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Just wanted to drop a quick update with some more good news:


As of this mornings weigh in, I am down 50 pounds!  Still have some to go but wow, what a difference.  Had a friend and a coworker ask me how I am doing it this week, that felt great!  BP is really good, if not a little too low, seeing my cardiologist on Tuesday next week so hopefully, we can adjust the old healing potions amounts.  Also, CPAP fitting overnight got rescheduled, insurance was a little slow to approve so it is now 11/14.  Progress continues but we are going in the right direction, cheating death is a daily game but one that I have embraced!

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Had my 3 month checkup with the cardiologist this morning and she said I looked great, down 48 pounds on her scale, BP running low and Triglycerides down over 100 points!  She asked what I was doing, primal, walking, lifting, keeping carbs between 50 and 100.  She not only said to keep it up but that I could half the dosage of one of my 2 remaining healing potions.  She did a double take when she saw me and then looked over my chart, it felt pretty darn good.  Next appt is in 6 months, backing off from the every 3 month visit schedule, another win.  Today did not feel like a cheat but a legitimate victory!  Another battle won but the war continues and I must remain vigilant and consistent!

The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Six months ago to the date I died and if you made it this far you know the story so no need to rehash, this will be my last update post in this forum on this topic as the respawn is complete, from here on out it will be only WOOTS!  My BP is stable and in the good range 109/78 this morning.  I still take 2 healing potions daily but that is down from 5 and 1 of the 2 is at a reduced dosage.  I have lost 3†from my neck and chest and 8†from my waist.  I have lost 65 pounds, following the primal diet, walking 6 days a week and lifting weights 5 days a week along with my study of Taekwondo.  At my most recent cardiologist visit in November, my cholesterol and triglycerides were both good as well as my AC1 and blood sugar.  I was also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea (about 30 pounds ago) and am still struggling to fully use my CPAP but making progress and hopeful that further weight loss and fitness may resolve that issue as well. 


I feel better than I have in a long time and must look the part as lots of friends and colleagues are giving me positive feedback.  I am nearing the waist size I was in college when I was in decent shape.  I want to thank you all for your kind words, your support and encouragement as I took these steps in my journey.  I still have some pounds to drop, would like to lose another 20 and then shift my focus to building muscle over losing fat.  This community means a great deal to me and have helped me on this journey, thank you for everything you have done.  Just living to do from here on out, don't plan on dying again anytime soon......keeps eye out for wayward beer trucks and buses.

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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