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Devoted Nerdfitness reader, Newbie Forum Rebel

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Hi! I'm Argon! This is just my gamer name, I chose it because of its chemical symbol Ar, which are my initials and the nickname I prefer my friends call me. It also rhymes with dragon, so yeah haha. I love chemistry but i prefer to be physicist. i'm actually neither, science field is never been my forte haha. Anyways, I'm an Economics graduate and now an aspiring Lawyer, so wish me luck! 
Okay here's my story, I've been a Nerd Rebel for more than a year and during those times I've never had the courage to submit anything on the community forums. I love reading nerdfittness articles, however, I rarely read anything in the forums despite most articles written on the nerdfitness site relentlessly suggests on involving any reader to join the community. Well the reason I can come up with is due to my low self-esteem and i think it is because i'm fat, there i said haha. I'm an indoor person and rarely goes out. I only go out because of my 2 bestfriends who loves to attend concerts, watch movies with friends, or just eat out. And of course I get dragged into noisy and crowded concerts or comfy movie theater (where i love to sleep no matter the movie genre). Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my bestfriends and love movies and music, I just prefer to do those things at home haha. When i'm at home, I love playing either single and online games, clever TV shows, fantasy Anime, well written and executed movies, and of course reading books for leisure. 
Now you know something about me, time to move on to the main story for this post. After I graduated college, I decided to take a break and to have fun (and by that i mean playing, watching, reading, and eating at home) before law school, and its been more than a year now. It is not a coincidence that my time having fun and reading nerdfitness are correlated. I started reading nerdfitness "after" i signed up a gym membership near our house (5mins walk from our home). It was nerve wracking talking to the receptionist. The good thing is that I was able to save enough money to sign up for the gym. Anyways, I signed up and she told me to wait for the assigned trainer to contact me via SMS and return the following day based on the time I gave her, which is 7am. And it was an embarrassing first day i tell you. I never got the trainer's SMS however, I was really determined to start my first day workout. So i went to the gym early in the morning, 7am,  and there were no receptionist except for a guard who asks for membership card or receipt. So i handed the receipt and then he pointed on the table and chair mumbling something so i assumed he said "please wait there" or something, so i did. I waited for someone to approach me like two the older men, whom was approached by their trainer after a while. And even when a different receptionist finally arrived i chose not to talk to her and kept my dilemma to myself due to my lack of courage haha. So i sat there for more than 1hr. while building my confidence to talk to the receptionist (yep it took me more than an hour to talk to her, i'm a very patient man). And when i finally had the courage, i talked to her and she address my issue with ease. She and the guard apologize then she called in a trainer and there started my first workout day.
The trainer explained fitness stuff, asked questions, and gave fitness advise then we started working out. It felt good and tiring at the same time. He kept pushing me to my limits, introducing new workouts, telling me what to do and how to properly do it. And because I'm new  and naive, i decided to meet with the trainer on a daily basis and so we did. It took us 2 and a half weeks to finish our session together considering my gym membership is valid for 3 months. I can't afford to hire him any further because i had to lend my remaining savings to my parents (which was never paid i might add haha) so before our session together ended, I did my research so i found nerdfitness and other websites to read. I prepared myself for the time that i'm gonna be working out alone, without a trainer. Then i discovered i did it all wrong. I shouldn't have went to the gym on a daily basis, I should've have focus on my food consumption, and all other mistakes i did. I relied too much on my trainer. So i adjusted, for a while i was doing well however, My performance deteriorated considering no one is pushing me. After 2months and so, my membership expired and because I'm unemployed and living under the roof of my parents haha, I can't afford to extend my membership. I tried to workout without a gym but I'm not as motivated as when I workout in the gym. So my performance continuously deteriorated until I just stopped.
I told myself to focus on my food consumption, so I did. I slowly laid off junk foods and drinks and ate whole/real foods. But i feel like i'm still failing since I still keep craving and then eating junk foods and continue to gain weight. And all the workout i did just went to waste. And now my weight is back to square one, it went back to my weight before I went to the gym, or maybe even more. In terms of permanent change, I successfully laid off junk drinks. I only drink water, black coffee, plain tea, and fresh squeezed fruit juice (I drink water a lot haha) In terms of food, I only laid off rice, completely (for an Asian guy i think that's a big deal hahah). Racial joke aside, i, currently, eat whatever is available(except rice), wether its junk or not. I keep telling myself slow but permanent change. I feel like i'm taking my time too much and the change is very slow and very little. I should have achieved something in a week but nothing. I keep failing and i feel bad. I feel lazy to workout without a gym and I just want to focus on my food intake. Maybe I should go back on counting calories. I honestly don't know want to do anymore. I want to eliminate or at least limit junk foods but i dont where to start. Most of my pants are starting not to fit me anymore *cries loudly* okay... okay i'm sorry.
I only have less than 2 months before I start attending law school. And i need advice. Should i start working out? 
This was my workout plan without a gym:
30mins. Run (yes run not jog)
30 Body squats (I prefer with a bar on my back but i still love it! And i also love deadlifts, maybe you guys know an alternative without bars haha)
10 push ups (yes, i suck at this and i could barely make it to 3 in the proper position and movement)
20 Lunges = 10 right + 10 left (this okay for me i guess)
30 jumping jacks (More like bouncing jacks haha)
20 burpees (Honestly, I love this. I don't see why people hate this so much)
 20 Crunches + 20 Reverse Crunches (for my lordosis, my trainer made me do this without explaining why, I assumed it was for abs or something soo i researched about it and based it on the postureof my back so yeah)
So should i adjust anything? If ever i have to workout again I'm thinking MWF schedule.
Anyways, I appreciate your time and effort reading my lengthy rant about my fatness haha. I didn't realize it was this long until i had to post it, so appologies. Please do forgive any spelling and grammar error/s. English is my second language and never my strong suit haha. I wrote this around midnight while eating chocolate cake for courage haha. I would be eternally grateful for any helpful suggestions, advices, comments, or whatever. I'm gonna dig around the forum so yeah. I'm out! *departs awesomely*


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The resources page has a fantastic beginner body workout if you're starting all over again after a break from working out. 


The workout you laid out sounds pretty intense to start out with to be honest, but if you can complete that the go for it :D 


And burpees are awesome to start............it's once you start hitting the higher numbers that they're just.....a special kind of torture to some of us :P 


Welcome and feel free to ask any questions! 


Also for the deadlifts- do you have any dumbbells at home at all? Single leg deadlifts are pretty challenging- you could start doing these without a weight to get the form/balance down and then slowly add weight (milk/water jug, heavy books you have from studying to be a lawyer, small pets around the house...you can be creative :D) I do these in varying ways sometimes with a dumbbell in each hand and sometimes with a single heavier dumbbell. 


Here is a video on the single leg deadlifts: 



Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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