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Morning Boys n girls


I hope you are all doing well, its good to be in the same boat and swimming the same way :)


I am from the UK, 52 and currently 211 lbs with a BMI of 30.3.


A life time ago I was in the services and one of the elite regiments.


Stress full jobs, life and uneducated choices took it toll on health, resulting in heart stents 3 years ago.


I am currently half way through a hernia recovery, 6 weeks of light duties left this was caused by over exercising then lifting something heavy at work.

Since recovery I have put about 6lbs on and am determined to address the scales.


My objectives are;



measure my BF and reduce

Reduce my BMI

start getting a better shape

Take pictures of b4 and after


This to be achieved by 23rd of May


Once that is done and dusted we shall concentrate on body fat I think.


Looking forward to the advice and banter



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Aah, another mate from across the pond.  I work for Caterpillar and have a lot of business associates in Peterlee I'm in contact with a lot.  I'm forever ribbing them (good naturedly) about their spelling (adding a "u" to certain words).  Also love to ask them if they live anywhere near the Eiffel Tower (that one gets them going).  In return, they tend to ask me how many guns I carry.  I love good natured ribbing.


We are near the same age (I'm 54).  So what kind of plans do you have for losing the wt (diet and exercise).  I saw you have a hernia so I'm guessing lifting might be out?  Perhaps daily walking to get started?  Dietwise, I'm getting close to Paleo (meat, vegy's, and fruit, staying away from most fast acting carbs like sugar, potatos, corn, and grains). 


Look forward to hearing more from you.


Welcome to NF - the site that never sleeps.

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Morning Malcontent,


Thanks for the reply :peaceful:

The weight has crept up since a change of jobs and more recently surgery.


So will be focussing on diet and investigate this paleo thing,  read about it on here yesterday, makes a lot of sence.

In fact started last night really. I have cut out all bread for about 10 days now and cut pasta last night.

I normally take a couple of juices or smoothies with me to work. Another word for paleo could be the abs diet which I had been on a few years back and worked as treat.

Exercise wise I am out with the dogs for 40 ~ 80 minutes each day so started the beginners body weight exercises last night. Managed two sets before my ham strings packed in with the lunges so switched to my multi gym just to exercise really.


Onwards and upwards



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I kind of like the Paleo idea as well.  Most all these diets have 1 thing in common which is the biggest part of them:  eliminate crap food.  Some things that helped me are:

Protein shake for breakfast + a hard boiled egg - keeps me filled up till lunch

Salad every day (romaine, spinach, 3 grapes, 3 cherry tomatos, 1 mandarin orange, cottage cheese, dash of vinagrette dressing) - I eat this at the start of most every dinner and then just have a meat w/ it.  Very filling and keeps me from eating the macaroni and other processed foods my wife makes w/ dinner

No bread - This one was relatively easy.  Found out I like the taste of grilled burgers w/o the bun and stopped making sandwiches.

I also eliminated night time crap.

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Diet is key, but so hard to stick to and keep off the naughty stuff. You only have to walk in to a supermarket these days and woow, temptation is at every turn.


Bread especially tiger bread or home made is my weakness. Thankfully I can last during the week but the weekends are another thing.

I like the idea of salad with meals and am going to try that with a joint of bacon tonight.

I am going to cut out the protein shakes, just have juices and fruit and veg smoothies.

Also started a multi gym ( only because I have one at home ) based 5 x 5 weights program as weight is king on fighting fat  :peaceful:

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