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Eat more protein...

Guest Snake McClain

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Guest Snake McClain

Add whole milk and cottage cheese to your regular diet. For snacks rely on bacon and nuts (almonds). I add this stuff to my diet when I'm really hitting the gym hard and noticing a lag in my recovery. My life became immeasurably better when I removed the breakfast shackles from bacon and just started cooking up a few strips as a snack whenever I'm hungry.

I've gone full paleo and no dairy. So....this won't work. lol. I drink a lot of almond milk too these days.

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Why do you say that?

It's pretty hard to gain bulk while in full paleo mode. You just aren't taking in enough calories. I'm full paleo throughout most of my time, except when I'm trying to make some gains in the gym / bulk up / having trouble recovering, as I stated. Steve hits the topic briefly in his Intro to Paleo write-up about adding dairy to a paleo diet if you're trying to bulk up a bit.

For reference:


these foods are so nutritious and filling, it’s almost impossible to overeat. No seriously, I’ve spent the past four weeks TRYING to overeat on the Paleo Diet to gain some healthy weight, and I can’t do it! I’ve been drinking shots of olive oil (seriously), carrying around a comically oversized bag of nuts with me everywhere I go, and drinking enough Primal shakes to choke a horse along with eating other normal primal meals…and I’ve lost weight.

If I can lose weight by force-feeding myself at all hours of the day, then anybody else who’s following the diet and wants to lose weight should see some pretty awesome success.

Personally, I’m split on dairy, as I can drink whole milk without any sort of issue and I’m considering adding it back into my diet to get enough calories to bulk up.

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^^ This. I know a lot of people wanna nay-say about the hormones and 'OMG IT MENT 4 TEH BABIEZ' about milk, but bottom line, it's formulated to make things GROW. So if you wanna grow, drink the damn stuff.

One qualifier: chocolate milk has been identified as THE hands-down ultimate post-workout drink. All the macros in the right amounts.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Why do you say that?

To help you. :) My goal was and still is to bulk up too and - like you -, I was also hesistant about starting a diary. I had absolutely no desire to count calories. Until I hit a plateau regarding my pull-ups during summer. No matter what I did, the numbers weren't changing. I figured that I lacked upper body strength, therefore I did more push ups and the like for a while. Nothing changed. Well, that's not true, because it got even worse. That was really frustrating. I finally started a diary to check if I ate enough and - for sure -, I did not. I changed my diet and boom, that did the trick.

You don't have to write down everything. Just make sure to check once in a while if you are eating enough. It will save you time, nerves, and even money :)

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I would offer a different explanation to Brutal - in that the calorie intake is do-able while on paleo (fat is 9 kcal per g), but generally your carb intake is < 150g, which is why bulking on a paleo diet is hard. So rock your yams and sweet potatoe, cabbage and fibrous green veg like its going out of fashion.

Milk is good. Very good. And cheap. I already highlighted my thoughts on whole milk in this thread http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?6124-Homemade-Protein-Shake, so ill try not to repeat myself here. But don't fear the milk, audit your own tolerance to the pasteurised stuff. Otherwise it's a winner for packing on mass.

Are you eating while your reading this?

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To help you. :) My goal was and still is to bulk up too and - like you -, I was also hesistant about starting a diary. I had absolutely no desire to count calories. Until I hit a plateau regarding my pull-ups during summer. No matter what I did, the numbers weren't changing. I figured that I lacked upper body strength, therefore I did more push ups and the like for a while. Nothing changed. Well, that's not true, because it got even worse. That was really frustrating. I finally started a diary to check if I ate enough and - for sure -, I did not. I changed my diet and boom, that did the trick.

You don't have to write down everything. Just make sure to check once in a while if you are eating enough. It will save you time, nerves, and even money :)

Dairy dude....dairy.... as in...

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Are you eating while your reading this?

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I may have come across a problem folks..at least for the next few weeks I simply cannot afford financially to feed myself the amount I need to pack on weight. I ws looking at doubling my protein and meat intake per day and after going to the store I can see that this is not possible. it may not even be possible financially for me to do this anytime in the forseeable future...so...I guess I'm just going to work with what I have and hope that I can get the strength I need. bummer.

