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depends on nature of the steam.


If it's "energetic need to kill things," going running is good, or tossing frisbee / kicking ball with friends if they can be corralled.  Going out for a drink and a rant afterwards is also fine, but by then it's usually not necessary.


If it's "want to cry and need hugs", a happy movie or bubble bath is good.  Or, yes, ice cream.


If it's "need to curl up and hide until the world gets its shit together", there's no cure like a comic strip collection, a flashlight and a heap of blankets (optionally a large cardboard box).  


If it's "need to be by myself, cannot stand human race any more" then go to a park or outdoor setting and stare at water or trees or flowers or rocks or bugs or clouds for a while.  Optionally listen to music.


If it's "freezing soaking hellstorm outside, why did I have to go out today", then the cure is fuzzy sweatshirts, delicious soup, and tea or cocoa with buttery toast.


I still haven't figured out the cure for "I'm a worthless piece of shit, what do I do now."  Going for walks and phoning up friends to do some activity is the best I can come up with.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Yep, echoing Raincloak. If it's pent up energy, good or bad running or explosive workouts are a great way to pour your all back into yourself. 


For me when I get that crying feeling I clean for some reason. Not sure why, but getting something unorganized organized helps create peace in my silly little mind. I'd also recommend finding something you're good at when you feel like that. Even if it's just a reminder that 'hey I feel like crap, but look at this awesome thing I'm doing'. 

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I'm also an anxiety cleaner. Things are falling apart? I take control of what I can -> go after house projects until the manic out of control feeling goes away.


Going for walks with my dog is also a huge source of stress relief for me. I can focus on her antics, and ignore what other garbage is rolling around in my head.


Tea, knitting, and really cheesy movies are another off valve for me when I'm low energy. The knitting makes the veg-out feel more productive. Video games also fall into this category. Physically exhausted -> can still go slay a dragon or two, and there are some hella uplifting games out there (I can't recommend "Child of Light" enough for a mood boost, such a pretty game).

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Level 0 Undine Druid


"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.†~ Finding Nemo


June challenge thread.

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It's true, cleaning helps you feel in control of something, and it also tires you out, so it's really useful!


I always listen to music when I'm stressed. It's taken a while to figure out what types of music go best with which moods, though. Sometimes, I need to hear someone else screaming their throats out in the way I can't, because I'm surrounded by coworkers or family or whatever. Sometimes, I need a slow, sad, contemplative piece to help me look inward at my feelings and understand why I'm not happy. And sometimes, I just need something bouncy to pull me out of my funk and get me into a better state of mind.


Eating is usually not a healthy way to deal with stress, although it can be effective. But in my mind, eating for any reason other than hunger is starting on a bad road, and should be avoided.

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