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Level 1 n00b trying to figure it all out

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Hey :)

So, I'm new to NF but not weight loss. I reached my goal weight this month after aaaages, which is great, but my BF% is still really high (in the 30's, I need to measure again).

I want to focus now on lowering BF% and getting stronger, so bought the Rebel Fitness Guide and am reading a lot on here and the NF blog. I want to go mostly paleo, adding a little brown rice occassionally and the odd drink on a night out. I'm just wanting to check I've got my info right.

When doing paleo, you don't count calories do you? You just eat paleo when you're hungry. Right?

So, if I was going to include a little brown rice (e.g. after taekwondo) would I need to count that day?

Also - though unrelated if I don't need to count - when I worked out my BMR x 1-3 light exercise sessions, my calories were 2027. That seems like a lot. I mean, I've been eating 1200 up until now (if that) and been really hungry (which makes sense). But, with paleo, do I even need to worry about this?

Sorry, it's probably an obvious questions, but I figured it's better to ask a stupid question and start right, than not ask and go wrong.



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from what i've read about paleo, you don't count calories and most posts i've seen from folks that do paleo always talk about the freedom they feel from it.

if you're not counting, i don't think it's necessary to count just because you had some rice. count if you want just for reference but, if you're eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full, you should be good. this goes for any diet, really, not just paleo.

1200 is super low. in fact, on sparkpeople.com (where i used to log calories) they never recommend anyone go below that. the bmr thing may give a good general gist but calories in vs. out is so hard to calculate and can drive you nuts. 2027 might not be awful...depends on your current stats and your goals. i think i saw in another post that you are female...most women i know that count calories, usually try and stay between 1200-2500...it's a pretty broad range and depends on your activity level. to some degree it's guess-and-check (if you want to count). eat 1500 one day - still hungry? try 1700 the next day.

but in the long run it's about making sustainable choices :)

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When doing paleo, you don't count calories do you? You just eat paleo when you're hungry. Right?

I too lost most of my weight before finding NF and am now trying to build muscle and change my body composition. I am doing the primal thing - which is a little less restrictive than paleo. (I eat some dairy in the form of Greek Yogurt and really good cheese, I drink red wine, and have some dark chocolate.) And while I used to count calories too - and I was at 1200 for a while - I don't anymore. And IT.IS.AWESOME. I've only been primal for about 2 weeks. The first week I lost a couple pounds without trying, this week I seem to be staying at the same weight. But I don't care about the weight so much, my goal is lower BF as well. So anyway, I'm not counting calories, and even though it was a little scary at first, so far so good. Since I am still trying to lose some fat I just make sure I don't go overboard on fruit and nuts, though I eat both most days. But I keep to 1 oz of nuts and 2 pieces of fruit. I don't have red wine every night, and I eat pretty small squares of dark chocolate for my treat after dinner. Oh, and even though I don't count calories I do write down what I eat. That's kind of a good middle ground, so you can keep track of what you're taking in without going nuts counting calories.

Good luck and keep us posted!



"Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side..."


Goals: Training (and eating) for strength. 

Stats - 34 years old, 5'7" and 130lbs of woman. And growing.

PRs: 150 Squat, 165DL (have since fixed form but haven't retested 1RM),115lb Bench

Nerd credentials: Very loving relationship with LOTR and other such "nerdy" literature, 34 solid years of social awkwardness. 

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Thanks guys, that's really helpful!

I'll have to check out the primal diet, I'd heard about it, but thought it was paleo under a different name. Sounds like it might be a bit better suited to me though. I absolutely detest counting, and I think it's much better for my sanity to be able to say, "Ok, here's a fist-sized potato, that's one portion" than having to put everything on a scale and drive myself round the bend. Hate it!

You're right about tracking as well though Damzie, because if I'm recording my workouts I might as well keep my food logged too!

Thanks for your help, both :)

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Hi and welcome! Congrats on making your goal weight!!

Just my 2 cents for what it is worth... I am doing the paleo/primal thing as well, though I just started. I am choosing to count calories because when I diet I tend to under-eat and then sabotage myself.

1200 is really really low, it is the ABSOLUTE minimum that you should ever eat. You shouldn't EVER eat less than your BMR (the amount of calories you body would need to live if you were in a coma and not moving at all) This Calculator is Great!! The top number is your BMR and then the bottom one gives you a general idea of how much you burn over your day depending on your activity levels. In order for me to get down to a BMR of 1200 (I'm 36 and 5'1") I would have to weigh 96 lbs. (My BMR at the moment is about 1800 and at my goal weight it will be right around 1400. At my goal weight, with an hour of moderate exercise a day and 8 hrs of sleep my average expenditure will be about 2200) am I helping or making things more confusing? As women we have been told for so long that the way to loose weight is to restrict restrict restrict and it works out much better with moderation.

