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Escaping my captivity

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It seemed like I never had a problem getting fitness in. I had belonged to gyms, managed to get workouts in before I went to work or on my lunch hour. I wasn't in bodybuilding/competition shape, but I felt fairly good about  myself. Eight years ago, I started a new job. I was especially excited about one of the perks... it had a full-size gym, that was FREE to employees. Not only does it have weights and lots of treadmills, ellipticals, rowers, stationary bikes, but it has a full-size pool, offers a variety of group fitness classes like spinning, yoga, Russian Kettlebell, Couch 2 5K, etc, water aerobics, etc. I took full advantage of this benefit. My new co-workers talked me into joining a kettlebell class, and I loved it! I had started to follow the Eat Clean diet by Tosca Reno and was making progress.


Then, 5 years ago, the company re-structured, and I was assigned to a new department. My new co-workers were definitely NOT into working out. My first day, I was eating the lunch I brought and one girl walked up to me and said, "You're one of those healthy eaters, aren't you?" Three of the girls would go down to the company cafe every morning and get popcorn and diet Mountain Dew for their "breakfast." To them, "lunch" was going into the conference room at exactly noon, and eat McDonald's, pizza or something they got at the cafeteria. They could not understand how I could take "lunch" at 11:10 and go to a kettlebell class, and then eat at my desk. I also noticed that they looked down upon anyone that took time off during the day to workout.


Then, I got promoted. Soon, meetings were scheduled right over my kettlebell class. I eventually had to stop going. I decided to just focus on weightlifting instead. But, then more meetings were scheduled, and not even giving me enough time in between them to get over to the gym, change, workout, shower, change and get back to my desk. Blocking off time on my calendar didn't even help. Someone would just schedule a meeting right over that time. My workload also picked up. I was bringing work home, and often worked until 2am, then got up and went into work at 8am. All this neglect to my self has added up to almost 40 pounds. My clothes don't fit, my joints are starting to feel stiff and achey and I feel tired and unmotivated.


Also, my commute is a problem. My job is an hour and a half away. Plus, I carpool. So getting to the gym early or staying after work to workout is almost impossible. I have worked out at home in the mornings, but I had found that my strength workouts were lacking. Cardio workouts are do-able in the mornings though. Plus, I need to get in the shower by 5:30am, so I can leave my house by 6:30am.


My husband is also a slight hurdle. He has taken it upon himself to make dinners, ever since I've been at this job. First of all, he is not a good cook, and relies mainly on packaged, processed foods (like taco kits, Hamburger Helper, Manwich) for our dinners. I had always been the cook, but since I had been working so much, and have the long commute, he decided that he would cook to "help out." My best plan of attack is that I need to plan meals better, and make meals ahead of time, so all he has to do is pop them into the oven or on the grill. Oh, and did I mention his food allergies? He is allergic to fish and poultry. In the past, I would make something with beef and pork on one day, and plan for him to eat the leftovers the next day, so I could have chicken, fish or vegetarian. I need to go back to doing that.


My workload has been much more manageable lately, so it's time to escape the captivity of my co-workers, work and basicaly having my life live by everyone else. I want to go back to lifting weights and riding my bike. I want to fit into cool clothes again, instead of trying to hide my big belly, big hips and love handles. I want to feel alive again.


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~** L1 Wood Elf Warrior **~

STR - 4 | DEX - 0 | STA - 0 | CON - 4 |  WIS - 2 | CHA - 0 |


Main Quest: Lose 50 Lbs.


First Quest: Strength Train 4x a week (19 workouts total).


Second Quest: Meal prep on Sundays (5 total).


Third Quest: Drink 64 oz water daily (28 days).



Challenge Thread


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Welcome (though I'm new as well)! 


It sounds like you've got a pretty awesome set up as far as available equipment, though I certainly understand scheduling being an issue. I've also had to deal with less than enthusiastic co-workers. Every one thinks I'm crazy getting out of the gym at 5 am at the end of a 12 hour shift. It's also crazy de-motivating (I'm not sure if that's a word) to have co-workers that seem to make you feel outcast for wanting to be in shape. What I do is just focus on my goals and stay enthusiastic about my progress. Usually they either catch the bug or I end up using their lack of enthusiasm to fuel my fire and remind me of my old mentality/the mentality I don't want to have. 


I look forward to hearing about your adventures in getting back into routine!

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In case you were wondering it's pronounced rye-dough, but most call me Rai (like the whiskey) for short.


My current challenge can be found HERE


<<Insert witty, motivational statement here>>


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Thanks! I’m really interested in learning how to develop my stats as a role-player. I had played several RPG in previous years (Avalon, Aardwolf among them). I always thought it would be cool that I could build up my STR stats whenever I worked out with weights. Yoga workouts could go towards DEX, etc. 


So, if I’m reading all correctly, I pretty much have to wait until the next challenge begins? Does anyone else keep a character sheet (like you would for D&D?) or is that only for Nerd Academy.


I’m leaning towards being a wood-elf warrior. 

~** L1 Wood Elf Warrior **~

STR - 4 | DEX - 0 | STA - 0 | CON - 4 |  WIS - 2 | CHA - 0 |


Main Quest: Lose 50 Lbs.


First Quest: Strength Train 4x a week (19 workouts total).


Second Quest: Meal prep on Sundays (5 total).


Third Quest: Drink 64 oz water daily (28 days).



Challenge Thread


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This was shared with me so I shall share it with you: https://habitica.com/static/front  Make real life an RPG.  :)  I'm liking it so far...especially the silly pixel art.  But it is a nice thing to take my usual post-it to-do's, calendar dates, and habits I would like to build and gamify them. 


I feel you on the office as well.  Everyone I work with constantly talks about eating healtheir and "doing better."  Then, the next day, there's 3...literally 3 boxes of cupcakes laid out at our desks.  It's madness!  lol

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I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused.

One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum."  If you want peace, prepare for war. 

Two: The old me is dead...he died with his old habits.  The new me will be stronger, faster, sharper, better.


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Hi other newbie!


I totally understand the work life struggle. I used to get backhanded compliments on my salads everyday from some of my coworkers.


I also have a small husband hurdle, but mine is that he prefers to get carry-out or go to the corner diner for every meal. It's not that he thinks I'm a bad cook, but he feels everyone gets what they want and there's more time for Magic or Mario Kart if no one has to spend a bunch of time in the kitchen prepping and cooking. He's coming around though... I just had to start cooking a ton of different Asian recipes (fast and healthy with a few modifications).


Just wanted to say "you are not alone!"





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Whole30 - 30 days down 0 to go...




You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you. - Faye Valentine




Link to my blog for day to day rambling: http://melsuarez79.blogspot.com/

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Welcome to the rebellion. You certainly have some hurdles to overcome, but it sounds like you're on the right track to jump them. The stats are generally tied in to the six week challenges, completion of goals leads to stat points to be distributed. We are in week 2 of our current challenge, why not head over to the recruit section to learn how to get started?

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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