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geeky cosplayer here looking for help

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hello everyone, im a geeky cosplayer girl who is sick to death of boring ass workouts... i lack motivation and desire to work out simply because i hate having to get up and follow the same routine day after day after day with seemingly no reward....


so that's why i signed up for nerd fitness. my goal at the end of this is to be lean sexy and have the body of an assassin. 


right now i weigh 190 lbs i would love to lose weight and build more muscle tone not bulk up just become leaner and more lethal looking... if im explaining this right,  i am going to be cosplaying as a character from AC embers for Fan expo this august and i would love to have the body to match the uniform! 



my diet is way out of line i'm not always in control of what i eat, and i tend to snack when i get bored...


any thoughts advice and a kick in the ass would be great thanks a bunch


safety and peace brother 

no power in the verse can stop me 

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August is 4 months away, which is definitely enough time to be seeing results.  Good news about physical training is most things will work, provided you do them consistently.  What have you already tried, and why haven't you liked it?  Are there kinds of exercise you think you'd enjoy more?  The key to building muscle - which is the first part of looking toned/lethal - is to challenge yourself with progressively harder things.  Doesn't matter if those things are lifting dumbbells or working out in the park or what have you: resistance is resistance.  Once you have the activity down, the rest is just a matter of resting well and eating adequately.


The second part of looking toned/lethal is revealing da mooscles by lowering your body fat %.  The method is simple but kinda sucks to follow: just eat less/cut out needless calories where you can.  Usually simple changes are enough to get things moving in the right direction, and if things begin to stall/slow down too much you can then make further changes.


Overall, I'd start small by focusing on only 1-2 things at a time.  Layer in your full approach to diet and exercise over the course of a month rather than going all-in right off the bat.  I know you've got a timeline, but it's more important to have these things ultimately become a lifestyle rather than a crash program that burns you out.


Also, set some smaller goals along the way to keep you excited and give you things to focus on.  Be happy when you achieve but don't get too bummed if you miss: it's not about your individual wins/losses, it's about your win %.

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as per your question. i've tried running, and weight training in the past, both if which became boring because it became a no brainer.... there was no excitement in it at all and the results were minimal at best and  did more damage then have a positive effect on my body. 


i tend to want to snack on sugary foods a lot as well as salty snacks when im bored and i tend to eat mindlessly so even if ive just eaten i go to the fridge to get something else because why not.... i need to curb those urges... one thing i've noticed is that ive started to get headaches more often and i;m tired a lot, i need more energy to get through the day...


so heres the question when it comes to just starting out where do i go from here without going from zero to sixty in 2.2?  most of the workouts ive read about for the type of body i want involve pushing yourself past a personal breaking point and rebuilding yourself... ide like to do this the healthy way making small changes and working up to the bigger things, where should i start with my workouts? 

no power in the verse can stop me 

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Sounds like the weight training program wasn't designed well.  If you've researched programs that you like, go for them.  Can you link some?  Really, the body's pretty tough.  There's some degree of connective tissue adaptation and technique you want to be aware of, but the idea of starting slow is more so things psychologically stick.


Hear ya on the mindless cravings.  I get them whenever I have something to procrastinate.  People talk about having more filling meals (whatever that means to them: more protein, more fats, more cabs, more fiber, on and on), but my procrasto-eating is psychological and not because of any amount of hunger.  Having more filling meals does help, along with having more frequent meals / zero calorie things, like water with some lemon juice.  And, of course, just manning up and getting my work done without needing to escape with a snack all the damn time.


Fixing lack of energy can be tough.  Could be nutrition, could be sleep (I need a ridiculous amount of sleep to truly avoid tiredness), could be physical activity, or could be boredom.

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If you don't mind sharing what are your stats? You mentioned 190, but that weight is completely different on someone who is 5'1" than someone who is 5'11". 


After that like JPrev said small changes to diet are the best. If you're looking to build muscle, is your diet protein rich? If you're looking to lose weight/fat, are your calories coming under what your height/activity level are? Once these things are flushed out you can start developing a plan of attack for diet. Look at the snacks you're eating and meals and replace them with these things. 


Just because snacks are labelled healthy doesn't mean that they'll help you lose weight or build muscle if they don't fit the diet. 


Lastly for workouts, what interests you? You said you don't like running or lifting. What about something like Parkour? See if there are gyms/classes centered around that or people who practice it in your are and get their advice on how to build strength/endurance/stamina to do what they do. 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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