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Guten Tag from Pennsylvania :)

Guest guest4729

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Guest guest4729

Hello hello everyone! My name is Allison and I'm a 20 year old business student from (as I said in the title) Pennsylvania. I'm currently studying international business with a minor in German studies. I know some conversational German and am working on becoming more fluent.

After wanting to work out for ages and ages I've finally pushed and motivated myself enough to actually take on the challenge! I never really had big issues with my weight until the time shortly before/after my father passed away in 2008. After turning to emotional eating I gained 25lbs in less than 6 months.

Now that I'm in my junior year of college I've finally said enough is enough. I started dating someone who is in amazing shape (he used to run cross country and played a lot of soccer) and can do more pullups in one sitting than I've probably ever done in my whole life.

I have started to go to the gym about 3-4 times a week for 30-45minutes. Even though I have 6 classes, 2 jobs and 3 outside organizations I'm still making gym time - even if it's at 6:30am!

But anyways, that's enough about that...on to the geek creds:

*I used to play MMO's 8 hours a day (Oh Conquer Online...how you stole my younger years) and have dabbled here and there in tons of random MMO's.

*I used to play PS2 but had such a short attention span since most were single player role playing games. I really did enjoy things like Soul Calibur and Guilty Gear though!

*I'm a huge Firefly fan and have probably seen each episode about 3 times or more.

*I love love love Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog and often sing Penny/Dr. Horrible's harmony with my boyfriend

*I used to read tons of online webcomics (MegaTokyo, anyone?)

*I used to watch a lot (too much) anime and read a lot of manga

*I had a pre-/post- rapture party with a bunch of /PA/tards that I met on 4chan

*I currently date someone I met on 4chan

Phew. Okay. I think that was enough info for you all to read for days. lol

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Guest guest4729

welcome to the community! way to go on making time for the gym even with everything you already have going on!

Thanks! I can certainly say it's been more than a struggle and a half. It's VERY difficult to keep motivated when I have to wake up at 6:00 to get dressed and grab something to eat before heading to the gym at 6:30 then knowing I had to be on campus from 8:00am to 6:15pm. Not fun. This week is finals week and then next semester it SHOULD be easier for me to find time to work out, I'll only have 5 classes instead of 6 with no Friday classes. *crosses fingers*

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Welcome! I love seeing other German speakers. :) Viel Glück with all of your goals. It seems like you are really dedicated to getting everything done and that's awesome. When I was in college (and just as busy) I used that as an excuse to not work out, so good on you for not falling into that trap.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"Moving on and Moving up" Challenge

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Guest guest4729

Welcome! I love seeing other German speakers. :) Viel Glück with all of your goals. It seems like you are really dedicated to getting everything done and that's awesome. When I was in college (and just as busy) I used that as an excuse to not work out, so good on you for not falling into that trap.

Truth be told, I was in that trap up until recently. I used the excuse that I was "too busy" or it was "too early" way too much. And then because I didn't want to be around a ton of people I didn't want to go later at night. The later it gets the more people there are trying to "show off"...it's irritating. The girls go, do cardio for like an hour and then pretend to show off for a bit then leave. The guys come and grunt up a storm then look around for approval and I'm just there trying to get stuff done. Now that I go in the morning there is a MAX of 10 other people, normally it's only 3-4 others. It's made me more likely to try new machines, use higher weights and do more cardio because I can take my time and do things the right way.

I'm hoping that I don't lose my momentum because winter break is from Dec 16th-Jan 17th and I'll be going to the local gym since my campus is closed. Crossing my fingers that all goes well and they have a machine I can do assisted dips/pullups on.

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I know my german beers if that counts? :P

Not sure how 4chan plays toward your geek cred though. Finding a truly decent soul out there is like finding a needle in a haystack >.>

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Finding a truly decent soul out there is like finding a needle in a haystack >.>

I used to have the mentality that people were disposable. I was able to change that. I try to understand what people have been through, and when I do, often I can't believe how decent they are in spite of what they've been through.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Guest guest4729

I know my german beers if that counts? :P

Not sure how 4chan plays toward your geek cred though. Finding a truly decent soul out there is like finding a needle in a haystack >.>

Well, I sort of "grew up" on 4chan, so to speak. A lot of people I played MMOs with were on there before it got as terrible as it is now. It was never anything "awesome" but it certainly wasn't gore, hentai and pedo pics left and right. I've also met quite a few decent people on there. Several of the people I partied with from there were very normal and nice people. Also, my boyfriend (who I met on there) is about as normal as it gets. Very athletic, love to play sports, plays some video games here and there, graduated from college but now lives at home to help his mom raise his younger brother since their dad is out of the picture. He has a job and goals in life, etc. etc.

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I didn't mean to criticize or anything! I was referring more to the general depravity in the posts and what not.

Totally don't mean to say somethings wrong because you go on 4chan

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Guest guest4729

I didn't mean to criticize or anything! I was referring more to the general depravity in the posts and what not.

Totally don't mean to say somethings wrong because you go on 4chan

Haha, that's okay. Things get misconstrued - especially on teh internets. I mainly jumped on that because there ARE a lot of people who think anyone who even knows what 4chan is happens to be some pedo creeper (which is true in some cases). lol

Well, hello there. I'm from germany. My english isn't the best (still learning), but if you need any help with german, let me know. :)

Danke, danke! Meine deutsch ist nicht perfekt aber es ist in Arbeit begriffen. (Ich denke das bedeutet "work in progress" aber ich weiss nicht. Heh.)

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etf, I can't take anything you say seriously with that ridiculous avatar. For the love of god, upload another spandex picture or something, anything but that.

On a related note though, etf knows well that I put my foot in my mouth sometimes on teh internetz.

As you were.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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etf, I can't take anything you say seriously with that ridiculous avatar. For the love of god, upload another spandex picture or something, anything but that.

Seconded. Now the boards have nearly 1,000 copies of that picture littered throughout. I'm starting to think your prolific posting is just so you can do something like change your avatar and have as many people as possible subjected to the consequences.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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congrats on deciding to challenge yourself. And booo for emotional eating. I am so thankful I've never suffered from that, but I have seen casualties.. :/

At any rate, welcome to a group of people with a similar goal in mind as yourself and good luck! (I ran cross country in hs...which I could've stayed in amazing shape! lol)

...and I awoke to the Zs and they were chanting, "Da-vid...Da-vid..."

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