I realize that this might not seem fair because I have no understanding of your financial situation, but given that you're here on a forum posting we can assume that you have the resources for reasonably modern technology and an internet connection. One of the cheif complaints people have about paleo and paleo-esque and/or high protein diets is that they are "too expensive" because, indeed, fresh food is more expensive than processed crap. But consider this:

The average (overweight) American family spends a mere 6.1% of their disposable income on food to be prepared and eaten at home.

The average (non-overweight) French family spends over double that, 13.6%

And what little we do spend on fresh food is spent on the absolute worst quality and most-inhumanely raised produce and meat possible. If heath and fitness are long-term goals for you, once your financial situation bounces back, I suggest taking a good hard look at your expenditures (digital cable packages? gold-plated mobile and data plans? alcohol? Starbucks?), investing in a chest freezer, and buying meat in bulk from local farmers. As others have said, eggs are a great resource, and if you're looking to pack on bulk there is always GOMAD. Now if you're really over a barrel, dried beans, rice, and milk may have to be your fall back. But if you have a job and all the basics, even if it's tight, I'm betting there are some places where you can tighten your belt to reallocate towards quality food.

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Guest Snake McClain

^^ This. I know a lot of people wanna nay-say about the hormones and 'OMG IT MENT 4 TEH BABIEZ' about milk, but bottom line, it's formulated to make things GROW. So if you wanna grow, drink the damn stuff.

One qualifier: chocolate milk has been identified as THE hands-down ultimate post-workout drink. All the macros in the right amounts.

I really don't want to drink milk but i might add it in with some protein shakes over the next few weeks.

I realize that this might not seem fair because I have no understanding of your financial situation, but given that you're here on a forum posting we can assume that you have the resources for reasonably modern technology and an internet connection. One of the cheif complaints people have about paleo and paleo-esque and/or high protein diets is that they are "too expensive" because, indeed, fresh food is more expensive than processed crap. But consider this:

The average (overweight) American family spends a mere 6.1% of their disposable income on food to be prepared and eaten at home.

The average (non-overweight) French family spends over double that, 13.6%

And what little we do spend on fresh food is spent on the absolute worst quality and most-inhumanely raised produce and meat possible. If heath and fitness are long-term goals for you, once your financial situation bounces back, I suggest taking a good hard look at your expenditures (digital cable packages? gold-plated mobile and data plans? alcohol? Starbucks?), investing in a chest freezer, and buying meat in bulk from local farmers. As others have said, eggs are a great resource, and if you're looking to pack on bulk there is always GOMAD. Now if you're really over a barrel, dried beans, rice, and milk may have to be your fall back. But if you have a job and all the basics, even if it's tight, I'm betting there are some places where you can tighten your belt to reallocate towards quality food.

Yeah you really don't know my financial situation. lol. I own no tv or electronics...well i have a ps2 but no games. i own a computer but have no internet. i go to my parents (whom thankfully i can walk to) or work for internet. I have no debt either but I simply make next to nothing. I don't buy alcohol and i spend maybe at most $50 dollars a month on something for myself that is for fun. either concerts or going out with friends. again that is a big fat MAYBE $50. I stopped buying my two favorite things ever because i simply cannot afford it (those being comic books and movies/games). I don't have cable. I need new clothes as i am literally wearing holes in my jeans and khakis from wear my keys rub from wearing the same stuff all the time. I'm divorced yo. i ain't got $#!%. Follow that up with my company cut everyones pay in half and BAM! A poor man trying to fix his life. SOoOOOOOOoooo. yeah i'll be sticking with the cheapest food i can with the most protein possible. there simply is nothing else for me to cut out of my life that I am spending money on. As it is I already sit at home alone with the dog 6 days out of the week.

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Guest Snake McClain

so needless to say when i say "on a budget" i really mean ON A BUDGET! Considering the last of all my disposable income is going to saving for wrestling school and paying for my gym membership.

So chicken and veggies and loads of eggs it is. and fish.

