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Mel's Workout Log

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Couch to 5K: Week 1, Day 2

*Easiest running program ever. Varied intensity on 60-sec jog parts, going for HIIT version of C25K. Hip flexors will probably be sore tomorrow!

*Put off running this weekend until LATE Sunday night. Finished at 11pm. Barely got it in for the "weekend run".

I've decided to add food to this log.

Bkfst: Coffee w/cream, Greek yogurt parfait from Starbucks

Lunch: Mixed veggies... green beans, squash, corn, spinach

Dinner: Reuben sandwich, iced tea

Post-Dinner gluttony: pint of ice cream

That last part was not my proudest moment.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Look who hasn't been posting workouts... ME.

The kiddo and I are starting to work out at the same time. He joined Crossfit (via his father in another city) and I'm working out at the local park while he's at the gym. So far, it's been working well.

Getting the moleskin back out to log workouts. And food intake. And weight.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Setting some goals for the next week (remaining days of 2011):

~Create Google Doc spreadsheet for tracking weight (& share on NF) ... check!

~Get new body measurements ... check!

~Create Google Doc spreadsheet for body measurements (& share on NF) ... check!

~Get calisthenics baseline: pushups, situps, pullups (as if!), plank

~Get weightlifting baseline: squat, deadlift, benchpress, cleans, jerks, etc. (need to figure out specific exercises)

~Create Google Doc spreadsheet for workouts (& share on NF)

~Create Google Doc for food log (& share on NF)


1. Pass minimum/"satisfactory" Navy PRT requirements for my age bracket ("outstanding" level in parentheses)

~40 (95) situps in 2 min

~11 (43) pushups in 2 min (43)

~1.5 mile-run in 16:30 (10:51)

~500yd/450m swim in 14:30 (7:30)

Why???? Going to Navy Officer Recruiter in Jan, looking into joining as active duty or reserves. Have to get an age waiver, so I'm hoping my prior enlisted service (2 yrs) will help. Also hoping to compensate for age with excellent PRT results.

2. Get through Couch-2-5K program. I keep starting and not finishing. I want to run 3 miles nonstop. For realz.

3. Develop and maintain a weightlifting program. Looking at Olympic/powerlifting regimen. Still need to research this area.


1. Reach low body fat (~15%) and size 6 jeans.

2. Compete in Tough Mudder

3. Compete in a bodybuilding/fitness competition.

(Right now I like INBA Bikini Divas and Sports Model divisions.)

3. Compete in a powerlifting competition: Squat, Benchpress, Deadlift. Not sure about the process on this. Need more research.

And... reach these goals with no added expense. No gym memberships*, no personal trainer, no supplements, etc. I assume my grocery bill will increase somewhat while getting back to Paleo-esque diet, but not very much.

*I have "free" access to fitness center in my apartment complex and fitness center at university campus.

The next few days are getting organized...


~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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No exercise today. :(


Bkfst - 2 fried eggs, 2 cups coffee w/coffeemate

Lunch - Whataburger (gasp!)

Dinner - Chicken fajita meat with fresh tomatoes... and chips and salsa

EDIT: My CalorieCounter (phone app) says:

1198 Cal

44 g fat

78 g carbs

42 g protein

Although, this doesn't add up... (44*9)+(120*4)=920, not 1198. Need to figure this out.

It was nice eating an entire plate of meat and veggies for dinner and not feeling grotesquely full. Except for the chips & salsa, it was a smart food choice for being in a mexican restaurant.

Weather is looking up, planning for a walk/run tomorrow.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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2 cups coffee w/coffeemate

For a second I thought I was reading Midge's log (she also has 2 or three cups of coffee in the morning with creamer for b'fast).

I guess Texas is one of those places where it's heaven to be a paleo-esque meat lover... Denver, Omaha, KC also come to mind.

Does the envy show though the binary stream?

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I guess Texas is one of those places where it's heaven to be a paleo-esque meat lover... Denver, Omaha, KC also come to mind.

You know, it's been a challenge finding local grass-fed beef, though. I thought SURELY there are cattle ranches all over the place to buy meat from... It was tricky. Can't get it in the local grocery stores (even though my city has 300K+ people living here), except the "natural foods" grocery store, where the grass-fed meat comes from Uruguay, of all places. Totally weird.

Finally found a few grass-fed farms close enough where I can make a day trip to get some. Or I can order online and have some frozen meat shipped with dry ice.

And fresh fruits and veggies are shipped in from Cali or Mexico. So much for buying and supporting local food.

What are your options in DC? I would think a large population would increase demand for better options, no?

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

30-Day Paleo Challenge Extravaganza!! ~~ Mel's Workout Log ~~ Online Measurements ~~ Online Weight Log ~~ twitter

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whole foods... probably there are other places but generally I don't eat paleo or a lot of saturated fat so it's not that important, but I do envy people eating as much meat as they need to feel full...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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whole foods... generally I don't eat paleo or a lot of saturated fat so it's not that important, but I do envy people eating as much meat as they need to feel full...

