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She is relentless! Went for my second blood test today, the phlebotomist had a harder time finding my veins today, came out with multiple band aids :(

I could have rung the Dr surgery at 4.30 to find out the results but my Mum was in my face from 4.00 "have you rung yet?" 4.10, 4.15, 4.20, 4.25, 4.30, right up until 5.00, "I am not going to ring the Dr, I will talk to HIM about the results when I go back in two weeks."

Not only that but the woman who was telling me she would help me, in any way she could, watched me do her dishes, twice, make dinner for 9 people including her and Dad and asked for multiple cups of coffee when she wasn't in bed. That's ok Mum, Just sit and relax, I got this :(

Wait! What............?

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Language warning:

Ok, so here is the honest.

I am confused! I did the Wednesday Madcow (as seen below) and totally just lost my shit because 1x5@90kg deadlift, kinda really sucked and the last rep was just gross, and it bummed me out that 1x5@100kg, was totally not going to happen.






Paused for 3 seconds at the bottom for the last reps. Just not feeling strong.





These are the only things I was happy about.





Fucking grip, fucking sweaty fucking hands, bloody hell. Just not happy.

If there was an emoticon that was a sad angry face that I could access on iPad I would fill up this post with it.

And to top off my angry confused mind, I noticed today that one foot is slightly in front of the other when I squat. Just like a fucking twisted sister.

Wait! What............?

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Feeling a little better now I have carlmed down a bit, and thought about stuff. Not to mention getting things in perspective, fully expecting a trip to the hospital with Son6, he is crook, wheezing and cough, this little Bugger though has a tendency for pneumonia and lung infections so keeping an eye on him.

In better news, sent Son5 and his mate out on an overnight hike by themselves. This is going to be awesome for them.

The beginning:


Wait! What............?

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The drama unfolded, spent two hours at the hospital with Son6, pretty much knew that was gonna happen, while we were in there Son5 contacts me, his mate is suffering from severe stomach cramps, they need picking up. So after that haul arse to the middle of nowhere for emergency pick up.

It is Sunday today and I feel like crap, sore throat, blocked nose and general shittyness. However Son3 and Son4 have their soccer grand final today, so time to get out of bed and move on.

Wait! What............?

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Was not feeling 1000% today and dreaded being in the water, got away with being dry for the first two classes but the two after lunch, OMG, just was not on the ball at all, I think I was shivering worse than the kids.

Not to mention that two of the teachers had exchanged unpleasantries on Friday when I wasn't there. I get it though, one teacher has a bad habit of swimming her class through others while moving around the pool. No excuse me, or may I, just directs her kids straight through. Rude, pool etiquette.

Son5 really enjoyed his first day of work experience at Manjimup Toyota. Cool another mechanic in the family is a good thing!

Wait! What............?

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Wednesday and only need to get through. Today and tomorrow and break for 3 weeks! So far my Challenge has sucked big time and consistency has not been accomplished. Hoping above hope that with the break from Scouts/Venturers and work, I will be able to nail the next 3 weeks in workout and nutrition.

I hate that the dog was so excited to see me early this morning, but had to let her down for a walk because of the need to be in the next town by 8.00am.

Yep need to make these next three weeks count, and get this current Challenge under control, instead of the runaway train it has been.

Wait! What............?

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Well life is just full of disappointment. Son2 (twin1) failed his drug test yesterday and won't be off to work on the bins this summer. Hardly a surprise but a disappointment none the less. Fucking pot smokers. :(

Grrr. What are "the bins"?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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We're coming into Harvest, so the bins are the grain handlers, his job would have been weighing the trucks, cleaning the silo's after the grain has been moved to the trains, general maintenance, making sure the conveyer belts keep moving, that kind of stuff. He was up there 8 weeks last year and made $10,000 AUD. Pretty good money for the kids over Christmas break. At least his two brothers will be working.

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Wait! What............?

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I am so extremely happy, my Best Belt arrived today! OMG, I love it! It's purple and pretty and it's awesome! Photos tomorrow when I get into town..........so happy.

Awesome! Good luck breaking it in.

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Dwarf Warrior
I am today what I made myself yesterday, I will be tomorrow what I make of myself today.

Current challenge: Juni0r83 works on his Schedule-Fu

Previous challenge: Juni0r83 re-evaluates and refocuses

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So black mould everywhere! I knew it and there was the feeling of inevitability that I was going to have to deal with it. So first day of total house Spring clean kitchen was totally torn apart and bleach was sprayed everywhere. Phase two, wash all the dishes and Tupperware and store in boxes until I can talk SO into a new kitchen, and since I haven't had a stove that works for 6 years, we could be living out of tubs for a while yet.

So finish kitchen and start another room today!

Keen..........not! :(

Wait! What............?

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So black mould everywhere! I knew it and there was the feeling of inevitability that I was going to have to deal with it. So first day of total house Spring clean kitchen was totally torn apart and bleach was sprayed everywhere. Phase two, wash all the dishes and Tupperware and store in boxes until I can talk SO into a new kitchen, and since I haven't had a stove that works for 6 years, we could be living out of tubs for a while yet.

So finish kitchen and start another room today!

Keen..........not! :(

No stove for six years!!! That would drive me bananas! We don't have a working oven at the moment though, must get that sorted :think:

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So black mould everywhere! I knew it and there was the feeling of inevitability that I was going to have to deal with it. So first day of total house Spring clean kitchen was totally torn apart and bleach was sprayed everywhere. Phase two, wash all the dishes and Tupperware and store in boxes until I can talk SO into a new kitchen, and since I haven't had a stove that works for 6 years, we could be living out of tubs for a while yet.

So finish kitchen and start another room today!

Keen..........not! :(

Ouch... I'm not looking forward to doing anything with the bathroom or kitchen just for that reason. Both need a full remodel... Hell, the house needs a remodel.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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1hr5min, 4.8km, 5361 steps.

Simply Shredded, Week 2:







Lying Tricep Extensions:


Straight Bar Curls:


Just because I can:

Front Squats:




1/2 done beltless, 1/2 done with belt.

So a week off at the beginning of a Challenge is probably not a good idea. Felt very weak, but motivated. So there is that. The belt was an experience and I found my knees shot outwards when lowering the bar to miss squashing the guts on the way back to the floor, gonna have to work on that for sure. It has highlighted the fact that the useless piece of skin and fat hanging off the front of me may be problematic. That said though I fucking loved it, the pull felt really strong and back felt great, there is obviously going to be an adjustment period.

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Wait! What............?

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When I had my shower tonight noticed a bruise on my stomach where the buckle sat. LOL, who would have thunk it, bruised by a belt and here I was worried about my shins and knees!

A bruise is better than torn skin...

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Dwarf Warrior
I am today what I made myself yesterday, I will be tomorrow what I make of myself today.

Current challenge: Juni0r83 works on his Schedule-Fu

Previous challenge: Juni0r83 re-evaluates and refocuses

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Tuesday: 29.09.2015

Simply Shredded Week 2 Lower Body





Leg Extensions:


Leg Curls:


Standing Calf Raises:



Lying Leg Raises:


Russian Twists:


Also went for a walk, 46m, did 4.58km and 5,400steps.

Feeling pretty good today, knee felt good too, put Voltaren gel on it before bed last night and got up this morning without any stiffness so that was cool. The EMOM is still kicking my arse though.

Wait! What............?

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