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Been keeping up with your reads, impressed by how well you got through the first 6 days. Hope your tooth isn't too bad.

Thanks for the posifeed. the tooth must've just woke up cranky that day, it hasn't bothered since. I probably still need to go to the dentist but who can afford that. Plan on a comprehensive challenge update tomorrow, it takes up way too much time to keep doin this with my phone. pc lab after work!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Thanks for the posifeed. the tooth must've just woke up cranky that day, it hasn't bothered since. I probably still need to go to the dentist but who can afford that. Plan on a comprehensive challenge update tomorrow, it takes up way too much time to keep doin this with my phone. pc lab after work!


That's good, I personally have issues of getting healthy, then my body ends up finding ways to make things worse. Glad ti didn't happen to you, and understand about the time of updating (I had to make a template to make it seem easier for me to update daily). Good luck with keeping your goals. 

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Alright I'm just going to cut straight to the ugly: last night I chose to drink and exactly what I said would happen happened. Today I feel like shit physically, which I enjoy in a way. Take my medicine.

How did it happen? I wasn't having a bad day or anything I just decided maybe I could have a few beers while I play Morrowind and I would have the willpower to not smoke. It didn't work out that way.

It was kinda funny, the instant I took a puff on the back porch thunder boomed in the sky. Very dramatic.

Anywho it does mean that I failed my life quest, whiiiich sucks but I'm using this failure as fuel for my fire. I don't plan on this being my only NF challenge, so I'm not gonna sweat the stats. Stats are fun, but this is about life. I figure I don't always get every hidden item in a level on Little Bigplanet, not the first time I run it, but I get em later.

So, my plan:

Keep doing as I've been. Other than this idiot choice my other choices have been damn good; I won't let my mistake define my challenge. My body has adapted well enough to the BBWW that I can start adding activities to keep me kicking ass.

I live at the base of a little mountain, time to climb that sucker.

Also, since I started a new Morrowind game, I'm toying with the idea of porting some of my quests to reality. More later.

Not drinking, not smoking, and eating less varied foods all cause a sensation of hunger that can get a little heavy once in awhile. I would rather up my activity level and eat a little more to counter this dukka.

Phew. Good to get that out there. Chumbawumba!

Here's a short vid showing that baby mountain I wanna start stomping a few times a week:


-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Thursday, August 6th

Day 11 of challenge


I feel good about today. After yesterdays’ shitscapades I feel like I really came back swingin. That’s all well documented so I won’t dwell on it any more.

It is also documented that I missed my Paleo breakfast/up at 6am goal today. Funny how that happens when ya stay up too late.

In the past this is often the moment where I say ‘ef it’ and revert to my previous habits. Or I slowly start to peter out after the first big mistake.

Not this time baby. Shit happens and people make mistakes and I’m all over it. As soon as I got off work I nailed my BBWW,  it was my best workout yet since the challenge. I didn’t even have any music on today, it was just “focus.â€

After That I let my kitty roll around outside for awhile as I stretched and then it was off to Mt. Doom. I’ll post some links to the Mt Doom adventure, I documented it with a few short vids to share with any who are interested.

Any good fight scene has the protagonist getting their ass whooped up on a little bit, sometimes we even wonder if they will win.

I will win.



Here's my vids from the Mt Doom foray if anyone is interested:


Heading out 1min 23 sec




Halfway there; the cemetery 1:57




75% there; Beorn Lane 1:12




Final Stretch and summit 9:32



-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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August 7th, Friday


Breakfast: A big splap of baby spinach leaves with 3 snargled eggs on top. Also a blaggle of grapes

Today was a rest day, thought about climbing Mt Doom again and then I didn’t. Lunch was a big ole salad with peppers n radishes n a handful of blueberries on top. On the side was some slow-cookery porkloin and carrots, with an extra carrot thrown on top of the salad for good measure.

Tomorrow will be arse kicker day again, BBWC and Mt Doom, looking forward to it.

Gonna do my meditation now, there’s kids bopping around the windows n hollering, that should provide interesting background noise for the procedure.

(did have to abandon my meditation til later. There was some sad kid drama goin on. This lil gal from upstairs had captured a snake and been trying to feed it in an aquarium behind the shed for a few days. It, of course died, and the poor lil thing was on her knees cryin back there for almost an hour.)

Did get the meditation done around 8, though.


