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New here - another go, different mindset

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As a huge nerd I'm so excited to have found this website!


So something about me .. I'm currently 23 yr old grad student in US, originally from Europe. Ever since I can remember I was overweight. I didnt do much sports, spent most of my time on video games and generally sitting in front of a computer - a situation many here can relate to I guess. 


I've tried to lose weight countless times and actually succeeded twice. First time was the first year of high school, and I think puberty helped a lot that time. However my weight slowly creeped up and two years ago, at 21, I weighted almost 230 pounds (while my ideal weight would be something around 170lbs). At that time I went to a doctor for preventative checkup and I had a scare that my blood sugar was too high. Luckily it turned out to be false alarm because of something I'd eaten the night before or something, however, it got me to move my ass and start losing weight. I managed to lose around 30 pounds by calorie counting and not drinking beer (with little to no excercise) in about 3 months, and I was thrilled! Unfortunately, I injured my knee badly and I couldn't walk without brace or a cane for two months. My diet worsened, the little excercise I did ceased and I stopped losing weight.


Since than, the only thing I was able to do was to keep my weight around the 200lbs. I'm pretty proud of that alone, I've learned enough to maintain my weight! But, ever since that I struggled to find motivation to go those extra 30 lbs. I tried a few times, but always failed after a week or so.


Few days ago, I was thinking that I should try to lose weight again, preferably to be more fit before I go back to US (I'm in my home country for the summer), and while I was thinking how to approach it this time, how to track calories, workouts and what not, a thought occured to me - why not treat it like a game? Like an rpg with levels and everything. So I started googling and I found NerdFitness!


I've read through a bunch of articles here and I really like the approach and attitude here, namely paleo (I've already learned to avoid grains, eat meat with vegetables etc., however I've never sticked to it for long) and that the only excercise that I should do is the one I enjoy.


Anyway, my plan now is to try going full paleo, slowly build up bodyweight excercise routines (which I actually like) and do some cardio in form of biking. No running for me, I've tried it multiple times but it just doesnt do it for me, plus my knee doesn't take it well. My long term goal is to get to around 15-16% body fat by the end of the year (now I'm around 22%). Unlike previous failed attempts, I don't want to count every calorie (hence paleo) and I dont want to be stressed about weight fluctuations (hence goal is body fat, not weight). My main nemesis in this fight is beer/alcohol - being from a country with the highest consumption per capita makes things difficult, but I'm slowly getting better at limiting it and completely avoiding it!


However, there's problem I will face in couple days or weeks - I will lose motivation. This is the reason why I'm posting here and I will continue to post and hang around these forums. I've never really tried the community aspect of getting fit and I want to try it and I hope that it will get me through the tough parts when by determination will dwindle.



I would love to try the 6 week challenge, but I noticed the next one starts in about a month. Could I join the current one somehow?










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Hey man welcome to the rebellion! I am brand new here myself but I can relate to almost every aspect of your story. Got up to 242, lost down to 200 and I plateaued here. Keeping in mind that I am so new that my advice is probably not as good as some others I would suggest that you use the time between the next challenge to prepare for the challenge itself. A month goes by pretty fast and I think it would be really fun to start up with the whole community. That's just what I think in any case I wish you luck!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

Current Challenge

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Welcome to the rebellion! Good job on what you've done so far, as well as on figuring out what will and won't work. My recommendation is to start a battle log to hold you over till the next challenge starts. Set a few goals for the next few weeks then get on it.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome to the rebellion! Good job on what you've done so far, as well as on figuring out what will and won't work. My recommendation is to start a battle log to hold you over till the next challenge starts. Set a few goals for the next few weeks then get on it.


Thanks, that sounds like a good idea!


Hey man welcome to the rebellion! I am brand new here myself but I can relate to almost every aspect of your story. Got up to 242, lost down to 200 and I plateaued here. Keeping in mind that I am so new that my advice is probably not as good as some others I would suggest that you use the time between the next challenge to prepare for the challenge itself. A month goes by pretty fast and I think it would be really fun to start up with the whole community. That's just what I think in any case I wish you luck!


Thanks, I will definitely be making healthy changes and learning more before the challenge starts. Hopefully I will be set up for success by the time it starts.

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I'm eager to begin this six week challenge late, as are you. My opinion is that the thrill of beginning with so many other people can be a really propulsion of motivation. So, if you can, those weeks will fly back. But, that said, you could make a 'daily battle logs' thread from now until then and use it in the same way. It means you'll get familiar again with the format of the 6wc and that you can keep yourself motivated whilst saving the best bit - the participation - for four weeks?


Anyways, I'm Aena. Welcome back! I've done a very similar thing to you in returning with a different outlook. Feel free to pm me anytime, and can't wait to see you around!



Level 2

Elfin Water Bender

:: STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 1 ::

"Remember, your mind is the best weapon you have" ~ Farengar Secret-Fire

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However, there's problem I will face in couple days or weeks - I will lose motivation. This is the reason why I'm posting here and I will continue to post and hang around these forums. I've never really tried the community aspect of getting fit and I want to try it and I hope that it will get me through the tough parts when by determination will dwindle.



I would love to try the 6 week challenge, but I noticed the next one starts in about a month. Could I join the current one somehow?


I can relate to your situation. I'd start off big, exercise/eat well, etc, for a few days or weeks, then it falls off. This is my first community aspect and it's a wonderful community! We all help each other in many ways and being involved is a great help! As for the challenge, I'd suggest with a battle log as Aena has advised. It'll get you in the flow of things.


Best of luck! I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress :)

 Level 2 Half-Orc Assassin

STR 4 | STA 2 | DEX 0 | CON 4.7  | WIS 1.9 | CHA 0

CurrentChallenge | PreviousChallenge

"There is no one giant step that does it, it's a lot of little steps." Peter A. Cohen

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If you're losing motivation then your actions are following your thoughts! That means you need to find what inspires you and pushes you and integrate that into your journey.


I was a huge yo yo dieter and never really aspired to a healthy lifestyle because.......Well, why bother? I then completed my first mud run and have been pushing myself physically for over a year now. Find something you can get hooked on and go for it, you totally got this!

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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