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Starting Over, Waaaaaaaay over

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I have been on this site on and off, and have participated in a couple of six weeks challenges, though have never finished one. I am also a member of the NF academy, though have not made a lot of progress.

I have always struggled off and on with my fitness and health, sometimes I fall into a slump, and I just cannot get out of it. Last year I competed in two Spartan Races, and a Tough Mudder, and shortly after that, I fell off the wagon, and did not do anything. My diet has been a sea of fast food restraunts, alchol, and sitting on the couch, for the past year. I am in the worst shape I have ever been in my life. It hurts my back so bad just walking, and I am so stiff in the morning.
I got to a point, where I mostly haven't cared about my health, or my fitness. I have wanted to have fun and be irresponsible with my body. And unfortunately because of it, I am in pain physically, all the time. I am also not in the best place mentally or emotionally.

I am now realizing that this is against the path that I folow, or rather, am supposed to. Also I am causing myself a lot of future health problems, and by continuing to build these bad habits it is just going to be harder to fix them in the future.

The current problem I am facing is not really knowing where to start. I feel like the only thing I can do is walk right now, but I want to get into the workouts that I used to do. But, I feel like if I did that, I would be pushing my body a little too far, and I am concerned about putting the stress on my heart. Also, I hate drinking water, and have a hard time eating right. I feel like I can have whatever I want, whenever I want, so it is hard to turn down Burger KIng or Ramen, for Chicken and vegetables. Especially because, well, I hate chicken and vegtables.

I have started to make some changes, I have bought a lot of water enhancers, to help me drink water. I have stopped buying fast food for myself, and try to work in veggies here and there, but still love microwavable dinners, and all of that.

I am still working on my goals.

"Enjoy your faults, that's what separates you from the rest of the world, that's what makes you special." -Marilyn Manson

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If you can walk, walk the heck out of things. Try a very modified beginner body weight workout to start out. Don't try and change everything all at once, make a few small changes at first to the way you eat and then build back up to eating healthy by making more small changes along the way.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Get your ass up and stretch.  Not so it hurts, just so you move around and get your circulation going.  Put on some music, wave your arms and legs a little, dance.  Right now.  Go on, you know you want to.




... now then.  If your back hurts, go see a doctor (and take a look at your posture, especially the way you sit at the computer -- when my back hurts that's usually the culprit).


If you hate water, try tea or sparkling water or whatever floats your boat.  Those "enhancers" may or may not be ideal, read the label and see what's in them (if they contain a lot of sugar, think again).


Unless you have an actual cardiac condition that prohibits working out, don't worry so much about stressing your heart.  It's designed to thrive on a little bit of stress.  It needs prodding once in a while.  You evolved to pick up things and run away from hungry bears, give yourself a chance to do that.  Don't work so hard you get dizzy, and you'll be fine.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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@Tanktimus the Encourager I have actually been intrigued by the walk to Mordor Challenge, I have wanted to look into that and maybe ways to make it more fun for me.


@Raincloak I have always loved that song by Toby Mac, been awhile since I heard it, so thank you. I do need to stretch, no argument there, it is important. I know that the water enhancers are not the healthiest thing on the planet, but in my curent situation, all I drink is soda, energy drinks, and alcohol, so considering for the moment that the enhancers are actually helping me to be consious about drinking water, it does seem like at least a step in the right direction-I could be wrong.


But yes, I have always had bad posture and back issues, as a kid I was constantly tested for scoliosis but never had it. When I am running and in shape it helps, but at the moment, I literally walk from one room to the other and am out of breath. My body sometimes craps out on me, and the doctors have no idea why. I really do want to begin walking and stretching, because I do feel that it is at least a start.

"Enjoy your faults, that's what separates you from the rest of the world, that's what makes you special." -Marilyn Manson

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mmm yeah, you probably don't need us to tell you that soda, energy drinks and alcohol are like the worst possible things for you.  I actually think beer is better for you than soda.


I suppose "enhanced water" is a tolerable crutch, but if you ask me, cold turkey might be the best solution here.  If you decided to swear off canned sludge for a month, you'd find your tastebuds adapt, and the next time you tried soda it would seem unbearably sugary (which it is).


Try shotgunning a glass of water when you get up in the morning, and then another one at 11 am, 2 pm, 6 pm.  Just do it, man up.  It won't kill you, I promise.  Fill up a bottle and carry it around and take sips whenever you feel like it.  If you must have soda, drink another glass of water first.  If you have caffeine withdrawal (and you probably will), drink some coffee.  Yeah it's bitter, but you can take your medicine.  You're tough.


you might find that you feel less shitty when you're properly hydrated and not dumping all those toxins into your system.  And I'd be willing to bet money that some weight will drop off within a week, because you'll retain less water and you'll have cut your sugar intake way down.  


You want to feel better, right?  How bad do you want it?

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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I have tried to quit soda so many times, I have the worst withdrawals, especially because it does escalate my migraines, and to be honest I have tried the coffee and tea thing, I just hate coffee. Tea works sometimes, I have even switched to diet soda at times. And I know, it is worse for you supposedly, but I have heard mixed reviews. The sugar from soda will crystalize in your body, but the aspertain (sp) from diet soda is horrible for you. So it does seem like either way with soda, you lose. I have tried, I hate the withdrawals, it is like a drug, because, well, it is.


I know I need more water, which is why I try the enhancers, even as a kid I never drank water because I just wasn't thirsty, so it has always been a struggle, and I am working on it. But as far as the soda and how bad I want to feel better, I mean, honestly, not that badly. When I was competing I had a decent diet, but not perfect, and was working out as much as possible, at one point I was doing the P-90x doubles, which isn't saying much, but I like to think it was pretty good for me, but, I still drank soda, and did pretty well. At this point my goal is just to make it less Soda, and as much water as possible, however that can be done.


I will try shotgunning at those times, because that is something that I have not tried yet, I think it could be helpful.

"Enjoy your faults, that's what separates you from the rest of the world, that's what makes you special." -Marilyn Manson

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