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Gaming Wins

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This little thread was the result of me thinking about some gaming thing's I've done. Thing's like I've gathered 200,000 pieces of gold on Skyrim you know stuff like that. Stuff that make's you feel achieved when you do it. Stuff that you brag about to your other gamer friend's. You know stuff like that. :pride:

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Level 0 - Berserker

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"Live ever day so that you may tell a story at the end of it."

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One thing that stands out for me as a win, comes from WoW. This was during the Burning Crusade, and I don't remember exactly the instance that I was in but you came around an almost 180 degree to the right, entered a large room with a door on the left that went into a hall and an almost church like setting. It had benches and "churchgoers", I want to say 6 mobs to the left and a couple to the right of the entrance. The way to beat it was to pull the left side, into the hallway, CC most of them and pick em off one at a time.


I was playing a warlock, and I remember a priest, warrior and mage being there as well, don't remember the 5th player, and in a brief lack of planning, we didn't realize until we reached that room that I was the main one with CC abilities. So we get to the room, realize our CC situation, and end up formulating a plan, one that makes my hands hate me for playing a warlock.


The plan was I would pull the group, the warrior would pick one and keep him at the hallway, and I would pull the rest into the room and CC them. I banish pull the group, banishing a felhound, the rest follow me into the room with a warrior grabbing one on the way, I seduce one with my succubus, and fear bounce 2 others. The felhound breaks free, comes after me and now I have on rotation 2 mobs fearbounced, 1 mob banished, 1 mob seduced. So it was bounce 1, check banish, check seduce, bounce 2, lifetap, check banish, check seduce, bounce 1, banish, seduce, bounce 2, lifetap, check banish, check seduce.....


This went on, for what seemed like forever, I think they had to kill 2 mobs before they got to the ones I had... then the group comes to grab one, and things get a bit easier. Eventually, all mobs lay dead, and we are victorious.... and my hands have yet to forgive me for that.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Man it's hard to pick out just one! One of them I remember vividly was our first guild kill of Ragnaros in WoW. The guild I was in was a pretty tight knit group of friends and it's hard to describe the pure excitement of 40 people cheering wildly on TeamSpeak (this was before Ventrillo dominated. WoW players are somewhat jaded now but 10 years ago the game was still pretty new and shiny and a victory like this, for 40 who had been slogging away at getting keyed, wiping on trash and not having Bloodlust alliance side was pretty thrilling. Everyone immediately went to Ironforge and had a naked gnome hot tub party.

The game has changed drastically now but no matter how many bosses I down and purples I gather, that first Rags kill was the best.

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I wouldn't necessarily consider this a win but I was playing pokemon red and I was just about to beat the champion and it came down to our starters. I had Blastoise and he had Venusaur and I used ice beam and missed... I forgot what move he used but we were both at super low health and he won... I couldn't touch the game for a while after the disappointment. If that ice beam had hit it would have been a win

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Level 0 - Berserker

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"Live ever day so that you may tell a story at the end of it."

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I wouldn't necessarily consider this a win but I was playing pokemon red and I was just about to beat the champion and it came down to our starters. I had Blastoise and he had Venusaur and I used ice beam and missed... I forgot what move he used but we were both at super low health and he won... I couldn't touch the game for a while after the disappointment. If that ice beam had hit it would have been a win

That's the thing I hate about RNG... I don't know how many times that's happened to me...


On the note of RNG...


Everyone who had played WoW has heard of the "Melee-lock". Generally a warlock that has equipped a dagger and firestone, at the time when firestone added fire damage to an equipped melee weapon. I took that one step further, and built a spec/equipment list that focused solely on melee attacks. I had a dagger that had it's own damage proc, enchanted it with the life drain proc, and used the firestone. Also put together a set of high armor cloth gear, mostly the Ironweave Battlesuit. Enchanted with all the armor and agility I could find, to the point I ended up with something like 30% dodge and 50% damage redux, and specced into soul-link/affliction with my voidwalker as my main pet.  So I was a pretty tanky warlock against melee...


Now to the two best stories as a result...


1: I was in Arathi Basin, trying to get the center flag, it was a fight between Alliance and Horde and I was dropping DoTs everywhere. I then start to take arrows to the back, and get attacked by a cat that ran up a cliff from behind me. So I turn around, jump through the bush and land in front of what can only be described as a stunned orc hunter. To which I immediately start stabbing him with my dagger, and he takes off running and I start laughing cuz you can see in his character that he had no idea what to do. I continue stabbing him in the back as he runs, and he proceeds to die in the water... a little gnome warlock standing over him in victory.


1: Warsong Gulch... the last thing you want to see is a warlock carrying a flag, we had practically zero escape spells and no heals, so unless it was a heavily supported warlock they were screwed should they get the flag. Enter the melee lock, I run across the field, up to the flag room, and grab the flag. Heading out, I almost immediately come under fire, practically their entire team had found me. I drop off the cliff, walking at hamstrung speed, and drop every lifedrain dot I can manage. Sac and rez my voidwalker, by now I'm at the giant log on the left side coming out of the horde flagroom. Then I catch a heal, and some support, and proceed to take an absolute beating all the way back to the alliance side cliff, hamstrung the entire way. I repeat this process a number of times, each time the same thing... was pretty convinced they had no idea how to deal with a warlock with stats like that. Hell, it took 3 rogues literally 45 seconds to stun lock kill me when I wasn't supported.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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One thing I truly lament for the upcoming generations of gamers is they will never know the glorious, unmitigated joy of the classic arcade. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to beat people online but it's generally nameless, faceless opponents that more often than not might as well be bots.

