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6 week challenge newbie recruit

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Hi, my name is Abi. I have 2 kids aged 5 and 7 and a husband who works away in the week. I struggle to fit exercise into my day but I feel so good when I manage it.

I want to get back in shape, I have been slacking since October last year and have gained 14lbs.

My main goal is to lose 14 lbs.

I will exercise 30 mins four times a week

Lights out will be at 10pm.

I will only drink alcohol once a week.

I started yesterday, 13 April, then found out about this 6 week challenge so it seems like fate!

I really need to be accountable as I am home alone and the kids don't care if I am thin or fat, but I really want to set a good example. I tell them all the time about being healthy then when they go to bed I binge, so I must get to bed early to avoid temptation.

I would really appreciate your support. Good luck to you all. Level up!

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Hi. I am a 43 year old mum, married to Jim since 2006. I am a newbie to Nerd Fitness but have been training on and off for 2 years now. I never stick to anything that is my problem so this 6 week challenge is perfect for me. I am a recruit adventurer, I am level 0 but keen to level up! I have two children aged 7 and 5, a boy and a girl. My baby belly is my biggest goal - to tighten it up!

My 6 week challenge would be posted here but I don't know how, help!!

I need support and accountability to stop eating too much and not training enough.

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So it's good news so far. 3 lbs already lost which must have been pure Easter eggs!!!

I have eaten 100% paleo so far, managed to train yesterday for half an hour and plan another half hour tonight when the kids are in bed, and have got to bed on time with no booze!

Go me!!!

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Hi. I am a 43 year old mum, married to Jim since 2006. I am a newbie to Nerd Fitness but have been training on and off for 2 years now. I never stick to anything that is my problem so this 6 week challenge is perfect for me. I am a recruit adventurer, I am level 0 but keen to level up! I have two children aged 7 and 5, a boy and a girl. My baby belly is my biggest goal - to tighten it up!

My 6 week challenge would be posted here but I don't know how, help!!

I need support and accountability to stop eating too much and not training enough.

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Current Profession : Is lumpy pillow an option??


New (again) and excited/terrified! Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Husband has lost 50ish lbs. in the past few years by cutting out carbs, lifting and for the last year being a bicycle commuter (12miles a day) and has WAY better discipline than me. I  just want to be able to keep up with him and our 3.5 y/o ginger boy. I do not want to be the mom never in the picture b/c she hates seeing how huge she is. I want to be healthy and strong to enjoy every minute of life with my little family! ( Lost 57 lbs years ago on Weight Watchers but after moving from Central NY back to Midwest the portions got bigger and I have very like will-power to control emotional eating.

GOAL #1: Increase my will power to say NO to crappy food!!! and not eating every bit of food my son wants to "share" (he's 3, he can eat popsicles and carbs everyday, he never sits down. I CAN NOT I sit at a desk all day:)

Goal #2: Drop 10lb by June 1st by cutting the crap out of my diet, counting calories and getting off my ass (walk 20 minutes at lunch each day, lift at least 2x a week and ride bike at least 20 miles per week)

Goal #: of this first challenge; fit into the clothes I inherited from my mom who passed away almost 3 years ago. I have been saving all these super cute summer skirts and tops (2-3 sizes too small) b/c I felt they'd be good motivators. I got them out of attic and hung them in my closet so I have to look at them everyday!

 There I have told the world my goals... Now I am accountable to someone other than me!!



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Okay, so if the fact that I read the article about the challenge when it came in my email and now I am just sitting down to post a response has anything to do with the execution of my goal, then I'm in trouble.


Name's Joseph, I'm 33, married, have two kids (girl 3 and boy 6 months), work the equivalent of a 24/7 jobs for 3 weeks straight, and am currently taking online courses to finish up a degree.


So to get mental gain out of the way, I'm working on the goal of finally finishing a college level degree.


Earlier this week I did start the Walk to Mordor within the Nerd Fitness Academy to level up myself there so there is one physical/strength goal.


Also, I'm taking the challenge to keep track of all food intake for a solid month so I can become more aware of the crap I'm putting in my stomach and stay away from high sugary items and breads.  So far so good, only 26 days left of that goal.


