and kids getting up.

Feeling good about being successful at this Challenge because for the next two weeks we start later at work, and in two weeks time we have school holidays so there is absolutely no excuse not to get shredded workouts in BEFORE, I need to leave the house, woohoo time up my sleeve!

Have a Dr's appointment for BP check up and can also have him look at this skin deterioration, two birds one excellent stone. :)

Loving this Challenge already!

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Wait! What............?

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Isn't working with a youth engagement group just one of the most rewarding experiences? I really love it.

Also, it's always fun getting excited about a new challenge, I just suck at following through with it.

Still waiting for a before picture though.

Dwarf Warrior
I am today what I made myself yesterday, I will be tomorrow what I make of myself today.

Current challenge: Juni0r83 works on his Schedule-Fu

Previous challenge: Juni0r83 re-evaluates and refocuses

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Shred Morning Peeps!

Not gonna lie, changing plan, week 1 starts today, you know the old story "the best laid plans of mice and Bro's"

Started with an hour walk covering 4.79km and burning 353 calories doing 5779 steps.

Then this is where shit got changed, instead of coming in, making Son5 lunch, doing a load of washing and getting out to the shed for phase 2, I get "my bag is at Nanna's", "I'm meeting up with a girlfriend, at 10.30am"

So here we are looking at driving into town instead of the bus stop, a 45 minute trip, argh! :(

Breakfast: two eggs and 250g of sliced mushroom.

So weigh in, measurements and photos after the bloody Mummy duty, due to teenage brain.

More to come.

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Wait! What............?

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Here is the more:

Ok so Phase 2 Monday morning:

The shed shred workout:

Bench Press:






Swapped the DB Shoulder Press for the OHP

Lying Tricep Extension:


Barbell Curls:


Front Squats:


Paused for 4 seconds on each last rep. Just coz' you know legs!

Time for work and other mundane stuffs, but going in with a workout high! :) :)

Wait! What............?

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The first layer of work clothes.


Second layer.


I apologise for them being so big, not sure how to make them smaller with tapatalk. The before shots. [emoji54]

You know... the mental image I had of you, and these pictures don't match. You look at lot better than you come across in your talking...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Ok so the Dr says I need to up my medication for BP, hasn't come down enough, fair enough, he has a plan. My platelet count is down, but he has ordered a second blood test because sometimes they clump together during transport and knocking about etc so wants to get a base line count, fair enough. He let's me in on an inside secret, to get my BP down I should relax and probably exercise.........O.o

I really like this Dr and no sarcasm involved he is thorough and he bulk billed me, which means his consultation was free! :)

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Shed Shred Week 1, Tuesday, Lower Body Workout:






Leg Extensions:


Leg Curls:


Standing Calf Raises



Lying Leg Raises:


Russian Twists:


These because my lovely children popped my Swiss Ball, so unable to do Swiss Ball Crunches!

Felt pretty good doing this. Might have to add a little weight next time, even though EMOM is kicking my arse! :)

Wait! What............?

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So no walk this morning, really restless in bed, two lads in here, snoring and pinching all the doona, kicking, throwing arms about and laughing in their sleep, which is the cutest thing! The older lads in the lounge room right next door on the game killing terrorists into the early morning, just yep, no sleep for you old girl.

That's ok, rest day today, but because I do not have to be anywhere straight after work gonna smash out some laps so the balance is restored.

Wait! What............?

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My Mum has just rang me and started her, OMG, are you ok, you know your Dad's leukaemia was picked up by low platlets, this is why you are tired ALL the time, OMG, let me know if I can help you at all.............PLEASE woman calm down! I am not dying, and too late to be the caring mother now. Sheesh!

That's moms for ya, no matter how old you get, you're still their kid.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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That's moms for ya, no matter how old you get, you're still their kid.

True Dat Insanity, still call all my Lads my babies, it amuses the 22 year old and the 19 year olds love it, it creeps the 17, 15 and 12 year old out but my 8 year old proudly announces to the world he is Mum's baby!

Fitness so far today:

Walk 51 minutes, 4.89 km, 5674 steps.

With about 1/4 of the way back to the homestead left to go Son6 came running down the track, Twin1 was having an asthma attack and tearing the kitchen apart looking for an inhaler! Heart rate went up that's for sure.

By the time we got home, he had medicated and was starting out to get Son6 back in the ute. Holy dog biscuits batman, don't need that shit first thing in the morning.

Shed Shred tonight after Scouts.

Wait! What............?

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Self sabotage, why is it that I am so bloody good at it? Thursday and I'm all yah, lifting after Scouts, yah I can do this, yah gonna cut, shred, be the awesomest ever blah, blah!

Thursday night reality, so tired eyes are gritty due to fatigue, just spent an hour and a half walking around town with the Scouts, get home, the lights from the bus shine into my little Shred Shed and I go all, "fuck it, after dinner" after dinner we are looking at the clock 7.45 in the pm. Now it is "fuck it" eat crap after dinner and go to bed. WTF Seven.

I really need to sort my shit out or shit ain't happening.


Wait! What............?

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