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Hey Eveeeeeryboooody, I've been lurking on and off for about a few months now i found this site back in February or March. I'm turning 25 in the summer , I don't have a career or a job and i live at home with my parents. I've had weight issues about 95% of my life i didn't start putting on weight until i was 8 and ever since then the scale and my belly kept getting bigger and bigger. I lost some weight 2xs in my life once in my teens i reduced my portion sizes and cut back on juice and soda and exercised more and a few years ago I basically ate more produce and healthy food, drank only water and soy milk and exercised unfortunately the later was unsustainable for me for two reasons I was still a lot eating emotionally as well as socially and the foods i would turn to were basically processed the second reason i had got a job that had crazy hours and I put all the weight back on plus a few extra. According to the doctor I'm pre-diabetic with borderline high cholesterol. I've been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight and get in shape but i'm having a mental challenge at this point. I'm feeling I want to change but at the same time don't want to change mostly out of fear and loneliness. I turn to food a lot when emotionally distressed and or eat what the people around me eat. old habits die hard.I don't have many friends and the people i do hang out with are struggling with their own food demons. I do not have a lot of support emotionally or people to really keep me accountable. I know I am suppose to not really rely on others to help make me changes but I would really like to have the support, its nice to be able to relate and bond with others sometimes. Which is one of the many reasons why i am here.  I"ve been exercising but for the past couple of weeks it hasn't been consistent since house is crazy right now, just moved back in. I've taken up cycling 1- 3x/week right now and taken up 1 muscle building group exercise to get me started. I was told not to do yoga alone since its not really building any muscle, but i like to do yoga as well. Also right now i am learning how to cook and learning how to make things healthier like instead of frying chimichanga's or egg rolls i baked mines in the oven and started drinking soy milk or fat free milk. I would love to get to the point where i can dance and partake in burlesque and a martial arts but because of my knee's and feet I have decided to started to take up cycling for now which i am proud of because i was told it was a very difficult class and when I would tell people i was going to this , this is when i was a bit smaller too, they looked at me like i couldn't handle it. I've done these classes for the past 3 months now and i've done them all the way til the end and never gave up even when my foot began to hurt one week. Keep in mind I am 35lbs heavier than when i had the thought of joining this class. The instructors say they seen great improvement since i started. But exercising isn't really my problem its food mostly so you can say I'm losing 80% of the battle and i hope to have support here. I remember the an episode of the Simpson's when Lisa decides she wants to be vegetarian and was having hard time because she didn't have much support, she's trying to change everyone else and make them go vegetarian with her and people even family members thought she was weird. There was point where she couldn't take the pressure anymore and was about to give in and go back to eating meat. That's how I feel all the time when it comes to attempting to change how i eat. I lose my battles with food about  93% of the time and i do cave in and go back to my old ways. I don't have kids of my own but I am in charge preparing food for the house some days of the week which can be frustrating  i have a hate/love relationship with cooking can't really be on my feet for long or they will start hurting and throbbing. I have younger sisters 8 and 9 who are very picky and don't like trying new things so most of the time i'm cooking what they know which isn't really healthy plus when i ask them in advance what they would like to eat they cannot give me an answer and what i end up cooking they usually do not like . I am also i am not really in control of what is being brought in the house junk food comes here all the time and im not buying at all if i do its buying the snacks that i ate that was for someone else :(

Right now I am 5'4 and the last time i checked i was 235lbs and 43% body fat. I would like to be about 23-25% body fat with some muscle. I want to be able to dance, ride bikes long distances, yoga, martial arts, pull ups, hiking, swim properly, wanna try wind surfing,have energy to keep up with my younger sisters and be able to have fun without being limited physically. 

Also i really haven't developed a taste for vegetables yet either i would love to learn how to cook and eat different vegetables without having to fry them to make them taste better. 

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Hi There!!!! 


First of all there's nothing wrong with having a support. That being said, don't expect it to be the only motivation you need. These forums are what you called- support. That means you need to dig deep and find the reason you want to change and hold onto it for dear life. 


Losing weight as you said IS diet, so you just have to figure out a way to look at things and say 'you know what, I don't really need that.' to the unhealthy food coming in. Remember you don't have to completely deprive yourself, you can have a bit, just again, need to find a way to moderate the food you're eating. 


For veggies try roasting and herbs. I also cook mine in garlic and water for water sauteeing to limit oil intake (if you're not careful you can add a couple hundred calories just in oil!)


You want to do all these things- have you started a dream board? Put one together or have a pile of magazines ready, how about every time you start thinking that it's hopeless you go through one of the magazines (workout ones, yoga ones, martial arts magazines) find an image that inspires you, cut it out and put it on your board? It could help channel the thinking of want to eat to thinking of what you want your body to accomplish. Additionally, if you have magazines these images unless they're ads are coupled with articles on it- so you could even put the picture on your dream board and do some beginner yoga/hiking/martial arts workouts so you're one step closer to your goal! If you don't have access to magazines, how about starting an online blog/diary to keep all the images and articles so you can see your collection of all the things you aspire to do in a single place? 


You also don't have to go all in. Replace 1 or 2 things every few weeks. Is ice cream a weakness? Replace them with some low calorie yogurt- you don't have to throw the ice cream out but see if you can get who does the shopping to add a few items to the list so you have alternatives. What I did with high calorie foods that were easy to over snack on were pre-portion them. So I knew if I grabbed a baggie that was ONE portion, I couldn't mindlessly snack and go 'oops, I ate the whole box! 40 minutes later' (I used to do that with cashews, so easy to over eat those!!) But every few weeks if you replace something you can change your whole lifestyle without even noticing! Those small little changes turn into healthy habits and you wont even have to think about what to eat, you'll just default to healthier options, especially when you start feeling better physically of the better food choices (amazing what fresh and healthier foods can do to your moods and mindset!)


A challenge is starting up next week, check out the recruit thread, it's a great place to start and see what people do. Also, you may not have to lose nearly that much to reach 25 percent bodyfat but there's a thread in the women's training area of lovely ladies with 100+ to lose. They could be a fantastic resource for figuring out how to get things rolling lifestyle wise in a non supportive environment.


If you have any questions or need a support buddy lemme know, I'm full of ideas I could send your way :D 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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