Ah, I dream of Whole Foods. None in Corpus Christi. Maybe someday...

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Just want to mention that the notion of being "big-boned" is a misnomer for a lot of people. I've been overweight for many years of my adulthood, and so many people outwardly excused my excess weight (and I believed it) due to being big-boned. It was my excuse for being big.

It was bullshit.

A few years ago, I looked into how to determine if I have a small, med, or large frame. I found two methods, both measuring the wrist: one with measuring tape and one using overlapping of fingers of opposite hand. Using both methods, I fall under the "small frame" category. I wasn't big-boned. I was fat.

No more excuses. I've lost 40 lbs and I'm not done.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Just want to mention that the notion of being "big-boned" is a misnomer for a lot of people. I've been overweight for many years of my adulthood, and so many people outwardly excused my excess weight (and I believed it) due to being big-boned. It was my excuse for being big.

It was bullshit.

A few years ago, I looked into how to determine if I have a small, med, or large frame. I found two methods, both measuring the wrist: one with measuring tape and one using overlapping of fingers of opposite hand. Using both methods, I fall under the "small frame" category. I wasn't big-boned. I was fat.

No more excuses. I've lost 40 lbs and I'm not done.

This is awesome. I believe there are people who are naturally bigger, but they just have an easier time getting huge muscles. Most people I know who are "big boned" complain about it while eating a sack of french fries and washing it down with a Coca Cola.

However, I am a thankful every day that it is relatively easy for me to lose weight and that my food addictions were not that hard to break.

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Bkfst: 2 cups coffee with creamer, 2 pieces of toast with butter

Lunch: 2 pieces of toast with butter

Dinner: 6" subway flatbread turkey, bacon, avocado sandwich

Total Cal (phone app): 1377

40% fat

47% carbs

13% protein

Weight (parents bathroom scale): 188 lbs

No exercise again today. Damn holiday laziness and cold weather. Forecast 72 degrees tomorrow! Got my VFFs ready!!

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Two days off in a row is tough! Better bring it today!

Oh, I so needed that push! Thank you!

Starbuck would only take 2 days off if she was on a bender.

So true! Although, even on a bender, I bet she burns lots-o-calories while punching people in the face! ... Or fooling around with hot-yet-unavailable guys. Since I am doing neither of those -- sigh -- I'm headed outside.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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Bkfst: 2 cups coffee with creamer, 2 pieces of toast with butter

Lunch: ramen soup

Dinner: grilled talapia

Total Cal (phone app): 945

38% fat

42% carbs

20% protein

Not the best food choices, but came home by dinner time and had some fish. Working on getting protein % up and carb % down.

Weight (parents bathroom scale): 188 lbs

Exercise: Did a walk/run around my parents' neighborhood with the dog. Didn't log time or distance, just went outside and enjoyed the fabulous weather. Back at home today, so workouts should increase exponentially.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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*Still working on clearing out (i.e. eating) non-paleo foods in kitchen. Also using up Starbucks xmas gift card before paleo challenge.*

Bkfst: 1 cups coffee with creamer

Snack: Starbucks mocha, Coffee cake slice

Lunch: Starbucks Skinny Latte, scone

Dinner: Ramen

Snack: 2 boiled eggs, tomato slices, cheese slices

Total Cal (phone app): 2197

39% fat

45% carbs

15% protein

Daily calories getting better, up to a more reasonable number. Still working on getting protein % up and carb % down.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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*Still working on clearing out (i.e. eating) non-paleo foods in kitchen.

I don't believe in throwing out food either. To me it feels wrong when others are hungry. I'd feel similarly about donating food that I didn't consider good enough for me to eat. Good for you for clearing stuff out the way you have.

(Just my opinion, others can do what they like)

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Bkfst: 1 cups coffee with creamer

Snack: Starbucks mocha, Coffee cake slice

Lunch: Starbucks Skinny Latte, scone

Dinner: Ramen

Snack: 2 boiled eggs, tomato slices, cheese slices

Total Cal (phone app): 2197

That's 2200 calories? I would have guessed maybe half that. This just proves that I have no concept of how much I'm stuffing down my gullet.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Ha! Yes, Starbucks is evil when it comes to diet. I knew my calories would go up from the previous day (<1000), but I overshot it a bit.

According to my Fat Secret calorie calculator app:

Grande Mocha is 220 Cal

Coffee cake is 440 Cal

Skinny Latte is 130 Cal

Scone is 490 Cal

The scone and coffee cake are 930 Cal together. Still using Starbuck gift card today, trying yogurt or something instead of cake-y stuff. Will post Calories results.

Using this phone app to track my food consumption has been an eye-opening experience.

~Mel ••• Starbuck is my hero •••

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