Supper was far from paleo, cheese keeps finding it's way in to the house. It's becoming clear that I wasn't very specific in my mind about whether my goal included weight loss or just gaining strength. I would like a bit of both, we'll see what I need to change at my 3 week recap. I do really good on breakfast and lunch, this second week has been hit and miss for supper. I think i'll be fine for the next 6 days at least, only health food in the house and no more money, Woohoo!!!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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August 8th, Saturday


breakfast was 4 eggs schmongled with 2 slices of chopped up bacon all thrown over a big salad with peppers, carrots, n a bit of purple cabbage. I forgot to eat a bit of fruit but wait! I have a banana and an avocado in my lunch bag, i'll mow those during the course of the morning.

Lunch is a big salad again with peppers, grapes and blueberries. I threw a frozen tilapia fillet in there with some lemon pepper and also a bowl of chopped watermelon.

Today is BBWW day AND Mt Doom day. I feel fine after doing that routine on Thursday so I'm rolling with it.

off to work!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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8/8 Saturday still

I did well today. completed all reps for all sets on bbww, still doing 12 for rows. also added 3 sets of 5 for biceps to see how that treats me.

Did Mt Doom straight away after some light stretching. Meditated up top and made supper. More leftover porkloin n carrots, which is fine cause it tastes all potroasty, n steamed fresh veggies. broccoli, carrots n brussel sprouts.

now deciding: listen to 1984 on audiobook, morrowind, or read robert jordan?


-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Here's a link to a sketch I started tonight to develop a visual reference for the Kitsukan being to whom Avitus is bound. Cause drawing :)


-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Dude.. dude... I just caught up on your posts and after watching Mt. Doom.... jealous. You have an actual mountain to climb, that is pretty much in your back yard. (just ignore me drooling...). I have my valley, but after getting a good look at the bad lands and Rockies last March (spring break volunteer trip) I'm dreaming to get back... Though I do love my Minnesota Valley, there's something about mountains. 



And at the end of Mt. Doom.... yeah might never get their my fear of heights kind of gets to me. 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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I agree about mountainlust, Bouncer. When I was 19 I took a random road trip over the rockies after never having seen mountains before and my mind was blown. The area I live in is pretty well perfect for me. Except the 6 months of winter we tend to get some years. But I've lived in Minnesota, too, so I'm sure you understand. At least I don't have to deal with the cold you do, just the heaps and heaps of snow. Don't mind snow for a few months, it's just the stir crazies when it sticks around longer than that.


08/09 Sunday


Woke up after a very strange night of dreaming...trying to determine if some creeper guy (who happened to look a lot like Carson Daily) was making snuff films. Required myself and a friend to sneak and watch old VHS tapes while he was gone. Very nerve racking. And the footage was, well I can't really remember at the moment but I'm certain it was graphic because I woke up with a very bad feeling inside. ANYHOW, all creepy dreams aside the day is off to a good start.

It's my last day of work before the weekend, dey derker jerrrbs!

Also a beautiful blue jay decided to sing his horrible squawky-screamy song outside my window at 5:30am, so I was definitely awake by 6 to make my paleo breakfast. A carrot, some salad mix, red and orange peppers,  4 eggs, and 2 slices of bacon all partyin together in a bowl.

Holy balls! Today is the last day of week 2!


Lunch is gonna be more porkification-slowcookified with saladiddly n red peppers n orange peppers n jalepeno peppers n grapes nnnnnnn...n that's all.

Today is a rest day and my legs feel all right after yesterdays awesome wanderings, maybe I'll get JadynRayne to tromp up Mt Doom with me. Ledepantz may or may not be available to do so, so it'll be a party of 2 or 3 I'd wager. We'll see.

Better get to work!


Thanks for all the feedback and support everyone!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Ahh never realized that it was possible to have winter without it dropping 40 below? (the last two winters with the speed of wind being the same as the temp almost in Western MN). I'm personally looking into learning cross country skiing to help with the cabin fever. 


Urgh watch 8 mm lately? Probably seen worse, hope your days off are going well. 

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Ahh never realized that it was possible to have winter without it dropping 40 below? (the last two winters with the speed of wind being the same as the temp almost in Western MN). I'm personally looking into learning cross country skiing to help with the cabin fever. 


Urgh watch 8 mm lately? Probably seen worse, hope your days off are going well.

I've never heard of 8mm, I don't have cable. I watch the occasional movie or play games sometimes but otherwise the tv stays off. I don't miss those Minnesota wind chills. About the worst they get around here is -20, but not generally for long stretches.

I dunno about cross country skiing but I definitely want to get involved in some kinda wintery activity. I still get to walk to work every day so maybe I'll just swim at the gym. That sounds awesome.

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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I've never heard of 8mm, I don't have cable. I watch the occasional movie or play games sometimes but otherwise the tv stays off. I don't miss those Minnesota wind chills. About the worst they get around here is -20, but not generally for long stretches.