The third goal is that I have one of those Jawbone UP bands and have given myself the goal of 10,000 steps a day in order to push me to walk to work everyday and to go for that Walk to Mordor.  So far so good, but I did have a hiccup the other day and didn't make it quite to the 10,000 steps. But I got right back up and started walking more and jogged some to keep myself in the groove and to remain consistant.


I look forward to completing this challenge and knowing I'll feel better for it at the end and to accomplish a six week challenge will give me gumption to know I can go further instead of stopping here.

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Hello my name is Tonya 

I'm a huge nerd, and love MMORPG, so i feel like i should fit in here...  :redface: 


Ok so, my main quest is to reach a 26 in waistline (because who doesnt want that?!) thats four inches, I can do this!

Side life quest, get up at 7am every day.


~Do strictly cardio workout 2x a week

~Workout 5x a week

~No processed sugar for the whole 6 weeks! <probably the hardest for me, but hey, you cant outrun your fork right?


Ok well im really looking forward to this!

:playful:  :pirate:  :peaceful:

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Lotiel Mae
  • Class and Profession: Assassin
  • Quote: You can't outrun your fork


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Hi all. My name is Tina and im gonna do the challenge too! I found out about this only today but I myself started last week.

I am 29, married with 3 kids(1,3 and7).

As I had 2 kids in a row then I didn't bother to get in shape in between, so now the weight has all kind of piled up. Although I'm not extremely overweight (175cm/76kg) all the fat has piled up to my arms, lower abdomen and thighs. Most problem I have with my stomach..because I still look pregnant even though I'm not. I've been gearing up to take control of what I eat since last summer however I never actually took a grip and continued with cakes and candy and coke.

Last week I felt it was time, so I quit eating all crap cold turkey.i switched the foods to more healthy versions and started drinking water - which I hated before.

So my main goal is not to have this healthy lifestyle for 6 weeks but to try to keep this up indefinitely.

I want to lose my disgusting stomach and keep being healthy so I could kes up with my 3 boys!

I read all of your stories above and wish we all have determination to reach our goals!!

Will be interesting to see how we can change with these 6 weeks!😊😊👌

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My name is Ericka.


I have been a long time member of the Nerdfitness course, but I've never done a 6 week challenge. In the year since I've joined I've lost about 30 lbs and I've built some awesome fitness habits. 


My goal during this challenge is to go from a Size 24 to a Size 20. That's it. Since I will be approaching it with strength training I will not be getting on the scale. My progress during the challenge, for the remainder of my fitness journey, will be measured in how things fit. 


I will accomplish my goal by 



  • No Sugar (I successfully cut sugar from my diet already, so this is pretty easy to maintain)
  • Cut down on fried foods.
  • Cut down on bread


  • Once weekly check in with a personal trainer. We will focus on improving my form and mastering various lifts.
  • 10,000 steps a day
  • Strength training two times a week
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Potentia ab intra.

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My name is Jerome aka romeyb76


I've been a member of Nerd Fitness for over 2 years now, and I've started a challenge, but never finished one or consistently post my progress on here.  My procrastination ends today.  My main issue with fitness was worrying about my body image instead of embracing the true meaning of fitness which is to be fit and healthy from the inside and outside.  Basically, I'm happy with my arms, legs, butt, and everything else.  The battle I've had with my body is the fat in my belly area which I've had at my skinniest.  I hope to someday have a flat stomach.  My motivation is to feel better, be active with my wife and soon-to-be born child, and to be able to chase my nieces and nephews around without getting tired. Another motivation is I would like to participate in my first 5k. 


Main Quest - To become faster and stronger, and burn access fat. 


1. Follow my workout plan of running twice a week (beginning with walking) and build strength with calisthenics.


2. Follow the Primal Blueprint at least 70-80% of the time but cut down on sugars, grains and bad fats.


3. Get at least 7 hours of rest every night and meditate for at least 2 minutes each day.



Life Side Quest - Become better at web development and make some money on the side doing it.

Keep it real, or keep it moving! 

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