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Greetings & Salutations, nerds!


I joined the Academy last year and never did anything about it.  I'm in the middle of half time grad school and working full time and always always ALWAYS make excuses about why I never have time for my health.  I ate paleo for about a year and felt great - lost about 35 lbs and made it down to 142 lbs (a feat for a 5'zero" chickadee).  Then life got rough, I got busy, the booze started flowing again and instead of spending a few hours on the weekend for meal prep, I started eating out more, buying lunch at work, drinking the evil sugary sbux drinks, etc.  So.  Now I'm back up to 169lbs.  


My goals are as follows: lose 29lbs.  Get stronger.  Lose inches.  Exercise in some capacity at least 30 minutes a day, mostly strength training and yoga.  Start eating clean/paleo again, 90% of the time.  Decrease my booze intake to one drink max a week.


Obviously I will not lose 29lbs in 6 weeks.  But I can absolutely do the rest.


My biggest challenge with starting the Rebellion right now is that I'm currently traveling for work and will be for the next eight days.  I do travel with an HDMI cable and am able to connect my laptop to my hotel room TV, so I think I can get the exercise covered.  I can at least get started on eating clean, though it might not be 100% successful (I currently am in the middle of nowhere, NJ, so am a little beholden to the hotel fare).


Otherwise, I'm 35, redheaded (I'll watch the temper, promise), married with one dog and two cats.  Currently in grad school for bioethics.  One day I shall move to Boston or SF.


Later, nerds....and talk soon!

xo, omgyrserious

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Hi there fellow Nerd friend :D 


The wonderful thing about the rebellion- is if you look on the resources page off the main site they have a number of free bodyweight exercises you can do EVERYWHERE! Other than general strength do you have any specific goals in mind? (Weightlifting in the future, being able to do a certain kind of body-weight move like full push-ups/pull-ups, working on yoga and get to the more advanced inverted moves)



What really worked for me on clean eating was slow replacement. Every time I tried to throw everything out and start a brand new diet I'd revert within a few weeks days. Starting last April I started replacing white grains with whole grains, eventually replaced those with low carb options (eggs, more protein, certain veggies) and replaced my snacks with things like roasted nuts, then switched to raw nuts and now to crunchy veg. 


Also, I have a dog and two kitties as well- they're buttheads but I love them! 


Have a safe work trip!

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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