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Howdy! I've been following Nerd Fitness through email since early 2013 and finally decided I need to take action and formally join. I'm 51 and live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I've always been overweight, not seriously obese, but 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds overweight at various times in my life. I’ve been a lifelong gamer, both PC and Xbox. Currently I’m playing Witcher III and looking forward to Forza 6 and Fallout 4. So here is a little of why I’m here.


It started with The Simpsons

A few years after my son was born, I was at a low point physically. I was watching The Simpsons one night and it was the episode where Homer was trying to gain weight so he could work from home. Bart had him get on the scale for a starting weight and he was 239 pounds. For some reason, that made me jump up and go weigh myself. Noticing my size 40 pants were starting to get tight, I got on the scale and I was 238 pounds. That shocked me like nothing ever has, I did not want to be Homer Simpson, but I was almost there!


I tried Weight Watchers and had some initial success, but I never changed my eating habits. I just made sure my points went to Vanilla Wafers, Pecan Sandies and Weight Watchers approved pizza instead of real food. Honestly, at that point I wouldn’t even eat vegetables. Eventually, I fell off the wagon. I read the 4 Hour Body and that was when I started to understand food and how it affected my body. Again, I had good success on that plan and got down to 211 and lowered my body fat from 33% to 22%. Unfortunately, the cheat day turned into cheat weekend and I found myself just maintaining because it took all week to lose what I gained cheating and my weight slowly drifted up to the mid-220’s. Through NF and other resources I started reading about Paleo. I also found a love of some vegetables as well and thought I had a solution for me, and my family.


The Fall of Reach

I have a wonderful son who is autism spectrum, ADHD, has Tourette’s and a few other acronyms associated with him. I’m also married and to be honest, in a terrible relationship. Everyone says get out, it is just hard when next week is our 25th anniversary and my son is still in high school. My wife wants nothing to do with anything healthy and goes out of her way to do things anti-healthy (is that a word?) She has ridiculed me for trying to change my eating habits, resisted any offers of healthy foods and about 8 years ago, decided smoking would be a fun hobby to start because her best friend does. Looking in the pantry, we have 15 boxes of breakfast cereal and she is constantly buying our son candy and cookies. At his last physical, his blood test came back borderline high blood sugar.


I Have to Make a Change

I spent 15 years working a high stress, long hours job that had incredible benefits that I needed for our son. I sacrificed my health and my friends and support network for him to make sure he was taken care of. Just over a year ago, I left and took a pay cut to move to a low stress job where I can work from home. I can finally get real sleep again and can hit the gym 3-4 times a week first thing in the morning. I love to exercise, love to ride my bicycle (any Hotter N’ Hell riders out there?) and love to lift. The gym has been my escape but I feel like I’ve stopped making any progress and am not getting any stronger. I’ve also stopped losing weight and lately seem to be adding body fat instead of losing it.


I desperately need a support group and some accountability so I can move forward. I know what I need to do, I’m just not executing on it. I need your support to get me to my goals of under 200 lb and under 20% body fat. I’d also love to have some friends on fitbit and MyFitnessPal as well. Thanks for listening!



Xbox Live – Reno

fitbit – https://www.fitbit.com/user/24QTHB

myfitnesspal – f2point8


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Lets do this! I'm not on MFP but do use fitbit (when I don't forget it on the charger or let it die!)


I'd strongly suggest couples therapy with the wife if she's purposely seeking out destructive/unhealthy behaviors for both you and your son. 


Lastly, how about you? Other than losing weight what do you want to do? Climb? Run? Jump? Lift heavy things? Lets go for broke, what have you always wanted to do that you thought was AWESOME but you'd never be able to do? Let's do that :D Time to break it down and put some work in, you have all the support and resources at your finger tips. 


It's the start of your AWESOME journey!

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Welcome to the rebellion fellow Texan! Which half of DFW is closer to your heart, Fort Worth or Dallas?  I second Slates' recommendation to get counseling, and if your wife won't go, get some for yourself. The relationship sounds abusive (although not physically) and toxic. Good on you for getting the job you need, not the job your son needs.  NF is a great place for encouragement and support, both in terms of fitness and life in general.  Let me tell you something no one may have told you for a while. You are a good man, and deserve respect. No one has the right to treat you badly, or ridicule you in any way.  You are not your problems.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome! I third the suggestion for the therapy. I don't know what MFP is but I am saving up for one of those FitBit things. I don't live anywhere near you but having just gotten (mostly - damn state rules won't let me get a divorce yet) out of a unhealthy relationship, I'd be more than happy to be a part of your support group!

BayouPrincess / About / Battle Log / Challenges: #1, #2, #3

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Welcome to the rebellion! It is amazing what changes you have made so far. I love the fact that you have made your health a priority and went forward with your job change. You have accomplished a lot in the face of some tough situations. When you're ready, I think counseling might be an option to help further support your changes. I hope your wife will go with you if that's what you want too.


I'm on MFP and desperately trying to stay on my tracking this time around, so I will friend you.

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Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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Wow, I don't know what to say, thanks so much everyone for your replies and support, I very much appreciate it! Thanks also for the vote on counseling, As she says I "forced her to go" sadly it didn't accomplish anything and I was told it was a waste of time. Sigh. Anyway, I will keep moving forward. Some of you asked what my goals are and thinking about it the last few days, lean and strong just doesn't mean anything. So here are some numbers I need to hold myself to accomplishing (gulp!)


Lean - while I have a weight goal I'd like to see (having a 1 as the first digit of my weight) my main goal is to lose body fat. My goal is less than 20%, a bit of a hike from my current 26% but way better than the 33% I started with.


Strong - I want to boost my 5 rep max dead lift, bench press and squat to 200lb. Currently I'm at 120, 140 and 90. Doable? I'm going to see if I can make it happen.


Again, thanks so much for the support and confidence, it means a lot to me!

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Sorry counseling didn't help the relationship. It can still help you as it does for me. So you have defined your goals more specifically (and yes, they are all doable). What are the first steps you are going to take to get there (and it's ok if you're not sure yet, we have lots of ideas)?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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