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Anywjay, greetings to everyone here at Nerd Fitness! I've been reading the blog for quite some months now and find it really insteresting! I'm 25 years old, 184cms high, 82kgs, I live in Argentina and I'm a lifelong skinny fat dude who just had to learn how to live with a mild case of the man boobs.


My history with training and physical activity.


When I was in highschool I sucked at everything. I had to play rugby, but I was tall and bulky for that age, I was also in like the 5th division, so I just ran with the ball as the opposite team midgets 14 year old players just hung on to me until I eventually fell down.


Fast forward 10 years, I read Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and started going to the gym, learning the basic moves, perfecting my form. I started lifting more weight, I have woman's strength really, 42kg back squat 5x5 was my all time max. I eated whatever, somedays healthy, somedays junk.


I never really made any progress... I mean yes, when I first hit the gym I struggled to bench press JUST the bar. Then I gradually got to like 45kg 5x5 (which is still weak AF).


I have learned a LOT by failing. The most valuable lesson I found was the simple notion that this fatloss deal requires almost perfect consistency both training and diet wise.


Well, that's has been my experience with the fitness world.

I also have a job, love books, movies, play the alto sax and make love like a god (by my own standards of course)


tl:dr version:

Hi all

I'm skinnyfat

Will die skinnyfat

Play the sax and like to read (sometimes)

Thx for reading.

Amount of what you have to give in order to succeed.

The Adventure Awaits...



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Hi vegito! Thanks for your interest and kind words :)



I don't have a rigid diet, I tracked my meals yesterday though and this is the result:



1 cup yogurth

black coffee


1 portion of spinach tart

1 portion of baked fish with bell peppers and onions (and glorious olive oil and tuscan seasoning of course)


4 little sandwiches, about 120kcal each, with a small diet coke


About 250grs of baked skinless chicken breast with carrots, and a tomato and lettuce salad

Half a brownie dessert

Aprox. total kcal: 1790


I really like healthy foods, and I love cooking!

My main weaknesses are pizza and desserts such as ice cream.


The problem I encountered with eating ONLY clean foods is that sooner or later I will binge eat like Homer Simpsons at the The Frying Dutchman "All you can eat" restaurant.

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Amount of what you have to give in order to succeed.

The Adventure Awaits...



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i'd say that only problems in your diet now is that it has too little protein compared to your weight.

i've learned that for example hamburger is fine if you leave mayo and most of sauces out of it. and tada! it's quite healthy and still tastes great!

for example your dinner looks fine. lunch isn't that bad either. what kind of athlete you want to be? (SAY WARRIOR!)

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Son of a mother duck! Just last night I made myself a couple of 1% fat burguers, with all the spicy spices and pepper nomnomnom

Warrior seems like a good option! I went to a boxing class last night and I loved it! Had lots of fun and the work out killed me.


What about you vegito? What do you want to be become?

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Amount of what you have to give in order to succeed.

The Adventure Awaits...



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i'm here listed as a warrior but i'm somewhere between warrior and a monk.

my lunch today was

200 grams of chicken

150 grams of rice

100 grams of quark(about 25 grams of protein

200 grams of carrots, peas and broccoli.

i have around 200 grams of protein in my daily intake. if you'd get to let's say 150 you'd be seeing results faster. this is just a suggestion as i don't know your body composition or your health backgrounds.

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I know you are right my friend! I just find it difficult ingesting so much protein each day.

It's not like bread or pizza that you can buy everywhere... Most places around my work/house don't sell healthy foods, or if they do, the meat quantity is small. It's funny actually, I live in Argentina, where cow's meat is quality is AMAZING, and still the goverment's daily protein intake recomendation is 75grs, can you believe that?


These are my goverment's daily intake recomendations:


Total Kcals per day


2000 kcal – 8400 kJ




300 gramos




75 gramos


Total Fat


55 gramos


Saturated Fat


22 gramos




25 gramos




2400 miligramos


Amount of what you have to give in order to succeed.

The Adventure Awaits...



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it is ok for someone who does not exercise. with cow meat the problem comes that it's hard for the bowels. when bulking i ate 1.5 kilograms of beef daily. after a year i was shitting blood and nowadays my beef quantities are considerably smaller and rarer for that learning experience. it's possible to slim down and build muscle ok especially if you have slow metabolism which is very probable. but i liked bulking. smart bulking. have you ever considered asking them to put more meat on the pizza? when i order pizza(too rarely nowadays) i ask them to put more meat into it. it might cost you a bit more, but it will help in building muscle, and more you got muscle, more you burn calories daily and easier it is to burn the fat. this might be considered blasphemy here but hey i'm hedonistic bodybuilder!


"Fuck the sixpack! i'd rather be fat and happy!"

Lee Priest

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Beef's ok as long as you get enough fiber from vegetables to keep the pipes percolating proper. (I'm from Texas, it's literally illegal here to defame the beef industry).  As I understand it, Argentine beef is pretty dang good. Bunea suerte!

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Hi bro! You can eat more eggs to get protein! I don't know form which part of Argentina you are, I'm from BsAs Capital. 

For lunch and dinner I eat about 200-250 gr of  beef, pork, chicken, fish... even a can of tuna/mackerel (Jurel/caballa)  if I didn't go to the market.


You can add more protein for breakfast by doing egg muffing!  So easy and yumi! I like to use a muffing pan but you can do it in whatever you have and then cut it in portions! (Like a "tortilla de verduras")


I make them on the weekends and eat them during the week. They stay fresh in a Tupperware inside the fridge.

You can use eggs, ham, veggies, salt, pepper, soysauce, pieces of chicken, whatever you think of!!! :)

Also... I know you will love this one: BACON! *Q* Holy bacon!!


Good luck! :D


PS: grrrrr ¬¬ couldn't attached any photo! Google "Egg muffing".

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Mel Naux ~my evil me~

Race: Doppelgänger | Class: None
[Lvl 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]



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Haha!! :) I know it's nice to have local support! Wiii :D

I'm from Barracas.


Instant friendship man!

Clearly... but I'm a girrrrz xD English really makes really hard guessing the sex of the person writing! 

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Mel Naux ~my evil me~

Race: Doppelgänger | Class: None
[Lvl 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]



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