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So... Ramble for a minute with me? Need to ramble for a minute.

Fell off the wagon (hard... OK very hard...), with more then a few false starts in the last year, all of which died off as quickly as they started... But I digress.

Now is my time. Lots of hurdles have been falling away in the past month, and I have more motivation fodder and opportunity then I've had in a long time to address myself and my issues.

Issue - job. Was (am) working 70-80 hour weeks, sitting in an ambulance. Results in poor sleep patterns, poorer eating habits, and stress up to my fracking eyeballs when my boss decides I've overstepped. (Wouldnt say the king was well dressed...)

Solution? New job! Finally. Official confirmation still forthcoming, but been looking optimistically for word in the next few days. Going from 24 hour shifts a couple times a week to 4 10 hour shifts (keeping a shift a week on the road... I really do love what I do...)

More regular schedule, more regular sleep, more regular time in my HOME GYM (OK, so its a barn, sue me...) More regular CONTROLED eating habits...hard to eat healthy when you've been up for 2 days straight and all that's open in the gas station.

So anyway. Wendler 5/3/1 BBB 3 month challenge/ intermittent fasting with a lean towards the leangains macro calculations, ... Oh and I'm running a farm... 3/4 acre garden, coupek hundred chickens, (100 layers, 8 week cycles of 100 meat birds,) turkeys (40), goats (5), 12 tree apple orchard, ~30-50 rabbits (depends on the week)... Lots of good, wholesome natural foods. And plenty of manual labir.

And a 2 week old tk round out the pack (3y/o, 9y/o). I figure I should be staying busy. So, plenty of motivation. My 9 y/o esp needs to see that I can do this, before he goes further down the path of my own childhood.

Looking to go from my depressing current (personal record) weight of 270, ~30-35%bf, to 240, 15% in the next year (lb/wk fat loss, .5/wk muscle gain). Here goes!

(Guess its time to relook at those challenge/quest guides. And battle log stuff.. :-) )

Edit: diet for weight loss, gym for muscle and conditioning. Including sprints in my 5/3/1 work, duration cardio on my off. And possibly post pregnancy yoga with my wife...:-)

Lightning Bruiser (*)

Level 0 ranger in training

[sTR 0] [DEX 0] [sTA 0] [CON 0] [WIS 0] [CHA 0]


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ambulance... 70 hour weeks... why don't they just do away with the ambulance alltogether if they so desperately want people to die.

At hour 70 you simply cannot be as alert and as quick thinking as at hour 10 or so.

That is really disturbing and should be criminal.   Letting medical personel (especially emergency related stuff) work that much should be criminal (legally, morally it is criminal, they're playing with lives).


Good luck with the new job!

My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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Its not as bad as it sounds. New baby at home= more sleep at work then at home! (And I still get paid.) But I get the concern, and there is a general movement starting to limit and change the system. Part of the issue is going to be pay... They pay us pretty cheap, and ot is how we make ends meet. Trying to change a system that works off cheap labor to off set lower insurance payouts is going to be a long fight

Lightning Bruiser (*)

Level 0 ranger in training

[sTR 0] [DEX 0] [sTA 0] [CON 0] [WIS 0] [CHA 0]


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