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What made you smite today?

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Because the shit is afraid of you, so it turns up when you're not around.


Being a rhinoceros might be cool, I could stand around grazing and being groomed by little birds all day.  But then people would come and try to kill me for my nose horn.  I think I'll just keep the nose I have, which is thankfully starting to return to normal function.




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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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So for the last couple of days it has not stopped pouring rain where I live. This means the roads are wet and very slippery. So I was driving home from BJJ class, and I was absolutely exhausted.  I was coming towards this intersection down the road from where I live, and there is something about this intersection that makes people's IQs plummet. People running stop signs, cutting people off, getting in the wrong lane and switching at the very last second, etc. So it is dark as hell going down this road and I'm tired as hell as well, and I come around a curve and there is a pair of headlights in the same lane as me coming straight toward me.  This intellectually challenged individual (I used very NSFW words to describe this person after the incident and I will not repeat them here) was trying to pass the car in front of them, on a curve, at night, when it was pouring rain. Thankfully I swerved and was able to barely avoid the car.  So yeah, please smite the shit out of that person pretty please.

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Glad you're safe! I think one thing people should have to be able to do before getting their drivers license is to be able to understand basic (actually not to basic) math that proves that speeding & weaving in and out of traffic like a bat out of hell will only get you some place maybe 2 minutes faster, however death is forever, getting pulled over takes at least 15 minutes and money, and if you kill someone it will haunt you forever.





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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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Yes you're old/new hipster town with the fancy restaurants is actually nice, however if you are going to buy up old farm land right next to 10000 + acres of mountainous woodlands you are going to have wild animals, so don't cry about a bear going through your complex or that you see a cougar in your back yard.



update, just read the response from the local DEC which basically reads we don't care they live here too.....lmao


The state Department of Environmental Conservation recommends reducing food sources outside by cleaning barbecue grills after use and removing bird feeders. They also suggest leaving garbage cans inside a secure area and waiting to put them out until the morning of pickup.

More tips from the DEC:

  • Never approach, surround or corner a bear. Bears aggressively defend themselves when they feel threatened. Be especially cautious around cubs as mother bears are very protective.
  • Never run from a bear. Stay calm, speak in a loud and calm voice, slowly back away and leave the area.
  • Use noise to scare away bears. From a safe distance, make loud noises by shouting or banging pots to scare the bear away.
  • Once the bear leaves, remove all attractants such as bird seed, garbage and pet food.
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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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1 hour ago, Frost of the Gloaming said:
  • Never approach, surround or corner a bear. Bears aggressively defend themselves when they feel threatened. Be especially cautious around cubs as mother bears are very protective.
  • Never run from a bear. Stay calm, speak in a loud and calm voice, slowly back away and leave the area.
  • Use noise to scare away bears. From a safe distance, make loud noises by shouting or banging pots to scare the bear away.
  • Once the bear leaves, remove all attractants such as bird seed, garbage and pet food.



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Don't mess with bears.  Cougars can be intimidated, bears will just rip you to pieces.  There's a reason they symbolize strength in native cultures.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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The charger for my mobility scooter has stopped working.  Without my scooter I'm basically house bound, I've put a request of Facebook to see if anyone could have a go at fixing it but I'm getting nowhere.  I can buy a new one but it's about £120. :angry: 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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The charger unit itself is dead, the light isn't coming on to say it's got power.  The fuse inside the plug is good, and it was going on and off intermittently before stopping completely so I'm thinking it's a broken connection inside the charger unit, probably just a quick solder jobbie. 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Seems like chargers are always dying, either the port, adapter, cable or battery is always conking out.  Rotten cheap things. I buy new USB cables about once a month just to keep my phone working, and when I replace a laptop, it's usually cause the charger unit has gone dead and no replacements are available.  The hardware is perfectly fine, but without power it's useless.  Yay, capitalism.


Partly it's a consequence of all that electricity, it heats and corrodes the wiring.  But if they used better materials in the first place, the damn things wouldn't overheat and break down so quickly.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Another dumbshit hit my parked car while I was in it.  You'd think texting and NOT driving would be safer than the other one... at least this driver wasn't a douchebag, just a dumb kid with a load of passengers and cups of beer.  He is extremely contrite, and totaled the car he was driving, which didn't belong to him.


My car's a bit more damaged this time, but not nearly as bad as the poor vintage Thunderbird that was parked behind me. 


So now I getta spend my Monday messing around with insurance, chiros and repair crap.  I don't know how people who are employed full time do this adulting business.


Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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On 08/06/2017 at 8:42 PM, Guzzi said:

The charger for my mobility scooter has stopped working.  Without my scooter I'm basically house bound, I've put a request of Facebook to see if anyone could have a go at fixing it but I'm getting nowhere.  I can buy a new one but it's about £120. :angry: 


I finally stumped up for the new charger but thankfully I found somewhere selling it that offered a zero tax rate for disabled people so I only had to pay about £90 in the end.  


I just hope it arrives soon, I don't think there's enough charge left for me to make it to the shops and back again. 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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So I decided on a new career path and made an appointment with my alma mater's Career Center to get some advice.  The counselor just emailed me back informing me that my appointment is canceled because their policy is not to help anyone who graduated more than 24 months ago.  It's been about 46 months for me.  So I've changed jobs a few times (without their help).  Sue me.