I dunno about cross country skiing but I definitely want to get involved in some kinda wintery activity. I still get to walk to work every day so maybe I'll just swim at the gym. That sounds awesome.



Ahh just sounded like the movie, heard about it over a podcast... 


Yeah whatever sounds awesome to do for a sport I say go for it! I personally love being outdoors more then in for working out when I gain the confidence and tools I need. 

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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Still holding fast to my quests. Haven't made it up mt doom yet this week, probably had 2 solid opportunities but the rest of the week I've been legitimately busy.

Excited to be approaching level 1!

I've only lost a couple pounds so far, which kinda baffles me but doesn't dishearten. Before the challenge I would drink 10 beers right before bed 4 days a week and follow it with an entire frozen pizza! The fact that doing so only led to a ten pound gain over 6-8 months makes it seem strange that I wouldn't be losing more now. I do eat unhealthy treats around supper time about twice a week (can of vienna sausages, banquet chicken) but I used to eat these things daily, papa johns pizza for lunch 3-5 days a week with no exercise beyond walking to and from work and weekend hikes. Hrm.

Anyways it's cool to see improvements in my BBWW performance, I do the whole thing now with extra curls thrown in and it doesn't destroy me.

I'm thinking for my second half of the challenge I may modify my 1st goal. I would still like to wake at 6, but take on an 8/16 intermittent fasting schedule wed-sun. My feed times would be between noon and 8pm. The point behind this is to jumpstart my weightloss. I will be doing my BBWW during my feed window so I'll be able to have a good meal afterwards. We'll just move the paleo goal to supper and eat reasonably at work, packing a lunch as I have been.

I plan to visit one of my great college friends in September, hopefully if he sees that I've done well he might get fired up too. He ain't much of a nerd but he is an outdoorsman. Always good to look less 30 than one is.

Better get dressed for work. Camping Sunday!!!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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My gosh, you're making me miss Morrowind. There are a few things in there that I think could translate into actual life. Get ready to join the Morag Tong. I'll be over here with my Dark Brotherhood... probably in Cheydinhal. Or chilling out in New Sheoth because Sheogorath is Life.


Blessings of Stendarr upon ye. :D

so did you spitefully steal dralasa's creepy pillow collection too on the initial fighters' guild cave rat quest? I can't help myself, Dunmer are so racist. "Looks like they did get into your (5000) good pillows. Who's the n'wah now?"

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Well my weight's down a bit but my caliper tells me I'm fatter than when I started. I know this to be a scandalous falsehood and will continue practicing with the caliper and maintaining my goals. I start my IF goal adjustment on Wednesday. Get ready to suck it, scale.

Yay, camping today!

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Holy balls crazy bbww! Hardest i pushed myself since 1st time. Switched to prisoner squats/lunges, added 20 vertical hops after my 30 jacks, did my 1st 18 of 30 pushups off my knees and added 12 pounds to my rows. Now I'm feeling em >:}

tried makin paleo onion bombs while camping this weekend; the trial run needs debugging but the concept is sound.

Start my IF protocol tomorrow, but not worried. the boss battle at the lake was a flawless victory but I missed out on CHA practice by avoiding social situations that made me uncomfortable. Still, that's for another challenge, i didn't drink or smoke, i made my meditation both nights and moved my bbww from yesterday to today. still haven't missed a workout; booyaka.

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-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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Missed my early wakeup this morning. i got up at 7 instead of 6. I tell myself it was because it was so cold and my cat was curled up all cute with me. It was really nice to sleep a bit more, though. maybe next challenge I won't grade quite so harsh. Oooor I will cause it really does demand superior effort to get full scores. I'm still riding a B for SQ1.

Eating healthy really is expensive when you don't have much money. I got paid a week ago and am already down to like $60. Getting any savings together is so hard. Suppose it's time to start a detailed spending record and see where I can trim the fat. "That which gets measured gets improved," right?

-Avitus Xenoi-
Race: Ascending Kitsukan
Class: Recruit
STR: 2 | CHA: 1 | | STA: 0 | WIS: 3 | CON: 2.3 | DEX: 0

Avitus' Battle Log

"Avali ne kono ni."

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I've heard cats are the worse wake up calls in the morning. 


Understand the money part, though I've actually got to a point where I just buy whats on sail or the stables for my grocery stores (celery & carrots). I personally have fallen in love with carrots, but I know many can't stand them. I've always heard the tip go for the produce on sale, I personally buy more the expensive stuff as a treat when I really need it. Though for me cutting off most dairy and carb as given me extra bucks (but that's just me, and this is a girl who isn't working quite yet. And I don't buy organic unless they sell it at the grocery store and is only within the same price range). Just the tips I've found this past summer. Good luck with all your goals! 

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"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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