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Right then here goes,

I'm 28, I'm 5ft 6 and currently weigh 252lbs. I've gotten to the point where enough is enough and I need to get this shit sorted out.

I work in finance and so I spend most of my day sat on my ass in front of a pc. I then come home, have dinner and again, either sit in front of a pc or sit in front of the TV till I'm tired and go to bed.

(I know what your thinking, party animal eh!)

As far as fitness goes I go to the gym once a week with a PT and we train for about 45/50 minutes.

I recently bought myself a Fitbit on the advise that it would be good to help me step up my game and monitor what I actually do. All I know so far is that I don't sleep much (I'm lucky if I get 3 hours sleep a night) and that my step goals are currently set at 8,000 and I can do this but then sort of stop. There is no push in me.

I try my best to eat healthy and make most of my food from scratch, fresh ingredients, lean meats etc etc as long as I plan ahead. But there are nights when I forget or just cant be bothered and so it's off to the takeaway we go. And then it's a downward spiral. To say I have a sweet tooth would be a mahooosive understatement. I'm addicted to sweets, I get the shakes when I don't have them and I will eat them until I'm sick. I drink way too much fizzy pop and I'm suffering for it.

There are a lot of things happening in the upcoming months/year and if I'm honest I don't want to be the fat mess that I currently am. I have friends getting married and my brother is planning his wedding, I'm going back to college in September to get fully qualified as a HLTA and for this I'm going to need energy to keep up with the kids and being on my feet all day, everyday.

Also, I've recently gotten engaged myself and I desperately, do not, DO NOT, want to be a fat bride. I don't think I can handle the torture of trying to find a dress I will like that fits my size 22 ass in it and feel confident in myself. I think I'd rather die than go through that. And as that's not really an option, here I am.

So what do I plan on doing?!

I want to lose 100lbs to begin with.

To get there I will up my steps goal to 10,000 (I know I can do this, I just need to stick it out)

I'm going to book another PT in the week and go to the gym twice a week rather than just once.

I'm also going to wean myself off the sweets and fizzy drinks.

Wish me luck

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Welcome to the rebellion. Diet is about 80% of weight loss, so cleaning up what you eat (and drink) will be the biggest step you need to take to meet your goal. You may want to consider working out more than twice a week as well.

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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I have your back. Im more then willing to help you get to your goal. Like Tanktimus said, diet really is the biggest key to success in this area. If you want I can sort out an accountability program with you. (My friend and I are doing this its really awesome) you can do thia. You will be the hot bride you deserve to be. YOU GOT THIS!!!!!! RAWR!!!!

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You can do this! Getting rid of the fizzy drinks is a great start😊 walking is also amazing! A half hour a day! Small steps add up to big change! You've got this! Good luck on your journey! You've got a lot of people at NF here for you 😊

-Jadyn Rayne-
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"Not all who wander are lost."
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