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Pretty Newbie looking for Help...*Update: Pretty Chubby Newbie Looking for Help

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Hey, guys and gals.

I just found this website today and I'm loving it. I also love that Game of Thrones just came on today and it looks good! :) I'm 33 years old, a stay at home Mom to one 7 year old, and 1/3 of a 2 year old. I take my little great niece on the weekends because my niece was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago, while pregnant, and I became a surrogate caretaker. I fell in love with her, of course, and with my niece in remission (Thank God), I still get her because she's like my own kid.

My husband works third shift, and so I'm home alone with my kid at night. This makes me stay up very late, so that I can sleep during the day with my hubby...weird, I know. It's not ideal, considering I spend a bunch of time in my son's school when needed. I'm the party planner, participator, crafter, maid, cook, etc, all in one. And, yet, since I had my kid, I've put on roughly 60 pounds of unnecessary and unsightly fat!

I carry top heavy, have enormous boobs and too much belly fat...but it looks like I'm walking around on chicken legs! Yup; that's right. No matter how much weight I put on, it doesn't seem to want to travel south. Go figure.

I was a knockout in school. I'd love to get back to that. My first problem and issue is I have a terrible time leaving food on my plate. I don't remember ever being made to eat it all up, as a child, but as an adult, I feel GUILTY for doing so. And my husband is a BIG guy, 6'5", 375 lbs, and I tend to eat when and what he is eating...even when I'm not hungry. I get NO exercise, which is because I'm uncomfortable with my appearance. Self defeating behavior, and all. Not to mention, I suffer from hyperthyroidism that leaves me feeling ridiculously tired quite often.

I think I just like this site because I get to spew all the above craziness, essentially anonymously, and NOT feel judged. Whether you read this, or not, I'm happy with getting to say it. :) I don't know WHERE to get started...but, I know I have the desire to. Last night, I went for a midnight walk, by myself. It was awesome. And I was out of breath and kept picturing the Walking Dead for some reason... It's a good thing I didn't travel too far from home. But, hey, you gotta start somewhere!

Any advice or insight to this site would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks! :)

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Hi WarriorPrincess :) Welcome! 


Since you have an overactive thyroid do you think eating in smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day would help alleviate the feeling of lethargy/tireness? 


Also, check out the resources, scroll down the page for free bodyweight workout routines, inspirational articles, advice on how to build habits and eating right. 


To know where to start, do you have an idea of what you want to do? Do you just want to drop weight for a bit? That's all in the kitchen/eating habits and you can totally start losing weight just by focusing on cleaning up your diet for a bit and adding a few more midnight walks here and there to get yourself moving and feel a little more energized. 


Lastly, have you heard of the app 'Zombies, run!'? I can see that being a fun game for you to use on your walks (and if you turn it into jogs/runs later on too :D


If you need someone to bounce ideas off let me know, I'm always game for talking things out :D 


(Also, huge GoT fan here too, I was SO frustrated- 10 min recap and they ended the ep 5 mins early, I feel jipped :P)

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Hi, Slates! Thank you! Such great advice to get me started; I appreciate it. So, yes, GoT!!! Let's spoil it for everybody on this post! ;) Haha, jk. Thank goodness it came on so soon after my Sunday nights started to feel empty without Walking Dead. I'm a huge fan of both! As for the app suggestion? I'm on it! You're talking to a girl who has had MANY apocalyptic-type dreams and could give them fodder for a couple of seasons; at Least! ;) But, I'm not crazy, or anything! TeeHee.

My main goal is to get back down to 135ish...I like how I looked at that weight. I'm stuck at 190. I can't seem to go down...or up, for that matter. I'm going to attempt to focus on ten pounds at a time. That seems somewhat manageable...and less intimidating than 60, right? I like your idea of the smaller meals, but I don't know how helpful it might be. I honestly just need to make sure I'm taking my meds regularly. I must admit, this has been slightly problematic for me. Out of sight, out of mind. And with little kids around, I keep them out of sight. But, that does give me an idea to maybe try setting an alarm for them, and to eat a small meal or snack.

I would like to do a complete overhaul...and know I need all the help I can get! So, thank you for responding so quickly. :) I would love to bounce ideas off of you...as soon as I figure out how all of this works! :D

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Yep 10 pounds at a time is fantastic. In fact, you can hop over to the challenge thread and make a 6 week challenge centered around losing 10 lbs with smaller challenges to help you succeed :D So you can use 3 goals such as walking x times a week, making home made healthy meals x times a week and your last challenge can be diet/activity or personal, up to you. Whatever you think will be steps you can use to achieve your goals. 


Here is some about the challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/58253-challenge-instructions-updated-jan-1-2015/


And here are the Recruit threads for a first challenge!  http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/forum/437-recruit/


If you make one let me know, I'll follow along and cheer you on :D 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Thanks, buddy! I joined the soda challenge. Kind of frightening! :) Can you help me with something, real quick? What are the check marks and X's by our names with each new post? Does that do or mean anything? I don't want to mess anything up...

Also, would I be creating my own challenge, or following along on someone else's with my own side challenges? I'm a bit overwhelmed with the forums, I must admit. It might be because I'm on my phone and the screen is all keyboard! Haha. Maybe I should be on my computer for full effect?

I seen the link for the new challenges for new members...so I just post my own there? And if someone wants to follow, they can? Is that right? Hold my hand? :)

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No worries, it's a lot of information :) 


I'll dig into the check marks in a sec, honestly I don't think I've ever really noticed them!!


Secondly, you make your own challenge. If you click through any of the recruit challenges you'll see the format is pick 3 goals that are attainable and sustainable and then you grade yourself weekly on how you did for 'points' at the end of it to level up. 


And yep just post in the new challenges forums. Look through a couple and you'll get the hang of it, and yep, if you want to follow someone when you click on the thread there's a follow button in the upper right hand corner. And that's how people follow you as well :) 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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