If you under 20 you likely have no idea what a line of quarters across the game cabinet screen means. You have never had someone bitch about how cheap you were for daring to execute a throw, you likely never ran into the one guy who only knew how to spam Chun li's kicks or Ryu's fireball. You never had to read AOL or Compuserve boards trying to find a fatality, finding a move no one in your region knew and causing people to go berserk when they saw it. Hell you never had someone give you 20 bucks to show them how to do Sub Zero's finishing move.

Don't take this to mean games were better then, just the environment is something that is not replicated today. If you watch a gaming tourney it was like that, but on a local level where everyone knew you.

Internet gaming is awesome, but it pales in comparison to rocking out in an arcade where 75 people are milling around watching 2 gamers go at it on a Mortal Kombat cabinet. When the challengers are stacked a dozen deep and you just keep plowing through them in a rain of fatalities, pixilated blood, quarters and cheers, beating faceless opponents on-line just seems hollow.

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One thing I truly lament for the upcoming generations of gamers is they will never know the glorious, unmitigated joy of the classic arcade. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to beat people online but it's generally nameless, faceless opponents that more often than not might as well be bots.

If you under 20 you likely have no idea what a line of quarters across the game cabinet screen means. You have never had someone bitch about how cheap you were for daring to execute a throw, you likely never ran into the one guy who only knew how to spam Chun li's kicks or Ryu's fireball. You never had to read AOL or Compuserve boards trying to find a fatality, finding a move no one in your region knew and causing people to go berserk when they saw it. Hell you never had someone give you 20 bucks to show them how to do Sub Zero's finishing move.

Don't take this to mean games were better then, just the environment is something that is not replicated today. If you watch a gaming tourney it was like that, but on a local level where everyone knew you.

Internet gaming is awesome, but it pales in comparison to rocking out in an arcade where 75 people are milling around watching 2 gamers go at it on a Mortal Kombat cabinet. When the challengers are stacked a dozen deep and you just keep plowing through them in a rain of fatalities, pixilated blood, quarters and cheers, beating faceless opponents on-line just seems hollow.

Yeah I get what your saying game's these days don't exactly have the charm they did back then. I love older games but games today are still fun 

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Level 0 - Berserker

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"Live ever day so that you may tell a story at the end of it."

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One thing I truly lament for the upcoming generations of gamers is they will never know the glorious, unmitigated joy of the classic arcade. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to beat people online but it's generally nameless, faceless opponents that more often than not might as well be bots.

If you under 20 you likely have no idea what a line of quarters across the game cabinet screen means. You have never had someone bitch about how cheap you were for daring to execute a throw, you likely never ran into the one guy who only knew how to spam Chun li's kicks or Ryu's fireball. You never had to read AOL or Compuserve boards trying to find a fatality, finding a move no one in your region knew and causing people to go berserk when they saw it. Hell you never had someone give you 20 bucks to show them how to do Sub Zero's finishing move.

Don't take this to mean games were better then, just the environment is something that is not replicated today. If you watch a gaming tourney it was like that, but on a local level where everyone knew you.

Internet gaming is awesome, but it pales in comparison to rocking out in an arcade where 75 people are milling around watching 2 gamers go at it on a Mortal Kombat cabinet. When the challengers are stacked a dozen deep and you just keep plowing through them in a rain of fatalities, pixilated blood, quarters and cheers, beating faceless opponents on-line just seems hollow.

HAHAHAHA.... deciding to walk the 2 and a half miles home from school so I could stop and watch the new MK arcade in a corner store, only game it had. The arguments about whether Kano licks the heart, or just raises it...Yeah... I saw that...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Jeez.  There's no way I can pick only one.  Just no way.  So I'll try to keep it short. lol


1) Like Robpocalypse said, arcades.  I was at a place called Barcade in New York City (highly recommend it!) and me and the girl I was with dropped way too many quarters on one of those 2-player left-to-right fighting games.  For the life of me I can't remember the name of it, but it felt great to finally beat that game!  


2) Again, like Rob said, WoW raiding.  For me it was Brutallus in the Sunwell.  I still have the kill video from that.  The screaming as he died was epic.  Come to think of it, I ought to put that on Youtube.  


3) Back in TBC I was tanking as a paladin.  For Mother Sharaz and Illidan I had to have Shadow- and Fire-Resist gear.  Well, this made battlegrounds all kinds of fun.  We'd get into a BG and if I saw a lot of warlocks/mages/shadow priests on the other team, I'd equip my spell-resist gear and run the flag.  You have no idea how awesome it is to see warlock DOTs ticking for 8 damage, assuming they could even get the DOT applied through the resist gear.  That was so much fun.  

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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SF2 was the shit.  played it in the arcade and NES.  Gamepro magazine FTW.

May Br0din bless you with mighty gains, and may your shaker bottle always be full.



...and, if you die...  Walk it off - Captain America


Level 13: 1/4 Giant Warrior

STR - 50 | DEX - 19 | STA - 19 | CON - 14 | WIS - 28 | CHA - 24

My food logging is here*: MFP: tyrsnbdr


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The other day I was playing Far Cry 3 and I was on the mission where you lose all your weapons and I got spotted. Then it felt as if I went into bullet time in real life and in the end took out 7 snipers 2 jeeps 4 heavies 6 dogs and about 15 normal bad guys. I did it so fast and with only my knife one C-4 and a few bullets on my pistol. I think that counts as a win haha

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Level 0 - Berserker

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"Live ever day so that you may tell a story at the end of it."

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