Though I am not an expert on muscle gain, it is my understanding that you cannot build muscle while eating at a deficit. You may wanna look into that. Also if you made your goal weight shouldn't you be transitioning to maintenance calories? And just another tidbit... as you put on muscle, even with your fat dropping, you will put on some pounds. I would suggest if you are going to start putting on muscle you look to other goal posts than weight for your feedback. Obviously, lifting more, getting to do that 'real' pushup or pull up (depending on your goals there) measurements of waist, hips, arms, neck, etc. Actual body fat. I am personally tracking ALL of these for the next year or so while I try to kick my BFs a$$ at % of body weight lost.

I am my own evil twin!

~~ Paleo Challenge! ~~ Blog ~~

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Hey Jessie,

No I totally agree with you. I got to my goal weight following Weight Watchers and tracking on a free calorie tracking site. To lose 1lb a week, they recommended eating 1290kcal a day, but I often ended up starving myself because eating anything would make me so ravenous I couldn't stop. I have been miserable, exhausted and depressed throughout this journey. So much so that goal weight didn't even feel good. I've still so much chubs!

Once I realised all that, and started reading here on Nerd Fitness, it really opened my eyes. I wasn't *living*. What was worse, was that I'd started to feel guilty for eating. That was the final straw and I knew I had to change.

My motivation now is to get strong and lower my body fat %. I thought primal/paleo sounded fab because although it will be togh, I won't have to count (which I hated, I just thought it was the only way). What's more, I can eat whenever I'm hungry! I don't have to tell myself "No, you can't eat anything, it's not allowed". I'm planning on going 80% paleo because I have quite a lot of social commitments, so it'd be helpful to be a bit more flexible one day a week, starting from January. I don't get paid till the 30th of December, so it'll be the first time we can buy food after that (we buy a monthly shop after payday).

Until then, I'm upping my veggies and fruit and cutting down on the crap. I'm also going cold turkey on Pepsi Max. I've only just found out how awful it is for me, and I'm drinking like 2L a day. I'm at my parents' until Sunday, and after that it's cold turkey. I think these changes will help me make the change to paleo in January much easier.

When I bought Rebel Fitness, I emailed Steve to tell him I'd taken a "before" photo, and that I was going to send him progress photo's at 6 and 12 weeks. I've even put those dates in my diary! That, more than anything, has given me incentive to get my ass in gear. I can't wait to looked toned and strong :D

Good luck to you too!

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I'm planning on going 80% paleo because I have quite a lot of social commitments, so it'd be helpful to be a bit more flexible one day a week, starting from January.

I think it's totally reasonable to shoot for 80% paleo, but I will tell you it's easier than you might think to eat paleo even when you're at social events. I was able to eat primal at both holiday parties I went to this year. You can usually find meat, vegetables, and fruit and just skip the grains and fried stuff. I've been pleasantly surprised by this.



"Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side..."


Goals: Training (and eating) for strength. 

Stats - 34 years old, 5'7" and 130lbs of woman. And growing.

PRs: 150 Squat, 165DL (have since fixed form but haven't retested 1RM),115lb Bench

Nerd credentials: Very loving relationship with LOTR and other such "nerdy" literature, 34 solid years of social awkwardness. 

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That is good to know. I may stick with the 80% as a bit more of a gradual transition at first and see how I get on; I've never done such a radical change to my diet (or lifestyle). If I find it pretty easy-going, I might go the whole hog. We shall see!

I would also suggest going in whole hog if you have difficulty with the 80%. I've found it's been easier for me to cut it all out then in previous efforts when I've tried to just cut out sweets. So, I'd say go all in for a month or so before you decide to count it out altogether.



"Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountain side..."


Goals: Training (and eating) for strength. 

Stats - 34 years old, 5'7" and 130lbs of woman. And growing.

PRs: 150 Squat, 165DL (have since fixed form but haven't retested 1RM),115lb Bench

Nerd credentials: Very loving relationship with LOTR and other such "nerdy" literature, 34 solid years of social awkwardness. 

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I wish I could! Unfortunately, I really don't tea/coffee, but it's been suggested to me to try peppermint tea, so I'll give it a go. It is quite frightening that only six hours since my last ever Pepsi, I am already getting restless at not having another and jittery. Not cool. It's going to be a tough two weeks, but I think I was right to make this decision; if it's affecting me this much, it ain't good!

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