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Hi, Darkwoman here. 


I'm excited to join this community; I am interested in getting healthy and looking after myself and I think this is the place to start. 


The biggest thing I want to do is go onto a Paleo/whole foods diet. I was diagnosed with Bi-polar 2 about three or four years ago and with Borderline Personality Disorder about a year ago; I've done a lot of research and it sounds like moving to a more natural diet might help alleviate or control symptoms of both problems and give me more energy. 


On the fitness end of stuff, I love endurance exercise, I can walk, hike or bike for hours and am also a water-baby and will happily swim laps for hours or just goof around in the water. My fitness goal is to start lifting weights, I want to add some more resistance based exercise to my usual endurance routine and I want to get stronger since I'm going to be starting a physical therapist training program in the fall and want to have the strength to work with patients. 


For the nerd side; I love hard science fiction, anything related to biology or psychology, table top RPGs and board games. My biggest nerd out is for any horror related, be it books, movies or games; I will admit that I am a gore hound, but I equally love B movies and horror comedies and anything with really good prosthetics and practical effects.

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Hi Darkwoman,

Hope the nutrition rework does help your symptoms. Do you take medication for them? I had a bad bout of depression a year ago. Doctor prescribed various pills that basically were worse than actually dealing with the depression itself. I quit taking them and it forced me to deal with things and thankfully came out the other side. I realise bipolar and BPD are not the same kettle of fish as simple depression tho, so best of luck with keeping an even keel.

I love horror stuff to. Lovecraft and films like The Thing are more my style. And zombies, but everyone likes zombies lol! Can't say I enjoy all these torture porn ones like Saw and Hostel 😬

Best of luck with the fitness goals!

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Hi Darkwoman,

Hope the nutrition rework does help your symptoms. Do you take medication for them? I had a bad bout of depression a year ago. Doctor prescribed various pills that basically were worse than actually dealing with the depression itself. I quit taking them and it forced me to deal with things and thankfully came out the other side. I realise bipolar and BPD are not the same kettle of fish as simple depression tho, so best of luck with keeping an even keel.

I love horror stuff to. Lovecraft and films like The Thing are more my style. And zombies, but everyone likes zombies lol! Can't say I enjoy all these torture porn ones like Saw and Hostel

Best of luck with the fitness goals!


That sucks about the medications you had to take, and it's awesome you're doing better. I'm pretty lucky in that regard, I'm only on SSRIs, they don't aways work for Bi-polar, but with Bi-polar 2 you don't hit the manic spells and they seemed to work really well for me. For BPD, I'm involved in DBT and mainly just use the skills taught there to look after myself. 


I also meditate a lot, it's a little clichéd by now, but I really do try to get people I know to try it because it helped me so much; I love mindful meditation, and especially like candle and music meditation.


I love The Thing too, I'm crazy for practical effects and damn in my opinion The Thing still holds up today. 

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