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Hello, my name is Sapphire Tal'Noth. I am a new rebel, joining the cause!


I am a 26 year old female, who currently weighs somewhere around 260 lbs. I should explain my backstory!


When I was in Elementary school, starting out, I was a pretty normal kid. I was active, energetic, and loved to play. I enjoyed candy, soda, and sweets. But as time went on, I began to get heavier. At first, I didn't really notice. I thought I was just getting tired, especially during running. But as time went on, I began to get bullied by my peers. Being overweight meant a lot of things, and being different from my classmates, as far as imagination goes; well... that wasn't good either. Even then, I tried to be content with my size. It wasn't too bad. I was still pretty active.


As I got into the fifth grade, things seemed to take a sour note. We had moved when I was in the fourth grade, and as such, being the new kid in school didn't much help matters. I began to become depressed, and at girl scouts, all the kids made fun of me. No one wanted to be around me, and many talked about me behind my back. I was never invited to go anywhere, and even the leaders of the troop I was in, were rude and hateful towards me. No matter what I did, everything seemed to go awry. People I thought I could trust as a friend were no longer my friends, and I found I was suddenly alone.


When I went to middle school, things became even worse for me. I had already discovered what I truly wanted to be, which was a writer. But even then, I started to eat more junk foods; and not take a care in how I looked or what I wore. Everytime I attempted to wear something remotely nice, I was picked on. Kids can be harsh, as we all know, and mine were rather ruthless. My weight made me a target for everyone. People would say the ground shook when I walked, fell, or anything else. I tried to keep to myself, but things just got worse. Inside, I hurt, so I ate because I hurt. At that point in my life, I tried hard to hide my problems.


In the long run, things did not work out. I ended up getting into some fights, and despite me being the one afraid of my classmates, the teachers swore up and down they were afraid of me. My depression got worse, so my eating got worse. In the end, I ended up in the hospital twice for attempting to take my own life. 


I moved schools in seventh grade, and was the first eighth grader within the new magnet school. However, I ended up back at square one, when it came to high school. Things got even worse, and eventually, I dropped out.


I came back to school, once we had moved to the current state I live in. West Virginia was pretty nice, and I made some good friends. They helped me be unafraid of my body weight and embrace it. So, I kept eating more and more junkfood, drinking sodas and sugary drinks, and generally being unhealthy. I no longer cared about my looks, but I became breathless walking up the stairs to my classes. I overheated at the college summit that year, just due to the body weight. 


By that point, I was a little over 220 lbs. Went to college, then moved to Washington for a year, and continued those habits. I drank at least six to twelve cans of Dr. Pepper a day, and would buy the 24 pack constantly. I would eat large meals, and make brownies as much as I could. I gained well over 40lbs. Came back to West Virginia, and ended up gaining more weight. 


I kept making resolutions to tackle the weight and loose it. But I never had the motivation to do so. 


This year, however, I realized I'd been unhealthy for so long, that I decided enough was enough, and I was going to do it. I was going to loose weight. But it became more than that. I wanted to get stronger, I wanted to be happier, and more energetic. I wanted to be healthier.


It started out as just doing chores, but I still could not even go upstairs without being breathless. I ended up working on going up and down the stairs as much as possible, as well as walking and getting out as much as possible. I lost twenty pounds, and I felt proud. I wanted to do more.


This past week, I was looking for other ways to get stronger, be faster, and loose weight. I ended up seeing a journal on a website I'm apart of, asking for 'Wendsday Wishes'. I could ask for art, or writing, or whatever I wished for. But what I wanted most, was to find new ways to do what I wanted to do. So, I posted, and they linked me to this website. I signed up for the list, and ended up following through. I tried the Angry Bird workout three times that day, then realized I could only do two a day. 


But I was far more motivated. As such, I began the beginner's workout yesterday, and plan on continuing today. Walking down to the end of the road and back takes me about a half hour. Combined with both the Angry Bird Workout and the beginner's workout, I found I could accomplish both those within the day. Even then, I still have problems with eating. I'm addicted to sugar, and am trying my best to go cold turkey on it. 


I want to be healthier. I want to be stronger and faster. My family, who used to make comments about my weight, now support this idea, and are motivating me as much as they can. My dad offers to go on walks with me, and I feel a lot happier in the long run. 


But I know I must keep going. So, I am. Hoping I can continue this, make friends, and be more motivated as ever to be healthy. c: 



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Fantastic. Small steps add up, and as long as you're patient and objective I'm sure you'll come closer and closer to your goals. A strong support system is also a very good thing to have--use it; they can get you through the tough times. Just keep in mind that "Rome wasn't built on a day" and you didn't start out on 12 cans of Dr. Pepper (you probably worked up to that over the years), and you'll be well on your way. The best of luck to you.

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Welcome abord!  We are happy to have you here!  The dr. pepper you speak of sounds quite a bit like me.  With how bad my last job was I ended up drinking up to 6 mountain dews a day and the vending machine always had these yummy chips...  But now I am here and on my quest to be healthy!  There are lots of great people on here so don't be afraid to ask for help.  (I'm not as active on here as I should be so maybe I can make that a side quest.)  Good luck!  Keep with it and dont give into the dark side. 

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