They're gonna be getting a polite/rude letter about how disappointed I am that my school was happy to take thousands of dollars and years of my time for the degree, but they can't spare me half a frigging hour with a career counselor once I'm out the door.  hmph. 


I'm tempted to complain to the administration and/or the state legislature, which funds the school.  They probably won't care, but I'm pissed that a university whose job is partly to generate local workers is refusing to do their bit.  I can get a job without them, but help would have been nice.  Oh, and the rejection email sported at least two grammatical errors.  WTF, it's a university and you're giving career advice and you can't even write a form email properly??  I scorn.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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I have a saggy ass, no joke. :angry:


i have suffered muscle wastage across my body over the last 3 (dear God!) years but for some reason it never occurred to me that my ass would actually look that butt in the squats vs no squats meme.  Life ain't fair!

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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13 hours ago, Guzzi said:

I have a saggy ass, no joke. :angry:


i have suffered muscle wastage across my body over the last 3 (dear God!) years but for some reason it never occurred to me that my ass would actually look that butt in the squats vs no squats meme.  Life ain't fair!

/me does the "man being out of his depth look" (aka "the erm") and decides on a bearhug and some "hrnngff" comforting noises. Chin up and whatnot!

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Remember that sensory deprivation causes hallucinations

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My f'n problem employee again......... As some of you may know I have a mail room employee that is so severely lazy that I had to get the HR and the union involved to get him to do his job; after years and numerous write ups he still does not; unless you have something for your office or he thinks you might, he won't stop on your floor some times for days at a time.  So today we had a water main break that effectively shut down 4 out of 6 elevators. Today is the first time in over 5 years that he has hit every floor in a elevator in which he locked out ( so the entire building was down to 1 elevator) and the kicker was he had no mail, the post office hasn't dropped off the daily delivery yet and what mail he did have was from this mornings mail run which consisted of 6 letters 4 going to the same place. So as much as he's going to play dumb and say "well I did what you wanted me to do" which is the truth and little common sense would do wonders.


Oh yea he also purposely did it around lunch time to create more issues for people, He normally doesn't leave the office until 2:30 pm and today's mail run was done at 1pm.....Asshole............ 

Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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On 24/07/2017 at 7:21 PM, Frost of the Gloaming said:

My f'n problem employee again......... As some of you may know I have a mail room employee that is so severely lazy that I had to get the HR and the union involved to get him to do his job; after years and numerous write ups he still does not; unless you have something for your office or he thinks you might, he won't stop on your floor some times for days at a time.  So today we had a water main break that effectively shut down 4 out of 6 elevators. Today is the first time in over 5 years that he has hit every floor in a elevator in which he locked out ( so the entire building was down to 1 elevator) and the kicker was he had no mail, the post office hasn't dropped off the daily delivery yet and what mail he did have was from this mornings mail run which consisted of 6 letters 4 going to the same place. So as much as he's going to play dumb and say "well I did what you wanted me to do" which is the truth and little common sense would do wonders.


Oh yea he also purposely did it around lunch time to create more issues for people, He normally doesn't leave the office until 2:30 pm and today's mail run was done at 1pm.....Asshole............ 


Why is there still no pissed off/angry reaction???  I will let my reaction be known by emoji instead.



Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Ugh.  I had so many useful things I needed to do today and instead when I got off work, I picked up groceries and proceeded to spend the rest of the day eating snacks, playing a pointless app game, and arguing with some dood on facespace about the ethics of punching Nazis.  (He says it's acceptable, I say it's immature and stupid.) 


I blame brain fog due to a sleep problem that turned up a few weeks ago and isn't going away, probably some cocktail of my shitty bed that needs a mattress, my 7-day work schedule, and inconsistent use of daily meds cause my bleeping insurance is on the fritz.


Adulting, I smite it.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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I have learned the hard way that you shouldn't punch the people that need punching, it just gives them the ability to go whine to the "authorities" "he punched me all I was doing was talking" and gain sympathy from fellow idiots 


I would lie and say adulting gets easier, but we just have to take it one day at a time. 

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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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Don't punch them. Laugh at them and ridicule them until they take a swing at you. Then you may smite.

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Tomu-san - Level 3 HalfOgre Ranger

[ STR 2 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 8 | WIS 6 | CHA 2 ]



"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

- Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

"I came here to drink milk and kick ass. And I've just finished my milk."

- Maurice Moss



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..i really shouldnt give a furry rats behind anymore.... but realising that someone takes advantage of your willingness to get their stuff done while not passing on an iota of credit still does my head in. Prolly especially because i should know better. ...aeeechhh....  really have to keep that perceptual bias thing in mind at these times.




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Remember that sensory deprivation causes hallucinations

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Luds that was my issue with my old boss, anything I did or came up with was his idea; it got to the point of where I stopped doing things entirely and just did the minimum to keep this place going


Now I have a new boss and the few meetings that we have had have started out with "Well "WE" were talking about this and so and so came up with a good idea" which honestly makes a world of difference



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Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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