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About Me:

About 150cm tall,


19 years old,



My Goals:

Get a flatter stomach

Have a more defined 'V'

15-18% body fat.


I've read the how to not suck at making goals thing but i'm not sure how to phrase my goals. 


I've just ordered a body fat caliper so I'm waiting for that to get delivered, but I'd say I'm somewhere around the 22-25% range, depending on whether I've eaten or not. I really want to bring that down to about 18%. 


I'm really uncomfortable exercising anywhere outside of my room really, cause I feel like people will judge me and I just get really self conscious.


The available exercise equipment I have are:

1 3kg weight

1 5kg weight

1 jump rope.


I tried to do about 500 jumps a day in the past but that only lasted for about 2 weeks. The people living below me commented on the noise to my mum so I didn't really wanna continue.  


It's just about impossible for me to follow the Paleo diet right now since I don't cook and meals are taken care of by the family. 

I plan to do the 'Beginner Body Weight Workout' along with the warm up routine listed somewhere else on the site.


Do you guys have any tips on, say, improving confidence (not giving a damn what other people think about me) and losing weight?


*I absolutely detest running. (I have 0 stamina. Absolute 0)


Thank you all for your time in reading this.


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Sounds like you have realistic goals. If you don't want to work out outside, the Beginner Body Weight workout is just fine to do in your room.  If you were doing that much jump rope you have more stamina than you give yourself credit for. If you don't like running don't worry about running. If you want to lose weight but do not have control over what you eat at home, just eat less of what is provided.


As for improving confidence, that largely comes from your own image of yourself. Not knowing why you don't feel confident, the best advice I can give is to retrain your self image.  Figure out what you wish was true about yourself, what you wish others would say about you. Then tell yourself those things are true about you. Our focus determines our reality. Almost every major religion and philosophy has some version of that saying somewhere in it's texts. Don't worry if you don't believe it right away, keep telling yourself you are a good person. Eventually you will believe it. Then you will start acting like it. Then it will be true.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Thank you for the advice Tanktimus! I did the 500 in sets of 50/100 at a time though so it wasn't straight 500 at a time. 


Quick question. I usually get a headache during/after working out. It goes away after about 30 mins - 1 hour. Is this because I've done no physical exercise in quite a while? How do I change things so it doesn't keep happening?

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Improving confidence is a tricky one. I luck out, I can't see very well without my glasses so I just take them off- people can give me weird glares all they want, I can't see 'em! It's about believing in what you are doing- that old adage about 'At least you are outrunning everyone who is still sitting on the couch' is very true. 

Re: headaches- how much water are you drinking? Are you well hydrated before you begin? 

{Insert motivational script here}
STR - 4|DEX - 2|STA - 6|CON - 4 |WIS - 6|CHA- 5

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You don't have to drink water exclusively, but it helps. Coffee and tea in moderation are fine, if it has sugar in it, it is not your friend. Sugar is not nice. Sugar is a bait and switch scheme, it says, "Hey, I taste good" and then BOOM, it turns in to fat.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Ah, I've only been drinking water for the past 8 months since I don't like coffee or tea anyway and I wanted to cut out soda. 


By the way, what exactly does well hydrated entail? I've drank a full cup of water and am going to wait 20-30 mins before working out. Is that ok? What should the waiting time be? Is a full cup of water enough?

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Good job, that's one barrier out of the way. Some basic self-tests on hydration include the pee test and the pinch test. The first one is checking the color of your urine, the darker it is, the less hydrated you are. The second one is to lay your hand flat and lightly pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it takes a while to go back to normal, you need water.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Steve did a blog post a while back on body fat %. Basically, it's really hard to gauge. Not knowing how tall you are and how much you weigh it's very difficult to tell from one picture. Just eyeballing your stomach it looks pretty healthy.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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