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Dude, that sucks. Like balls in your mouth sucks. The only other advice I could give to you is s*** you prolly dun heard already. Good luck man.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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I know ppl have already mentioned protein shakes...but I got a big can of chocolate and/or vanilla protein powder for 10 bucks from the grocery store...add some bananas and you can add tablespoons upon tablespoons of peanut or almond butter, even your almond milk and blend blend my friend or shake..they're packed with protein and its like a milkshake thats good for ya!

Also, steal a newspaper and go thru the adds for when certain stores are having sales and stock up. Every month or so my local grocery has midnight madness which means meat cuts are 50% off--I totally take advantage of that!

Internet coupons if you can find them for meat or health food products also.

<-- Behold the Guardian of the Royal Throne, enter if you dare.....

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"I've had to fight like hell, and fighting like hell has made me what I am"~ John Arbuthnot Fisher

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"-~Braveheart

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Guest Snake McClain

I have come with a plan. Next weekend i will buy protein shake mix and that will help but until then i'm going to double the amount of meat I eat and triple the amount of eggs i eat per day. I'm thinking this could help. If it doesn't bust my bank account then I'm in good shape. lol

I do appreciate the advice everyone has given me. Absolutely. Just my situation right now isn't really conducive to the big over sweeping ideas mentioned. In a few weeks that should change and I'll be able to do whatever I want. Just realized i can change my cell phone plan. Lose internet saving me lots of money per month and use that on food. Bam. game over. i win.

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Guest Snake McClain

If you live near a Whole Foods, they have a 1-day-sale this Friday on their (humanely raised) whole chickens: $1.29/lb.

That. Is. Awesome. I will be there. buying lots of chicken.

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A poor man trying to fix his life. SOoOOOOOOoooo. yeah i'll be sticking with the cheapest food i can with the most protein possible.

I see that the buy from a farmer a whole animal has already been mentioned. That's my usual favorite place to go but I am biased, I am a farmer and raise meat animals :)

So... here's another off the wall idea. Do you have access to any farm or open space? Do you own or can you borrow a rifle? What are the hunting seasons where you live? Can you go hunting for either big game (deer, elk, bear or mountain lion) or get a small game or fishing license?

Where I am a deer tag is $30. I've picked out my dinner buck now and hope to get a clean shot on him today or tomorrow.

Small game license is under $25 for the year and gets you rabbits, marmots, squirrels and more. Lots of edible animals are considered vermin and fair game all year long. Furbearers license gets you beavers (beaver tail is delicious) and there are combination licenses that get you ability to hunt all of those and fish as well at a very low cost.

If you have access to a shotgun there are also a number of bird licenses for ducks, geese and things like doves, quail and grouse and crows. Eating crow has a bad reputation but if they are in the grain fields they are quite tasty.

Just another place to go for low cost protein.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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Guest Snake McClain

I see that the buy from a farmer a whole animal has already been mentioned. That's my usual favorite place to go but I am biased, I am a farmer and raise meat animals :)

So... here's another off the wall idea. Do you have access to any farm or open space? Do you own or can you borrow a rifle? What are the hunting seasons where you live? Can you go hunting for either big game (deer, elk, bear or mountain lion) or get a small game or fishing license?

Where I am a deer tag is $30. I've picked out my dinner buck now and hope to get a clean shot on him today or tomorrow.

Small game license is under $25 for the year and gets you rabbits, marmots, squirrels and more. Lots of edible animals are considered vermin and fair game all year long. Furbearers license gets you beavers (beaver tail is delicious) and there are combination licenses that get you ability to hunt all of those and fish as well at a very low cost.

If you have access to a shotgun there are also a number of bird licenses for ducks, geese and things like doves, quail and grouse and crows. Eating crow has a bad reputation but if they are in the grain fields they are quite tasty.

Just another place to go for low cost protein.

Deer season is coming up soon, but I don't have a gun or access to it. Actually I have a .22 rifle but you can't hunt with that legally or very effeciently (from what I understand). I have considered the deer thing though. Would love to have a deer stored up but i'm not sure i want to eat so much red meat all the time. Still it is tasty. Also i've never been hunting and It would be rough on me to kill soemthing unless I had to for survival and as it is I don't. Maybe I'm a wimp but it would be hard to do that.

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